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Pothole Dome (Tuolumne Meadows, Yosemite National Park)

The Moon is Waxing Gibbous (72% of Full)



Re: Chilnualna TR

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avatar Chilnualna TR
January 19, 2014 07:04PM
Went up Chilnualna Falls trail with no snow gear thinking we were going to Johnson Lk. and Ostrander in a 3-day weekend loop. This based partly on the reports from Glacier Point and the webcams.

Was cold at Wawona Campground, but warm on the way up, until we hit the valley above the falls. There we started seeing snow and ice on the trail, and temps dropped almost 20°F. Microspikes would have saved us some cuts and bruises.

No one else on the trail but dayhikers. Around 6800' we met a solo backpacker who had come up to hike the same route but returning down Chilnualna, and, like us, was expecting no snow. Instead he encountered knee-deep snow at the next (7540') junction that continued to Johnson Lk. He said you could take 10 steps on crust, then you'd be doing another 40 in powder. (He had no snowshoes.) At higher, sun-exposed elevations up to Royal Arch Lk., he said the trails cleared. But he turned around and backtracked there since he wasn't sure what to expect on his planned return route.

So we backed off to a campsite around 6400', where temps were just below freezing overnight. White flag
avatar Re: Chilnualna TR
January 21, 2014 08:22AM
This begs the questions
a) were you the group of about 10 starting Saturday
b) did someone in your party lose a white running cap?

OD, Burro Boy and I were in the area Sat-Mon. OD did the triangle loop to mark off some trails.
And Z udder peeps had fun exploring the creek and climbing around on granite.
Lots and lots of people out enjoying the springtime weather.

We had micros and gaiters for the show. (I'd been in the area 3 weekends ago and knew ... lots o ice)

Have fun

Chick-on is looking at you!
avatar Re: Chilnualna TR
January 21, 2014 08:28AM
We had fun xcountrying down to Alder Creek TH on MLK
tongue sticking out smiley

Chick-on is looking at you!
avatar Re: Chilnualna TR
January 21, 2014 09:27AM
We were nine, technically four plus five. Were you the guys with the radios? Someone couldn't find the trail? I traded words with one who looked like a picture of OD. Least the shirt was the same.

No idea about the cap.
avatar Re: Chilnualna TR
January 21, 2014 10:24AM
OD and Burro took the foot trail.. had just been on it... so I took the horse trail and poked around
looking for Boundary Marker and poking on another spur road... and then x-d up to trail...
Those little radios are great for keeping track of Z Old Guy (or vice-versa). Highly recommend.
Basilbop is why I have those. It's all his fault. tongue sticking out smiley
I guess Z old guy is so big his little pack makes him look like a day hiker. smiling smiley
Slept under the stars both nights... well.. that and a nearly full moon.
Anywho. We ran into one other group of 3 bp'ers above Chil Creek area at 7400.
So lots of peeps out there. Not much snow. Getting scary at this pt.

Chick-on is looking at you!
avatar Re: Chilnualna TR
January 21, 2014 11:00AM

Those little radios are great for keeping track of Z Old Guy (or vice-versa). Highly recommend.
Basilbop is why I have those. It's all his fault. tongue sticking out smiley

What brand and model of radios did you use? Were they Motorola Talkabouts?

How were their battery performance in the cold? I noticed many rechargeable batteries performance suffer greatly in cold weather (below 40ºF). When possible I prefer using non-rechargeable lithiums in cold weather since not only they're very light weight, but cold temps don't hamper them at all.

avatar Re: Chilnualna TR
January 21, 2014 11:45AM
We ran into one other group of 3 bp'ers above Chil Creek area at 7400.

Our group of four went higher than us. We took a break at the falls. They went up to the snow and the three young ones started into it, before the experienced one got them to turn back. Two Asian women, an Asian guy, and a white guy.

Not much snow. Getting scary at this pt.

I'm trying to see it all before it burns down. At least the rocks will always be there.
Re: Chilnualna TR
January 21, 2014 09:45PM
Hi there Chick-on, I'm one of the "Asian women" who was on the Chilnualna Falls trail Saturday, and I believe that the white hat is mine. If you could send me an email at , I'd be glad to Paypal you shipping money to have the hat mailed back to me. Thank you.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/05/2017 04:11PM by EK.
avatar Re: Chilnualna TR
January 21, 2014 10:30PM

Actually Chick-on did not find the hat, I did. It is a Zombie Runner baseball style hat with a velcro closure. I found it on the right trail that leads east from the falls. I left it hanging on a tree branch at the trailhead parking lot right by the food lockers. If this is your hat I'm sorry that it can't be mailed to you.

Mike aka Old Dude

Old Dude

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/22/2014 07:43AM by mrcondron.
avatar Re: Chilnualna TR
January 22, 2014 07:21AM
Old Guy... all hope is not lost. Now it is posted of where it is and what it says...
Maybe someone who lives or works in the park and goes thru Wawona will read
this and pick it up for her. Maybe you or I will end up back there in a week or so...
and go look to see if it's still there. All hope is not lost.
I'll poke Marmot... they live in the general vicinity...

On a unrelated note...
here's the picture of the Mountain Lion print on Turner:

You can do a comparison b/t that and a print of your choosing. (but, hint, it's a Mountain Kitty Kat)
You can lookie here for a ML Track that Z Wifie and I saw along Pohono Trail over Xmas:

A little latter in same area on this trip.. the big buy showed his feets:

For the other Miguel . The group of 3 was not in your group... we saw them off trail ..
When we were doing this:

Have fun

Chick-on is looking at you!
avatar Re: Chilnualna TR
January 27, 2014 07:12AM
Well I'll be a Pink Chick-On:

Chick-on is looking at you!
avatar Re: Chilnualna TR
January 28, 2014 08:22AM
Um... ah... um...
ah.. um...

There's your hat. No? It's a Zombie Runner hat. And there I am... about to take it home with me.
Sent you an email. Maybe not clear?


Chick-on is looking at you!
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