You can always do this:,search=matterhorn+canyon,author=,page=1,match_type=ALL,match_dates=0,match_forum=ALL,match_threads=0What I don't understand is why peeps like Old Dood don't respond.
Has he simply lost his mind entirely?
He has been in Slide Canyon a "few times" and camped in that area a "few" other times.
We hiked out from Slide Canyon near the "falls" in a day ... so... that would be my suggestion.
Crown Lake is going to be bustling with peeps. It's not a big lake.
Where are you camping on night 3?
My rec. is make it a 6 day trip. And don't miss checking out Rodgers.
50 miles in 5 days is the main loop. 10 miles/day is trivail for some... brutal for others
with no recovery time and no time to soak in the sights and sounds.
Said it 4000 times... go up Volunteer. Can't remember anyone here saying they ever did.
I'd camp as high up near Burro as you can. Near the tarns on the north or where the
confluence is on the south. Take the extra day imo since first time.
Have fun