Buffalo, you say?
Travelers can watch beasts roam in Wyoming, Idaho, Montana, South Dakota, Kansas
YELLOWSTONE NATIONAL PARK, Wyo.: It was sunrise on a bitterly cold September morning, but gray clouds obscured the sun. Snow blanketed the ground and the road was a sheet of ice. I struggled to keep the rental car on the park road.
Suddenly, the road was blocked. I was surrounded by buffaloes. They were huge — brown, shaggy, lumpy masses. Their backs were covered with snow and whitish vapors hung in the air as the animals exhaled.
I stopped the car and waited, as 80 to 100 of the impressive beasts lumbered past, moving down the icy road. They were in front of me. They were behind me. They were on the left and the right. Some passed within 12 inches of the car. They were everywhere.
I kept praying that none would slip-slid-skate and fall atop the rental car. It might be difficult to convince the rental company that its car had been totaled by an out-of-control 2,000-pound beast.
But they were nimble, quick and surprisingly sure-footed on the icy road. Then they were gone.
Today the buffalo has made a marvelous comeback. In 1900, the buffalo that once numbered up to 70 million in North America had been reduced to fewer than 600 animals.
Buffaloes were shot and killed for their meat, hide and tongue. The buffalo hide market peaked in 1882.
Most of the surviving buffaloes were owned by private ranchers, although 50 were guarded by the U.S. Cavalry at Yellowstone. The number of buffaloes in Yellowstone had dwindled to 25 by 1897, the last wild bison in the United States.....
The cure for a fallacious argument is a better argument, not the suppression of ideas.
-- Carl Sagan
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 11/30/2009 05:21AM by Frank Furter.