Ummm...well, I for one do not worship Vince (there are a lot of people giggling right now, because I have not always been so nice in the past when it comes to Vince)
While you may notice the title "Moderator" in my space, I can tell you that I am a pinch hitter when the Master Eeek goes outta town...sooo, in short: I have never blocked or removed a message, personally.
I don't believe that the posts about Vince were removed for basic message content, rather, they were removed because we get a lot of families visiting the board and Master Eeek likes to keep a certain standard. (there are many ways to make a point)
For the most part, Vince is an instigator for the sake of being a pain in the
ass butt, and I suppose some people find it entertaining....
not!!!! (I have relatives who do a MUCH better job)