Vince wrote:
> I didn't find the videos and photos of the hike to the top of
> Half Dome anywhere near the actual experience. First-hand
> written accounts are more useful and let your eyes do the
> walking.
Would you expect photos of Europe to substitute for a trip there? How could anyone possibly duplicate a real-life experience with two-dimensional images on a screen or paper? Ansel Adams is probably the most acclaimed of Yosemite photographers, yet would you consider looking through his galleries a substitute for a real-life trip to Yosemite?
Not all videos or photos online are put there to instruct people in "how to hike Half Dome". Some might be, in conjunction with descriptive written accounts, but there are many reasons for posting photos besides instructing someone. Personally, before I hiked Half Dome, I appreciated written or photo accounts, so I could know what to expect and go prepared.
Regarding the original message about not looking before you go...I suppose it depends on where. I'm planning on going up Whitney this summer, either the main trail or the mountaineer's route, and I want every bit of info I can included. No way will the photo kill the excitement of really seeing it. On the contrary, it will help me to prepare better, to know what to look for, find my way, and enjoy it a lot more than if I was just dumped off in a strange place and told to go "up there". Photos tell a lot of the story that text can't.
Non-documentary photos, aside from their value as art, are more suited to bringing back pleasant experiences than simulating them beforehand. I get more comments on Yosemite photo albums from folks who have been there and enjoy 'reliving' it or seeing something from someone else's eyes, perhaps at a time of year when they can't get there, than I do people who have never been there (though some do say they are heading there and enjoy the photos as a 'preview' of what they'll get to experience. Never had anyone say "you spoiled my trip, now I have seen it all" 8^)
Post Edited (05-14-07 20:00)
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