Interesting reading...
Yosemite trademark debate raises more questions. February 04, 2016 07:52AM | Registered: 13 years ago Posts: 220 |
Re: Yosemite trademark debate raises more questions. February 04, 2016 12:34PM | Registered: 13 years ago Posts: 1,986 |
February 04, 2016 07:52PM | Registered: 15 years ago Posts: 1,375 |
After reading that, all trademarked names need to be given to the NPS. Then they really need to change all contracts to read that names of places are to be licensed for use by the concessionaires only during the period of time that they have the contract. Otherwise, companies are using names to force the NPS to extend or renew contracts. The NPS didn't keep up with the times and dropped the ball and concessionaires took advantage of that. I don't understand why DNC would just not dropped the whole thing or take the amount that the NPS agrees to. The names mean nothing outside of the park and people are still going to go to Yosemite even if the names are different. All this has gotten DNC is ill feelings from the public, which they deserve.
Re: Yosemite trademark debate raises more questions. February 05, 2016 04:05PM | Registered: 13 years ago Posts: 1,986 |
February 05, 2016 06:22PM | Admin Registered: 15 years ago Posts: 17,122 |
February 05, 2016 11:12PM | Registered: 15 years ago Posts: 4,173 |
Re: Yosemite trademark debate raises more questions. February 06, 2016 03:50PM | Registered: 13 years ago Posts: 1,986 |
Re: Yosemite trademark debate raises more questions. February 06, 2016 03:49PM | Registered: 13 years ago Posts: 1,986 |
February 05, 2016 06:47PM | Registered: 15 years ago Posts: 1,375 |
I agree. DNC was so sure that they were going to get the contract that they spent all that money the past several years on completely remodeling rooms, the stores, etc even when they were working under a temporary contract while the Merced River Plan was being finalized. As I see it, trademarking more names behind the NPS's back was done with lots of forethought about how they could get an advantage with the bidding and if they lost the contract they could make the transition difficult.
I have read on several sites where people are saying that they are boycotting DNC but I do wish that they would make sure that they are boycotting the right places. There have been people that have cancelled reservations in Yosemite that are after March 1st not understanding that DNC will only have Tenaya Lodge at that point. I have also seen where people have been saying about boycotting Yellowstone and Grand Canyon not understanding that DNC does not run everything in those parks. I would hate to see other concessionaires suffer or people cancel their vacations because they didn't do their research on who is running what.
February 05, 2016 07:02PM | Registered: 15 years ago Posts: 1,375 |
Re: Yosemite trademark debate raises more questions. February 06, 2016 03:53PM | Registered: 13 years ago Posts: 1,986 |
I found one interesting trademark registration. It looks like a concessionaire registered the trademark for LeConte Lodge at Great Smoky Mountains NP. Apparently this was done with the OK of NPS, and the registration was assigned to NPS. NPS then licenses it to the concessionaire for $200/year.
So I'm not quite sure how broad reaching this is, since it sounds so similar to LeConte Memorial Lodge. Heck - I remember taking classes at LeConte Hall at UC Berkeley.
Re: Yosemite trademark debate raises more questions. February 07, 2016 06:15AM | Registered: 13 years ago Posts: 220 |