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Half Dome, Yosemite National Park

The Moon is Waning Crescent (14% of Full)


Re: Half Dome is not a mountain

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avatar Half Dome is not a mountain
March 29, 2009 07:38PM
I have been going through my photos and half-assed organizing them and remembered that Half Dome is not a mountain, nor is Liberty Cap, nor is Mount Broderick.

I noticed this photo from 2004. You can clearly see the people going up the cables (which aren't as steep as they look when you're on them) but if you look carefully you can see rappellers going off the southeast side of the dome.


avatar Re: Half Dome is not a mountain
March 29, 2009 08:54PM
Big Sigh....

And why isn't it?
avatar Re: Half Dome is not a mountain
March 29, 2009 09:39PM
You know, I'm not really sure why.

Would you call Moro Rock a mountain?

Sentinel Dome is not a mountain. El Capitan is not a mountain. They are big rocks. North Dome? A rock.

Clouds Rest? Probably not a mountain.

Mount Muir, in my opinion, is not a mountain. But it's named Mount Muir. To me it's just a part of Mount Whitney.

There must be an highly debatable definition out there somewhere.
avatar Re: Half Dome is not a mountain
March 29, 2009 09:40PM
Moro Rock is a lot smaller than Half Dome and isn't anything near the almost 9000 feet Half Dome commands.

avatar Re: Half Dome is not a mountain
March 29, 2009 09:54PM
Yet, eeek, Half Dome is not considered a mountain.
avatar Re: Half Dome is not a mountain
March 29, 2009 09:58PM
And why MOUNT Broderick?
Liberty Cap is taller.. ???

Go figure
avatar Re: Half Dome is not a mountain
March 29, 2009 10:40PM
vince: Yet, eeek, Half Dome is not considered a mountain.

Is this a real conversation, or is someone yanking someone else's chain??? I did not know that there were specs on whether or not a chunk of granite was 'officially' a mountain...or not..?

avatar Re: Half Dome is not a mountain
March 29, 2009 11:07PM
I suppose that just because something could be a mountain it doesn't mean that it has to be called a mountain.

Half Dome Mountain
Mount Half Dome
Half Dome

mountain |ˈmountn|
a large natural elevation of the earth's surface rising abruptly from the surrounding level; a large steep hill : the village is backed by awe-inspiring mountains | we set off down the mountain | [as adj. ] the ice and snow of a mountain peak.
• ( mountains) a region where there are many such features, characterized by remoteness and inaccessibility : they sought refuge in the mountains | [as adj. ] ( mountain) his attempt to picture the mountain folk in ridiculous attire.
• ( a mountain/mountains of) a large pile or quantity of something : a mountain of paperwork.
• [usu. with adj. ] a large surplus stock of a commodity : this farming produced huge food mountains.
make a mountain out of a molehill see molehill .
move mountains 1 achieve spectacular and apparently impossible results. 2 make every possible effort : his fans move mountains to catch as many of his performances as possible.
mountainy adjective
ORIGIN Middle English : from Old French montaigne, based on Latin mons, mont- ‘mountain.’

1 a range of mountains peak, height, mount, prominence, summit, pinnacle, alp; (mountains) range, sierra, cordillera, massif.
2 a mountain of work a great deal, a lot; a profusion, an abundance, a quantity, a backlog; informal a heap, a pile, a stack, a slew, lots, loads, heaps, piles, tons, masses; gobs.
move mountains 1 faith can move mountains perform miracles, work/do wonders. 2 his fans move mountains to attend his performances make every effort, pull out all the stops, do one's utmost/best; informal bend/lean over backwards.

mount 2
a mountain or hill (archaic except in place names) : Mount Everest.
• any of several fleshy prominences on the palm of the hand regarded in palmistry as signifying the degree of influence of a particular planet : mount of Mars.
ORIGIN Old English munt, from Latin mons, mont- ‘mountain,’ reinforced in Middle English by Old French mont.

Old Dude
avatar Re: Half Dome is not a mountain
March 29, 2009 11:11PM
Maybe Half Dome is not called a mountain -- a generic term -- because it has a MUCH cooler moniker: DOME!!!

avatar Re: Half Dome is not a mountain
March 30, 2009 06:16AM
This thread reminds me of the "Pluto is no longer a planet" controversy.

avatar Re: Half Dome is not a mountain
March 30, 2009 10:00PM
tomdisco wrote:

> This thread reminds me of the "Pluto is no longer a planet"
> controversy.


avatar Re: Half Dome is not a mountain
March 30, 2009 03:16AM
If you want a real laugh, note the vertical drop on Boyne Mountain:

This is THE place to go from the Detroit area if you want the ultimate downhill skiing experience.
avatar Re: Half Dome is not a mountain
March 30, 2009 06:24AM
Bee... it's a dome because... ah... it's ah... a ... dome...

I only responded because the only reason it's not a "mountain" is
because we chose not to call it a mountain.
When is a mountain a mountain?

Pretty much when we call it one.

I'd say they are all mountains.

Sure feels like one... smiling smiley

potato, paTAto... let's call the whole thing off...
Re: Half Dome is not a mountain
April 01, 2009 10:46AM
Vince, when you make a statement like that, you have the choice of trotting out your credentials as an expert on the subject (presumably a geologist), or cite a reference that supports what you say.

Otherwise, it is just another uninformed opinion that is as useless as all the rest. Or some half-remembered memory from your childhood. Or a troll.

The first give the opportunity to lean, the others just spreads nonsense.
Re: Half Dome is not a mountain
April 01, 2009 02:48PM
Ken, you made my day.
avatar Re: Half Dome is not a mountain
April 01, 2009 03:53PM
I didn't know that.

3 [ trans. ] informal Computing send (an e-mail message or posting on the Internet) intended to provoke a response from the reader by containing errors.

Old Dude
avatar Re: Half Dome is not a mountain
April 01, 2009 05:49PM
KenM: >Vince, when you make a statement like that, you have the choice of trotting out your credentials as an expert on the subject (presumably a geologist), or cite a reference that supports what you say.

Otherwise, it is just another uninformed opinion that is as useless as all the rest. Or some half-remembered memory from your childhood. Or a troll.

The first give the opportunity to learn, the others just spreads nonsense.<

ahhhh....a fresh view from a higher peak....I think that I will just keep this post permanently imbedded in "cut and paste" status and dredge it up as needed.

avatar Re: Half Dome is a SUMMIT
April 01, 2009 07:46PM
avatar Re: Half Dome is not a mountain
April 01, 2009 09:30PM
According to the link:

Half Dome is a Summit->A Mountain is a Summit->Half Dome is a Mountain...Duh!

avatar Re: Half Dome IS a mountain
April 01, 2009 09:32PM
Bee wrote:

> According to the link:
> Half Dome is a Summit->A Mountain is a Summit->Half Dome is a
> Mountain...Duh!


avatar Re: Half Dome is not a mountain
April 01, 2009 10:23PM
And I think you know what it says for Moro Rock.
And you can pick the one in Moro Bay or in Sequoia.

But, hey, at least he got it right when he said there are no
prostitutes in Clark County...

o, wait... that's bollocks too

This is why I do not CCW. I just get too emotional or pissed too often...

Happy Fools Day!
avatar Re: Half Dome is not a mountain
April 01, 2009 10:37PM
bill-e-g: >This is why I do not CCW. I just get too emotional or pissed too often...<

you might GO POSTAL!!!! (ha! good piece of slang, there)

(oops, my apologies in advance to any postal employees who happen to be readers (but are not mountains)

avatar Re: Half Dome is not a mountain
April 01, 2009 10:49PM
>>>Author: Bee
Date: 04-01-09 21:30

According to the link:

Half Dome is a Summit->A Mountain is a Summit->Half Dome is a Mountain...Duh!

Are you sure?
avatar Re: Half Dome is not a mountain
April 01, 2009 10:56PM
Vince: >Are you sure?<

didja look at the link, and then follow to the "definition of term" linkette, and then read thru the included items in the (parentheses?) Amongst the included items to be classified as a Summit was a DOME and a Mountain....(this is painfully reminiscent of ALL S are P truth sets in Intro to Logic)

avatar Re: Half Dome is not a mountain
April 02, 2009 07:22AM

Don't you even feel that tugging on your leg? Vince got you.

avatar Re: Half Dome is not a mountain
April 02, 2009 07:41AM
Ok... to be blatantly clear...

The "big sigh" post was short for "o, great... here we go again...".

After awhile I just give up (see that Patterson HD fiasco thread)
avatar Re: Half Dome is not a mountain
April 02, 2009 08:28AM
tomdisco: >Don't you even feel that tugging on your leg? Vince got you.<

you are right. Another one of my weak points is that I have trouble telling the difference between fools and people pretending to be fools...I should not deal with either one!!!!!

Re: Half Dome is not a mountain
April 02, 2009 10:22AM
Bee, O Geez. Cmon!
You are giving credit where none is plainly due.

Post Edited (04-02-09 10:30)
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