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Pothole Dome (Tuolumne Meadows, Yosemite National Park)

The Moon is Waxing Gibbous (72% of Full)



Re: JR's TR 7/19-26 Part 1: Mono Meadow to Starr King

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avatar JR's TR 7/19-26 Part 1: Mono Meadow to Starr King
August 18, 2014 08:43AM
(warning: way too many pictures)

Hi all, this is a trip report for my 8-day YNP backpacking trip July 19-26. This originally was planned to be a 9-day, but a week before I had to shorten by a day, which caused an entire re-do of the itinerary, and then my food shipment didn't arrive on time causing another itinerary re-do on about 12 hours notice. But it all worked out and I had a great time.

Part 1: Mono Meadow to Starr King
Set out from Mono Meadow trailhead with Old Dood, chick-on and Catalonian Burro. We had lunch at the Illilouette Creek crossing. We then split up, Old Dood and I headed south and the other 2 went exploring up to the east. Some rain moved in shortly after that, and we sat it out in the forest for about an hour. Then we all rendezvous'd and headed up to a beautiful campsite just below Mt. Starr King. We had our own private dome to climb around on for sunset.

Next morning we split up, Old Dood and CB headed back to the car at the trailhead and were to meet chick-on and me later that afternoon. Chick-on took me off trail to Mt. Starr King, where we climbed the southern-most and middle domes. At this point a major storm moved in and came upon us pretty fast, lightning moved right on top of us. Yikes! We scrambled down around the northern Starr King dome, over the saddle that runs to Dome Baez, and back towards the trail, getting pelted by rain as we crashed through the manzanita and thorn bushes. Multiple spontaneous waterfalls streamed down off the domes. Followed the trail that heads from that area up to the Panorama, where we headed down towards Nevada Fall. The weather started clearing by this point, and the skies were party blue by the time we connected to the JMT. We then met the other two in the Valley at the cars, and we headed out of the park.

On the way out we stopped at the permit office for me to get a permit for the next day, not knowing what would be available or what my itinerary would be. My first choices, Rafferty and Lyell, were full, but my third choice (WW to Pate) was open and so my itinerary was set. Back to Old Dood's place for the night and plans/hopes to retrieve my food shipment next morning.

P.S. I hardly took any pictures the day of the storm, chick-on had plenty of time to snap some while waiting on my ass, so many thanks to him for his contributions here:

Next morning, heading up Starr King:

From top of the southern-most Starr King dome:

Heading up the middle Starr King dome:

Storm rolling in:

Spontaneous waterfalls streaming down Dome Baez:

Busting through the manz and thorns. The yellow arrow is pointing at me:

Note to self: next time I go bushwacking with chick-on, wear the zip-on legs! "Zip-on with chick-on!"

- Billy Joel
avatar Re: JR's TR 7/19-26 Part 1: Mono Meadow to Starr King
August 18, 2014 09:49AM
Nice legs. tongue sticking out smiley

Sweet job putting the animated gifs together. Tanks

The ewe n mee faux toes ... you can see how doz would be 3D.
Maybe I do that when got time this weekn.

Tanks for Sharon all ur adventures

Chick-on is looking at you!
avatar Re: JR's TR 7/19-26 Part 1: Mono Meadow to Starr King
August 18, 2014 09:55AM
Actually you put the gifs together, I just downloaded and posted.

And the gams...yeah, I don't think the Rockettes will be calling any time soon...

- Billy Joel
avatar Re: JR's TR 7/19-26 Part 1: Mono Meadow to Starr King
August 18, 2014 09:59AM

(warning: way too many pictures)

Not sure there is such a thing!


Hey! I've been there!

I enjoyed reading the first installment and I'm looking forward to the next one.
avatar Re: JR's TR 7/19-26 Part 1: Mono Meadow to Starr King
August 18, 2014 12:37PM
Note to self: next time I go bushwacking with chick-on, wear the zip-on legs! "Zip-on with chick-on!"

If you had done your research first...

avatar Re: JR's TR 7/19-26 Part 1: Mono Meadow to Starr King
August 18, 2014 01:55PM
spinning smiley sticking its tongue out

I had the zip-ons with me, with the lightning I just didn't want to stop to take the time to zip the legs on. "Man Killed By Lightning While Zipping On Pants Legs" is not how I would want to be remembered.
Re: JR's TR 7/19-26 Part 1: Mono Meadow to Starr King
August 19, 2014 09:58AM
Ha! I learned long ago that full length pants that had some ability to protect my legs from getting torn up were a must. even on a "trail" hike, downed trees, extra brush (once going into Vernon, buckbrush was overgrown, and yeeowp!). and nowadays with all the "hey, wanna go see that?" going on... full leg-protection! always! (and for me, gaiters. I hate the idea of unknown (and therefore worse than what truly exist) bugs crawling up my legs (and brush bits) when I can't see where my feet are!)

Anyway, missed all you guys - but we were having fun on the JMT... so... your wet day was the 20th, right? Our Bear Creek day, when we were (mostly) gently rained on almost all day (but had a clear evening and night, thankfully!). Trip sounds like one we did with OD and Chick-On a bit ago.. except it was hot and I really enjoyed dousing myself in Ililouette creek! Sadly, seems the rain precluded a dip for you guys?

Looking forward to reading the next installments! Thanks for posting!
avatar Re: JR's TR 7/19-26 Part 1: Mono Meadow to Starr King
August 19, 2014 02:20PM
JustKeepWalking your wet day was the 20th, right?[/quote
Yes, that day (Sunday) was the big storm, though some gentler rain the previous day as well.

Normally I'm OK in shorts, don't get too scratched up, but this instance no time to be picky about route.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 08/19/2014 03:20PM by eeek.
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