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Re: Daily Park Ticketed Entry

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Daily Park Ticketed Entry
May 27, 2020 05:00PM
Unless I somehow missed this website previously, I now see a new site for daily vehicle tickets. Not active yet but queued-up and ready to go. Dates are not available yet.


Sorry if this is old news!

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/27/2020 05:01PM by Corntortilla.
avatar Re: Daily Park Ticketed Entry
May 27, 2020 05:40PM
Wow, good catch. I haven't seen this link floating around. Looks like anyone with a NP pass will still have to pay $2 for entry, which is pretty annoying. Guess someone has to make sure Booz Allen Hamilton makes more money off the taxpayer.
Re: Daily Park Ticketed Entry
May 27, 2020 05:55PM
Ya that rate chart seems more like a placeholder that actual fees. I mean the age 62+ Golden Age still charged $2?? Charging seniors with lifetime passes is just ugly.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/27/2020 05:56PM by Corntortilla.
avatar Re: Daily Park Ticketed Entry
May 27, 2020 05:55PM
Thanks! I had the regular Yosemite Permit page bookmarked, and the daily entry link doesn't appear there yet.
Re: Daily Park Ticketed Entry
May 28, 2020 12:03AM
When I clicked on the link just now, I got a picture of a bear with the following message shown over it:

"Please Bear With Us

Whoops! We could not find the facility you requested. Please select the button below to go back to the previous page or enter a new search."

So apparently someone has taken it down.

I wonder if charging passholders an additional entrance fee constitutes breach of contract in some states. Or if federal law precludes charging more once the pass has been purchased.
Re: Daily Park Ticketed Entry
May 28, 2020 02:42AM
The federal gov can usually do whatever they want. I would say that there is an easy way around this, just like there is an easy way around the half dome lottery. If you get up and in the park early, there is no one to check your ticket!
Re: Daily Park Ticketed Entry
May 28, 2020 05:30AM
The federal gov can usually do whatever they want. I would say that there is an easy way around this, just like there is an easy way around the half dome lottery. If you get up and in the park early, there is no one to check your ticket!

I think about a half the time, if not more, I've gotten there early enough to enter without being checked. And some of those times I've left late enough to avoid being checked on the way out. Visiting off-peak helps with that.

Two bucks isn't going to break anyone who's already made it to Yosemite, but if you've already paid $80 for a pass that's supposed to admit you to all the parks plus a whole bunch of other federally-owned or managed lands...
Re: Daily Park Ticketed Entry
May 28, 2020 09:55AM
The federal gov can usually do whatever they want. I would say that there is an easy way around this, just like there is an easy way around the half dome lottery. If you get up and in the park early, there is no one to check your ticket!
I think this is going to be different than in the past and the gates might be manned 24/7 or even locked when not staffed.
Re: Daily Park Ticketed Entry
May 28, 2020 12:36PM
It's not about $2 obviously - that's car change. Just like the $5 trail permit reservation cost - it's annoying to pay and probably costs more to administer than $5.

I realize our parks administrators have equity concerns they keep in mind when setting these fees. Just gripping here b/c I need to get outside more winking smiley
Re: Daily Park Ticketed Entry
May 28, 2020 06:36PM
My guess is that the gates will function as usual. They might have monitoring by camera at night, if they don't have it already, and just mandate that people coming in after the kiosk is closed need to get the day pass next day from a booth outside the visitor center. Something similar to what's done for the campgrounds.

Agree about $2, it's a decent workaround and a nominal fee to make people accountable. I feel for the NPS and Aramark staff as they will have their hands full with all the cleaning protocols in addition to the risk of exposing themselves along with working with a mask on in hot conditions.

Rush Creek is currently saying that they might open on June 5th and the park will probably open a few days after that. https://www.rushcreeklodge.com/yosemite-planning/travel-alert-update-2-2-4-2/
Re: Daily Park Ticketed Entry
June 09, 2020 05:10PM
Anyone else notice the daily permits are only through August 31st?
Re: Daily Park Ticketed Entry
June 09, 2020 05:36PM
NVM - I found the release dates! 1 month prior.

Great b/c I really want to get up at 7am again and play the Yosemite lottery game.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/09/2020 05:37PM by Corntortilla.
Re: Daily Park Ticketed Entry
June 09, 2020 07:14PM
Anyone else notice the daily permits are only through August 31st?
Something must have changed. It was till end of July only when I checked in the morning
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