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Re: Volunteer Peak

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avatar Volunteer Peak
March 05, 2014 07:38AM
Hi all!

As some of you know, I am trying my best to get back over to you guys for more hiking goodness!

Following on from my sucessfull 6 day adventure last year, I am going to try and do 8-10 days this time, and would like to run my very early plans pasty you...
(I'm using a combination of my 2 maps, and google Earth to plan)

My plans so far are to hike out of the Backpackers camp at Tolumne Meadows, to Glen Aulin. I am not too sure if I should make Glen Aulin a lunch stop, or stay the night. It's only 5 miles, so if I am up early it shouldn't be too hard to be there for lunch, and then press on.

From there I would head up the PCT, and then head west, making my way over to Volunteer peak. From here I have a choice to make, and am trying to decide if I should head south at Volunteer Peak, towards the Grand Canyon of The Tolumne, then back to Glen Aulin, or continue west, taking the longer loop around Piute Mountain? What are everybodys thoughts? Anyone been up there much?
(I know a certain pink bird has been there - I saw him on the Google Earth pics!)

In truth, I could plan for the longer, and then see how I feel, and what progress I am making when I reach the junction.

Once back on the Tolumne River, I would follow it back to Glen Aulin, and then either hike back towards the meadows, the same way I came in on day one (would rather not) or head south, with a view to exiting at Tenaya Lake.

I guess, I would probably, realisticly, only be able to make one of those journey extensions, so if I take the longer route on the PCT, I would exit via the Glen Aulin trail, and if I take the shorter route, to leave the PCT sooner, I would take the longer route out to Tenaya Lake.

Of course, if I am really tired, I have the option of taking both shorter routes.

I hope that makes sense, and I have explained it clearly enough?

Can I camp near Tenaya Lake? And can I pick up YARTS from there, back to Tolumne Meadows?

I was thinking of going in June (ish) as I wanted the water level to be high enough for the river to be impressive, but with the very low snow levels, how is that looking? Would there be a chance of snow on any of that route in June, or is it too early to tell?

Many thanks all!

avatar Re: Volunteer Peak
March 05, 2014 10:54AM
If you really have the time I would recommend taking the long route around Piute Mountain. I've not been beyond Volunteer Peak on the PCT but from photos I've seen the next several miles of the PCT should not be missed. Kerrick Canyon is also spoken well of. If by chance you had the time I would also recommend taking the small loop around Rodgers Lake and back onto the PCT, or alternatively just go over to Rodgers and back the same way to the PCT. If you are going to bag Volunteer Peak you have to go that way anyway. I've been down Rodgers Canyon and didn't get too turned on about that stretch so I don't think you would miss much by skipping it. The long route would also permit you to check out Table Lake, questionably fabled by certain parties unknown. It's rumored there's a free hat or T-shirt involved.
Last August a group of us were planning on hitting Volunteer Peak, Benson Lake, Seavy Pass, and Peeler Lake but the Rim Fire smoke forced a change in plans eastward instead of westward.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/05/2014 10:54AM by tomdisco.
Re: Volunteer Peak
March 05, 2014 11:08AM
Here's a link to our photos of part of that trip---we started at Twin Lakes and did the loop through Kerrick Canyon, Benson Lake, and Matterhorn Canyon. Lovely stuff.


Kerrick Canyon:

Check our our website: http://www.backpackthesierra.com/
Or just read a good mystery novel set in the Sierra; https://www.amazon.com/Danger-Falling-Rocks-Paul-Wagner/dp/0984884963
avatar Re: Volunteer Peak
March 05, 2014 11:32AM
Did someone say Glen Aulin?!?! One of the few times I have relavent photos to share.

I've only been there once, but really enjoyed the scenery. The wife and I set up camp and then ventured down to see Le Conte Falls. If you do have a short first day, you could always run down there and do a bit of exploring.
avatar Re: Volunteer Peak
March 05, 2014 01:33PM
I'll say more next week ... but two huge points:

a) unless you plan on staying in the Glen Aulin HSC backpackers camp area... you want to get the Glen Aulin Passthru
(hint: you want the Glen Aulin Passthru)
2) the loopy you speak of... get it out of your noggin that you will see much of Kerrick Canyon
if you want to see Kerrick Canyon you have to ... well.. you should go to at least Arndt about... then turn around and come back
yeah, you are in Kerrick... but it's a lot of woods at that point when u are heading west.
best part of Kerrick imo is from Seavey north

up from Benson to Seavey is spectacular also

Google Earth... yeah. um... panoramio pix on there kinda suk. some turkey put a pink bird ..
seriously tho.. so irriated at GE Pan photos... 9/10's of them aren't in the correct location...
I gave up completely putting photos there

Have fun.. 8-10 days is a long time

Chick-on is looking at you!
avatar Re: Volunteer Peak
March 06, 2014 07:50AM
You can't camp near Tenaya Lake really... but there is no need. It's pretty quick out from where you can camp.
Lots of options... Raisin Lake area... Polly Dome Lakes... or any great granite ridge or open area.
Prob. 2 hours and you are at the road. If that. Hiker shuttle will be running then...

Very early June... water crossings will be fun.. all the snow will not have melted...

I dunno... maybe consider 2 trips. And skip Bear Valley. Only been on the entire trail there once.
The other time skipped a huge portion going up Piute. It's nice. Not as spectacular as
some other stuff..
My rec with 10 days is do 2 trips... 1 - GCT from WW to TM. Can be done in 3 days... or 4 if
you want to relax more... Day 1 - down to Pate. Day 2 - thru the whole thang to Return
Day 3 - up and out
Second trip... get ur booty to Twin Lakes and do the classic loop ecali asked about.
Day 1 - Peeler Day 2 - Benson Day 3 - Matt Canyon Day 4 - Slide Canyon below Tooths
Day 5 - out
That's only 8 days... so add a day to each and you don't have to hurt yourself so much.

Have fun thinking about that
tongue sticking out smiley

Chick-on is looking at you!
avatar Re: Volunteer Peak
March 06, 2014 07:57AM

Love it

Chick-on is looking at you!
avatar Re: Volunteer Peak
March 07, 2014 07:01AM
And in case you missed it... spend prob. too much time and follow all of this:

And the number of days above were ... for your hike-on ability that I believe you capable of
without hurtin yourself too much. And ur pack should be lighter since it would be
two trips.

Have fun

Chick-on is looking at you!
avatar Re: Volunteer Peak
July 13, 2014 11:50PM

Whatever happened to your trip?
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