Yosemite Impressions
I just spent about a week in the park last week, camped one night each in White Wolf, TM CG, TM Lodge, 2 in backcountry near Young Lakes) Had a remarkably great experience. I have essentially driven through the park a couple of times before, but this was my first real experience in Yosemite.
A few of my impressions, for better or worse:
* Tons of overseas folks in the park, especially Germans and French I am guessing due to weak dollar. Was great fun meeting and talking with them.
* Picking up hitchhikers who had been hiking seemed as natural as could be. It horrified folks back here at home when I told them, but there is a whole different mindset in the park.
* Definitely a different type folks exist in the valley vs. up at TM. I enjoyed the TM folks more.
* One unexpected highlight was picking up some incredibly good food at the Mobil station at the Tioga Road cut-off at Mono Lake near Lee Vining. Fresh, excellent California style cuisine surrounded by LA rich folks, climber dudes, local laborers & a few Mennonites was really a fun experience.
* Rangers were nice, although some clueless when asked basic questions, but at least they were not overzealous fascists like I had experienced at Isle Royale NP in Michigan earlier this summer.
* I am not a climber, but was impressed with the NPS attitude towards climbers, from what I observed at least, more interested in working with them rather than bossing them around.
* I was not in the least bothered by “overcrowded” trails, so I saw a few people through the day, the country was certainly big enough to share.
* Prices in the park were very reasonable considering, I found services just outside the park to be actually higher.
It was a great week, met some lovely folks, drank in some incredible scenery.