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Re: parking on Tioga corridor

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parking on Tioga corridor
October 08, 2022 05:45PM
by the book, no overnight parking on Tioga or spurs beginning 10/15, Sat. wilderness permits have been issued for more than 100 people on tioga trailheads for Fri. 10/14. I don't believe all 100 are being dropped off at trailhead, or are going in for 1 night and leaving Sat. (in fact, technically somebody whose car is at trailhead at 1 AM Sat, is parked overnight on Sat).

so, what's The Real (aka, Da Real) on this? I know the Law and Order answer (and I'm law-abiding), but does anyone have actual experience with this situation in previous years? There will be dozens of cars at the trailheads on Sat night, is NPS going to send out a ranger equipped with a ticket book at midnight? God knows they need the money for their budget, but not sure where ticket proceeds will go. anyone familiar with how it actually goes down will be welcome to answer. thanks in advance.

Edited 4 time(s). Last edit at 10/08/2022 05:52PM by mkbgdns.
Re: parking on Tioga corridor
October 09, 2022 07:06AM
Overnight prohibition begins on the 15th. The night of the 14th is still OK

Check our our website: http://www.backpackthesierra.com/
Or just read a good mystery novel set in the Sierra; https://www.amazon.com/Danger-Falling-Rocks-Paul-Wagner/dp/0984884963
Re: parking on Tioga corridor
October 09, 2022 09:10AM
per NPS site:
Overnight parking on the Tioga Road (and associated parking lots) and Glacier Point Road beyond Badger Pass is prohibited beginning October 15 each year

answered my tongue-in-cheek aside (although a lawyer might say the 15th begins at 12:01 am), but not my real query. is NPS really going to bust all those people whose wilderness permits allow them to leave the trailhead on Friday? many will be exiting Sunday, some later than that. NPS default date of Oct 15 is nice shorthand for "mid-october", but this year falls mid-weekend, with clear conditions and mild weather. you've addressed one part of the intent (not literal meaning) of the above words, but not the larger intent.

I suppose the only people who can answer my question are authorities in Yosemite (whose silence about non-enforcement would be understandable) or regular folks who've either been busted or not busted on night #1. mid weekend. in nice weather. I guess that combination last came up 50 years ago, so there may not be survivors left to tell the tale.
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