Great job on the video Bob. Aside from the great views, the video says a lot about using a tripod, without having to even mention it. (I almost didn't look, being accustomed to so many 'jerky' videos, including my own, that really aren't all that enjoyable to see). In yours, the only things moving are the things that are supposed to be moving 8^).
The background noise at the Tunnel View shot was, I thought, really appropriate, as it's a lot of folks' first stop, and the first time they see they're "really" in Yosemite. While a lot of times we hear complaints about the valley being full of tourists, for the most part it's people from all over the world having various types of enjoyable times, and usually in good moods. I enjoy hearing various languages spoken along the trails, and meeting people from all around the world...and they're not all just 'get off the bus and take a photo standing in front of...' folks, not at all.
I was also surprised at the size of Upper Yosemite Fall...was it pretty windy, or was there just a lot of water? (I'm used to seeing it with lots of water, as I go in spring, but that's more than I remember seeing). Makes me wish I was up there for the moonbow, but with the cloudiness we've had this year, it may not be there anyway.
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