I first visited Yosemite in the mid 70's on a bus trip with the YMCA. It was my first time away from home and my first time sleeping in a tent. It was a "tube tent" which was a tube of plastic held up with some twine tied between two trees and it slept two people, me and another guy whom I am now convinced was a homocidal maniac but at the time was pure entertainment. We drank water directly from the river, hiked, sang camp fire songs and ate smores. We hiked to the base of Yosemite Falls where we spied nude sunbathers...big stuff for a teenaged boy. Since I live in San Diego I can only visit yearly and the park never lets me down, I have been able to visit every year for the last 5 years. I spent last weekend in a non-heated tent in Curry Village.I have a life long love affair with that valley and I miss it every day. I check the webcams and read the weather forcasts daily. My children are tasked with spreading my ashes in the valley when I go. I am heartbroken to be this far from my valley. I took this picture of a coyote on my trip, she seemed to be telling me something that I still can't understand. End of Rant.
https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=1509604329288795&set=a.1509604382622123.1073741827.100007177260470&type=1Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 11/23/2014 12:31PM by OscarQ.