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Re: Just in case...Government Shutdown info

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Just in case...Government Shutdown info
April 21, 2017 02:19PM

Not to pull up an unwelcome topic, but I'm curious about what happened the last go-round with the Government shutdown in 2013. Hopefully this is a non-issue, but since we are hoping to be in the backcountry on the 28th deadline, I'm curious what happened in 2013; I saw some reference in older forum threads about a 48 hour window to vacate the park, does that sound right if people were on a wilderness permit?

Again, I'm hoping that issues are resolved and this is avoided - I don't think anyone is interested in a discussion about a potential shutdown itself, just how it impacted people in the park.
Re: Just in case...Government Shutdown info
April 22, 2017 06:00AM
I'd really like to know as well. But if 2013 is a guide, then it doesn't look good. It's infuriating really. And I had planned on arriving to the park for four days on the afternoon of the 28th. I don't know really what to do now. I don't want to fly out from Ohio to be told Saturday morning I cannot enter. That is a lot of time and personal money down the tubes. I guess I'll see how the 'negotiations' between the idiots in Washington go this week and decide Thursday night or very early Friday morning. Regardless I'll lose money. But mostly I'll lose this opportunity to see those wonderful waterfalls!
Re: Just in case...Government Shutdown info
April 22, 2017 11:11AM
Couldn't you hike into the western part of the park (where the snow has melted) from outside the park? When does the dam at Cherry Lake open?
Re: Just in case...Government Shutdown info
April 24, 2017 12:12PM
IIRC, last shutdown of the park meant no walking into the park from any boundary. No backpacking or any other form of recreation was allowed.

Tioga Road was open only to allow passage to the other side. No stopping to take pictures.

Everyone out. Very frustrating.

(Apologies for brevity, using phone.)
Re: Just in case...Government Shutdown info
April 24, 2017 03:48PM
Did they have rangers policing every trail leading in from outside the park to make sure people didn't enter? I suppose that right now, with most of the roads still closed due to snow, preventing foot entry along trails would be easier to do, as the number of access points is rather limited. They certainly didn't and still don't have the manpower to police every mile of trail in the park to evict all those who were already inside when the shutdown took effect.

I wonder if they gave tickets to people who drove waaaaaay below the speed limit on Tioga Road. For all we know, such slow drivers might have been motivated by a sincere desire to avoid hitting bears, and not necessarily to enjoy the views. wink
avatar Re: Just in case...Government Shutdown info
April 24, 2017 08:26PM
They patrolled the road... and if your car was parked you got one of these:

Chick-on is looking at you!
Re: Just in case...Government Shutdown info
April 25, 2017 12:23AM
Was there a ticket with a fine attached to the note? Or was the note just to give the appearance of enforcing a closure?
avatar Re: Just in case...Government Shutdown info
April 25, 2017 11:26AM
I don't recall seeing any tickets.

Took this photo Oct 4th. The closure was Oct1-16, 2013
Pretty sure...

I'd guess you wouldn't want to have your car there much beyond ...

That's all I have first-hand...

Chick-on is looking at you!
Re: Just in case...Government Shutdown info
April 24, 2017 09:27PM
Thanks for the info! I'm still curious - what happened if one was currently on a permit? Is my forum hunting correct that you had 48 hrs to get the h out of dodge...and head to _______ (accepting any suggestions)...

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/24/2017 09:28PM by jchapell.
avatar Re: Just in case...Government Shutdown info
April 24, 2017 10:16PM
It was something like that... but Yosemite backcountry is fairly big... and
there is a lot of non-trail stuff out there... They didn't come looking for you.
Why don't you say what your plan is and we can speculate?
smiling smiley
Maybe the powers that be would go into Little Yose Valley and tell everyone
to vacate... but beyond that... with the current conditions... it's just not
going to happen. By that I mean they aren't going to come looking for you...
but when you get back to your car you will probably find a note on it
saying to leave the park immediately. There will be some presence there
at all times... patrolling...

If you can get a permit from the valley for N days... then I just wouldn't worry
about anything really... other than the usual staying warm and dry and safe.

I'd inquire at the visitor center or call and ask before going if concerned.

Currently there is nothing on the nps.gov sites indicating anything other
than facilities opening up this week.... not closing...

Chick-on is looking at you!
avatar Re: Just in case...Government Shutdown info
April 27, 2017 03:11PM
FWIW, in the event of a shutdown, it is possible the parks might remain open this time.
Re: Just in case...Government Shutdown info
April 27, 2017 05:27PM
FWIW, in the event of a shutdown, it is possible the parks might remain open this time.

Really? Why's that? I'm sincerely hoping you're right, just wondering where that info comes from
avatar Re: Just in case...Government Shutdown info
April 27, 2017 08:49PM
FWIW, in the event of a shutdown, it is possible the parks might remain open this time.

Really? Why's that? I'm sincerely hoping you're right, just wondering where that info comes from

I have read it is being discussed. It isn't a black and white decision.
Re: Just in case...Government Shutdown info
April 27, 2017 06:02PM
Arguably, whoever the current Administration is has some power to implement the shutdown according to their desires. There were flashpoints in the last go-around and considerable debate on how the shutdown was implemented at Parks and places like the World War II Memorial in Washington D.C.
Re: Just in case...Government Shutdown info
April 29, 2017 08:05AM
I heard yesterday that the government shut down won't happen for at least a week. Works for me...
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