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Pothole Dome (Tuolumne Meadows, Yosemite National Park)

The Moon is Waning Crescent (4% of Full)


Four Mile Trail: Open

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Four Mile Trail: Open
April 01, 2014 08:01PM
Back in early February, the Sierra was finally starting to experience something resembling winter. Much would change--both weather-wise and for us personally--over the next few weeks and months, but back then, we took a hike up (and down!) the Four Mile Trail to experience the fresh snow covering the various rocks and trees.

Only a few inches of snow--maybe 6 at most at the deepest spots--covered the trail, which was safe and open for passage.

In the distance, it was clear that despite the recent bounty, much more snow was needed; the higher peaks displayed only a sparse covering of snow. Despite the snow, only a cool breeze betrayed the season: instead of tea, we enjoyed lemonade with our lunch at the top.

Still, winter had arrived, and for at least a few hours we could enjoy its innocence: clean, white snow and bright sun, often taken for granted, but always a gift.

We returned to our car as the day's last light reflected off El Capitan. It would be a few months before we could return, and much would change, but much also fortunately would be the same.

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avatar Re: Four Mile Trail: Open
April 02, 2014 10:09AM
Re: Four Mile Trail: Open
April 02, 2014 10:30AM

Agreed. Really nice photos. Thank you for sharing them.
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