Yeah...I had a bad one in Italy this week, and here's what I learned from the experience.
I was lucky. I should be fine, and able to backpack this summer with no real issues. But I look even worse than usual.
Lessons learned:
Wear a helmet.stupid! With a helmet I would have walked away from this crash. I have ridden over 52,000 miles on a bike in the last ten years or so, and only ridden without a helmet about twice, And that's all it took.
Stay at a good hotel. They were solicitous beyond belief, and efficient as well. I felt fully and totally cared for.
Have friends and clients in Italy. They were wonderful, and really went out of their way to make sure that I was OK.
Wear a helmet, stupid.
If you want the whole gory story, here's a link to our blog:
Check our our website:
Or just read a good mystery novel set in the Sierra;