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10 ways Yosemite will be different this year

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10 ways Yosemite will be different this year
April 16, 2021 08:57PM
Re: 10 ways Yosemite will be different this year
April 17, 2021 12:14AM
Yes Finally they got this right. My favorite new change is Topic no 5

5. People can drive through Yosemite without a reservation

Last year, only some area residents who needed to pass through the park to a destination on the other side were supposed to be allowed to drive through Yosemite without a day-use reservation.
This year, reservations won't be needed to drive through Yosemite, but normal park entrance fees still apply.

"The entrance station ranger will provide a time-stamped permit valid for the time needed to travel from entrance to entrance," park officials said. "You must drive the most direct route to exit the park; stopping is prohibited. Violating park regulations can result in a fine of up to $5,000 and/or six months in jail."

What the hell took so long..... last year I had to pay a total of 18 dollars extra, 2 dollars x 9 trips just to get to Mono and Mammoth. Made me angry as hell, not because of the money but because they can and they did. I hate being mad in My Happy Place. Oh how I tried to reason with the rangers at the entrance stations, but no go. There was no logical reason for not allowing drive throughs, remember that this was put into place because of covid, unless someone I don't know jumped into my moving truck, invading my personal space, I don't think I would be catching or giving covid to anyone driving in my truck over Tioga Pass. Anyways congrats on pulling your head out of your you know what Yosemite rule makers Hope someone spent my 18 dollars wisely,
Re: 10 ways Yosemite will be different this year
April 17, 2021 07:56PM
Yes Finally they got this right. My favorite new change is Topic no 5

5. People can drive through Yosemite without a reservation

Last year, only some area residents who needed to pass through the park to a destination on the other side were supposed to be allowed to drive through Yosemite without a day-use reservation.
This year, reservations won't be needed to drive through Yosemite, but normal park entrance fees still apply.

"The entrance station ranger will provide a time-stamped permit valid for the time needed to travel from entrance to entrance," park officials said. "You must drive the most direct route to exit the park; stopping is prohibited. Violating park regulations can result in a fine of up to $5,000 and/or six months in jail."

What the hell took so long..... last year I had to pay a total of 18 dollars extra, 2 dollars x 9 trips just to get to Mono and Mammoth. Made me angry as hell, not because of the money but because they can and they did. I hate being mad in My Happy Place. Oh how I tried to reason with the rangers at the entrance stations, but no go. There was no logical reason for not allowing drive throughs, remember that this was put into place because of covid, unless someone I don't know jumped into my moving truck, invading my personal space, I don't think I would be catching or giving covid to anyone driving in my truck over Tioga Pass. Anyways congrats on pulling your head out of your you know what Yosemite rule makers Hope someone spent my 18 dollars wisely,

I know it was a monumental pain in the butt for people that just wanted to get from one side of the Sierra to the other last year. However, while there are people like you that are only going to drive through without stopping, you know that there is always going to be someone that is not going to just drive through from one side of the park to another like they are supposed to and will be stopping all over the place spreading their germs or getting exposed. I know for a fact that people are not following the mask mandate while in the park. There are not enough rangers to enforce things and I am thinking if Covid rates rise, then that option will be stopped and a more limited day use program will be put in place. It is too bad that a few people ruin things for everyone else.
Re: 10 ways Yosemite will be different this year
April 21, 2021 07:34AM
LOL, it probably costs at least $25 in gas to cross yosemite.

The quota was long overdue to reduce congestion. I expect it to stay now that most of the US has the vaccine. Got to take care of special places and that requires money!
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