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Key Enviro Group Retreats From Klamath River Settlement

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avatar Key Enviro Group Retreats From Klamath River Settlement
February 09, 2010 05:21PM
An influential environmental group has backed away from a settlement that would remove four dams along the Klamath River to restore salmon and steelhead runs that have been partially blocked for most of the past century on the California-Oregon border.

Re: Key Enviro Group Retreats From Klamath River Settlement
February 09, 2010 06:15PM
This was a good article you posted on twitter. I'm following you on there and I wanted to start a dialogue about this issue. What do you think about it? I used to work for Friends of the River and so I immediately got excited to see it posted.

usnationalpark girl
avatar Re: Key Enviro Group Retreats From Klamath River Settlement
February 09, 2010 06:22PM
At this point I'd like to hear more details. But I suspect Friends of the River has good reason to pull out.
Re: Key Enviro Group Retreats From Klamath River Settlement
February 09, 2010 06:30PM
Well, F.O.R. is pretty much the leading authority on river health and preservation in the state of California and beyond. Like you said, I'm sure they have great reasons. Steve Evans stated that it was too much to pay for something that may not truly happen due to loopholes. Hopefully Friends of the River plays hardball. This is an issue that is very close to the heart of F.O.R. and Steve will surely email me back (not sure he will email me any new information about the Klamath deal, but this was a catalyst to me saying hello to my old boss) as he and I have been playing phone tag. Check out their site, it looks like the press release is similar to the article, but it is a great site to get on their mailing list. Cheers again.
Re: Key Enviro Group Retreats From Klamath River Settlement
February 09, 2010 06:34PM
actually, definately goto the F.O.R. site, they have tons of information. http://www.friendsoftheriver.org

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/09/2010 06:36PM by usnationalpark.
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