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Re: What color is your sleeping bag?

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avatar What color is your sleeping bag?
March 01, 2016 10:33AM
55 votes were received.
All visitors can vote.
What color is the right sleeping bag?

Please respond.
I beg of thee.
It's not in 3D.
I know I can see.
Don't just let it be.

Feel free to respond in words also... but please vote.

Chick-on is looking at you!

Chick-on is looking at you!
avatar Re: What color is your sleeping bag?
March 01, 2016 10:51AM
Why the limited amount of colors to choose from? Most of my sleeping bags are red, blue or green (though I do have an orange one).

Re: What color is your sleeping bag?
March 01, 2016 10:59AM
The idea is to identify the color of the sleeping bag in the photo on the right in the poll. Basic color names are good enough.

Please vote.
avatar Re: What color is your sleeping bag?
March 01, 2016 12:09PM
The idea is to identify the color of the sleeping bag in the photo on the right in the poll. Basic color names are good enough.

Please vote.

Thank you for the explanation. When he wrote "right" I thought he meant as the "correct" color to have, not that he was asking what is the color of the sleeping back "on the right".

Re: What color is your sleeping bag?
March 01, 2016 04:43PM
In that case, orange. Tennessee (as in Tennessee Vols) orange to be exact.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/01/2016 04:47PM by The Other Tom.
avatar Re: What color is your sleeping bag?
March 01, 2016 11:06AM
Stupor Tuesday Polling?
Re: What color is your sleeping bag?
March 01, 2016 11:12AM
No. Nothing to do with real voting. This is an actual dispute over the color of the bag.
Re: What color is your sleeping bag?
March 01, 2016 11:31AM
It looks more orange than yellow to me. The one on the left almost looks watermelon color.
Re: What color is your sleeping bag?
March 01, 2016 11:34AM
Hi Parklover!!

U are the second person this morning to say watermelon for the left bag!!! (First was private text message).

I will give this poll more time and then explain. It's really not a joke. I would like honest answers.
Re: What color is your sleeping bag?
March 01, 2016 11:38AM
HI JKW It reminds me of the thing with the dress that was on all the news a few months ago. I can understand friendly dispute on things where you have to get input from others. Can't wait to hear the reason.
avatar Re: What color is your sleeping bag?
March 01, 2016 11:37AM
write in ballot...goldenrod.
avatar Re: What color is your sleeping bag?
March 01, 2016 11:39AM
Can I revote? I think its Fulvous.
avatar Re: What color is your sleeping bag?
March 01, 2016 12:14PM
I was thinking goldenrod, but I checked against a color table and the closest I can come up with is "saffron".
Re: What color is your sleeping bag?
March 01, 2016 12:22PM
Saffron is good but pumpkin comes to mind too.
avatar Re: What color is your sleeping bag?
March 01, 2016 12:25PM
The one on the right is definitely orange. (In fact both bags are a shade of orange.)

When in doubt, always refer to Crayola: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Crayola_crayon_colors wink

(Note: the one on the left is closest to Crayola's sunset orange.

avatar Re: What color is your sleeping bag?
March 01, 2016 12:32PM
watermelon and mango? Is there some sort of prize for the correct guess? Such as a piece of Ahwahnee china, or a National Parks centennial tee shirt? grinning smiley
Re: What color is your sleeping bag?
March 01, 2016 01:26PM
The bag on the left is RED

The bag on the right is ORANGE.
avatar Re: What color is your sleeping bag?
March 01, 2016 03:30PM
Please respond ... as to why after I begged ... you turkeys can't
look at a picture and click a radio dial and then clicky again.

The correct answer may be numba fore.

tongue sticking out smiley

Chick-on is looking at you!
Re: What color is your sleeping bag?
March 01, 2016 03:37PM
Caucasian. Even when it's awake.
avatar Re: What color is your sleeping bag?
March 01, 2016 04:08PM
Pure orange, in hex color, is #FF8000. Pure yellow is #FFFF00.

Poking around with Gimp's color-picker, I get codes like: #FFB06E (in the brightest spot), #EF8D42, and in more shaded areas BE6221 and #BC641D.

This is, by and large, orange.
avatar Re: What color is your sleeping bag?
March 01, 2016 05:11PM
Pure orange, in hex color, is #FF8000. Pure yellow is #FFFF00.


Back in the day of film photography, I was taught the "color" zone system (not to be confused with Adam Ansel's zone system for B&W photography). The color zone system was very useful for getting the correct exposure while shooting slides.

One leaned that the difference between Yellow and Orange was basically that Orange was Yellow underexposed by a full stop. It was a very easy way to turn shimmering yellow Aspen leaves into shimmering orange Aspen leaves. wink

avatar Re: What color is your sleeping bag?
March 02, 2016 08:37PM
not to be confused with Adam Ansel's zone system for B&W photography

It's the same zone system. Why would it be anything else?
avatar Re: What color is your sleeping bag?
March 02, 2016 11:49PM
not to be confused with Adam Ansel's zone system for B&W photography

It's the same zone system. Why would it be anything else?

No, not exactly. The B&W zone system that Ansel used included adjustments not just to the exposure of the negative, but to the exposure of the print in the darkroom.

The zone system used for color slide photography is a lot simpler and is about using a spot meter on a known color value and manually adjusting the exposure of the shot accordingly. It's something I learned first from Galen Rowell, but it was first developed and taught by Neil Chaput de Saintonge, the founder of the Rocky Mountain School of Photography (and was taught by many of the school's instructors through the years.)


avatar Re: What color is your sleeping bag?
March 03, 2016 12:43AM
No, not exactly. The B&W zone system that Ansel used included adjustments not just to the exposure of the negative, but to the exposure of the print in the darkroom.



The zone system used for color slide photography is a lot simpler and is about using a spot meter on a known color value and manually adjusting the exposure of the shot accordingly.

That's what the Zone System is all about; but can also include adjusting the exposure curve during development. Works for color just as well. If you don't think so, you don't understand the concepts.
avatar Re: What color is your sleeping bag?
March 01, 2016 04:35PM
The pack cover in the photo...
is this pack cover...

Feel free to change ur vote... or vote again

smiling smiley

Chick-on is looking at you!
Re: What color is your sleeping bag?
March 01, 2016 04:58PM
It's black and blue... no, while and gold.

I'll go with mustard and avocado (yum!)--and poor white balance.
Re: What color is your sleeping bag?
March 01, 2016 06:17PM
Well, I'm inclined to say watermelon and goldenrod for the two bags but my wife (who has worked in or with graphics and art production her whole professional life) assures me that I'm terrible with recognizing most colors! eye popping smiley
avatar Re: What color is your sleeping bag?
March 01, 2016 07:16PM
JKW has given me grief / a hard time / ribbing / chiding / guff / u name it...
With my incredible ability to name the colours of the rainbow...
ok... maybe just my gear...

Here are the bags above... with an ORANGE Tigger... an ORANGE dry bag...
and a "yellow" dry bag...

What color is the dry bag on the right? Or the right dry bag in Wisconsineeeez?

Chick-on is looking at you!
avatar Re: What color is your sleeping bag?
March 01, 2016 07:44PM
There is an infinite variety of "color" between "Orange" and "Yellow", as wavelengths. The question is...to which is it closer? The RGB codes do show that the bag is on the "yellow" side of orange, but they also show orange being dominant.
Re: What color is your sleeping bag?
March 02, 2016 01:36PM
They don't look the same color in this picture as they did in the first one.
avatar Re: What color is your sleeping bag?
March 01, 2016 07:18PM
Next question (of which I am continually blasted on... )

What color is the bag?

Chick-on is looking at you!
Re: What color is your sleeping bag?
March 01, 2016 07:28PM
He's getting desperate now... I've seen the sleeping bag and dark colored bag under his packers hat in question in the sun. It's obvious what color they are... Poor thing. He needs a little time to accept.... I'll explain tomorrow.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/01/2016 07:29PM by JustKeepWalking.
avatar Re: What color is your sleeping bag?
March 01, 2016 07:42PM
Poor thing. He needs a little time to accept.... I'll explain tomorrow.

You mean the RGB color codes pulled from his picture didn't help?
Re: What color is your sleeping bag?
March 01, 2016 08:06PM
Poor thing. He needs a little time to accept.... I'll explain tomorrow.

You mean the RGB color codes pulled from his picture didn't help?

U and others were awesome..!!!

U were clear and used a more objective method as is my preference!

I also loved chicagocwright's clear and concise "red on left, orange on right."

But Chick-on is so darned stubborn!

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 03/01/2016 08:14PM by JustKeepWalking.
Re: What color is your sleeping bag?
March 01, 2016 09:30PM
I'd call it pumpkin. A yellowy orange or orangish yellow.

If JKW rubbed her Cheeto covered fingers on it the bag would appear to look yellow but it Basilbop blew his nose on it the bag would appear orange.
avatar Re: What color is your sleeping bag?
March 02, 2016 07:17AM
I'd call it pumpkin. A yellowy orange or orangish yellow.

If JKW rubbed her Cheeto covered fingers on it the bag would appear to look yellow but it Basilbop blew his nose on it the bag would appear orange.

Obviously this is a conspiracy.

JKW prolly stuffing the ballot box to no ends...


And have you seen her quilt lately? talk about needing a bib!

tongue sticking out smiley

Chick-on is looking at you!
Re: What color is your sleeping bag?
March 02, 2016 05:51AM
Looks gray on my monitor but could have hints of black/green
avatar Re: What color is your sleeping bag?
March 02, 2016 07:05AM
The Other Tom
Looks gray on my monitor but could have hints of black/green

Oh please let's not get into the black/green debate!
avatar Re: What color is your sleeping bag?
March 02, 2016 06:19AM

Old Dude
avatar Re: What color is your sleeping bag?
March 02, 2016 07:18AM
Just so we are clear here...

This is what we are dealing with:

Grinning Devil

Chick-on is looking at you!
Re: What color is your sleeping bag?
March 02, 2016 07:25AM
Jacket: red
Sign: yellow, despite photoshoppage
Chick-on is looking at you! : on thin ice (and probably claiming it's "boating" )
avatar Re: What color is your sleeping bag?
March 02, 2016 07:27AM
rut roh!

Backpack cova : orange

Shirtie: Chartruce

tongue sticking out smiley

Chick-on is looking at you!
avatar Re: What color is your sleeping bag?
March 02, 2016 07:31AM
Chick-on is looking at you! : on thin ice (and probably claiming it's "boating" )

Do I need a bigger boat?

tongue sticking out smiley

Chick-on is looking at you!
Re: What color is your sleeping bag?
March 02, 2016 07:33AM

You wouldn't budge until I stood next to that sign! Grrrr....

And the bag is ORANGE, NOT YELLOW!

The outside of the bag is charcoal, it's so faded. Sure, it may have been a dark green when it was new, but now... The inside shows the green better, but...

All, I had a yellow jacket with me... And that sleeping bag is obviously orange, as in navel orange orange. And Chick-on keeps saying it's yellow... Sigh....

And I won't even go into display discrepancies which may have led some of you to say yellow. Sigh, again...
avatar Re: What color is your sleeping bag?
March 02, 2016 08:43AM
If the choices are orange and yellow then the bag is definitely orange. Where did the "it's yellow" come from?? I have the same bag and it's orange. Chick-ons are color blind you know. I think all the wearing of the yellow cheese-head thing did something to the rods and cones.

Old Dude
avatar Re: What color is your sleeping bag?
March 02, 2016 08:35PM
Where did the "it's yellow" come from?

You don't want to know. Grinning Devil
avatar Re: What color is your sleeping bag?
March 03, 2016 11:46AM
I thought the bag looked like a big Twinkie.

sad smiley

Some would say that I am left-brained....
or that I left my brain at the door.

Chick-on is looking at you!
avatar Re: What color is your sleeping bag?
March 02, 2016 07:29AM
OK... so...

The correct answer is actually:

Majestic Ahwahnee Yellow


North Butter Mountain Goldenrod

but any answer is unacceptable

if you would have gotten it right you would have one a
yellow caribiner:

Chick-on is looking at you!
avatar Re: What color is your sleeping bag?
March 02, 2016 07:30AM
Final question:

Did I win?

Chick-on is looking at you!

Chick-on is looking at you!
avatar Re: What color is your sleeping bag?
March 03, 2016 12:33PM
Final question:

Did I win?

Chick-on is looking at you!

Here's your prize: http://www.ske-art.com/skestuff9/B00AWT2QCE
avatar Re: What color is your sleeping bag?
March 02, 2016 07:40AM
Of course non of this matters...

it's all mostly for fun...

We have fun out there. Always do. And will continue to.

Leave you with this ... it's definitely a yellow rainbow

Z Ol Yellow Chick-on.

tongue sticking out smiley

Chick-on is looking at you!

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/02/2016 07:41AM by chick-on.
Re: What color is your sleeping bag?
March 02, 2016 08:32AM
avatar Re: What color is your sleeping bag?
March 06, 2016 08:43AM
Obviously I'm nuts because I also believe that you can see
Half a Dome from Turlock...
(and in little green men)

tongue sticking out smiley

Chick-on is looking at you!
avatar Re: What color is your sleeping bag?
March 06, 2016 01:12PM
Obviously I'm nuts because I also believe that you can see
Half a Dome from Turlock...
(and in little green men)

tongue sticking out smiley

Not MORE photoshopping!?

Old Dude
avatar Re: What color is your sleeping bag?
March 06, 2016 02:46PM
And from Denair and Patterson too. grinning smiley

BTW, can you name all the Sierra peaks seen in your photo?

Leave No Trace
avatar Re: What color is your sleeping bag?
March 07, 2016 07:16AM
It's all Turlock to me.

Bay Area / Turlock / Yosemite

tongue sticking out smiley

Thanks to the amazing number of votes ... (I'm being sarcastic)

Not gonna name the peaks... the "big ones" are obvious, no? tongue sticking out smiley
Seriously... you can find the names here:

Along with a better picture...

When first looking... I mistook Merced Peak for Mt. Florence... ooops.... once you see Clark... you
realize u tamaracked it... and can reposition ur eyeballz and easily see Half a Dome, Sentinel Dome, etc.

It wasn't crystal clear... but not bad...

Chick-on is looking at you!
avatar Re: What color is your sleeping bag?
March 07, 2016 10:28AM
Not bad at all. Thanks for sharing it!

Leave No Trace
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