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Vernel Fall, Merced River, Yosemite National Park

The Moon is Waxing Crescent (12% of Full)


Re: JR's TR 7/19-26 Part 4: TM, Elizabeth Lake, Dog Lake, Lembert Dome

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avatar JR's TR 7/19-26 Part 4: TM, Elizabeth Lake, Dog Lake, Lembert Dome
August 18, 2014 08:51AM
(warning: way too many pictures)

Started day 7 by descending from May Lake to Tioga Rd. According to the timetable I had just missed the shuttle bus, so I continued on the trail to the Tenaya Lake parking, where I lucked out by getting a ride up to TM from a young couple from Finland. Went up to the backpackers campground, set up my tent, and then dayhiked to Elizabeth Lake. Beautiful area. Came back to TM and found the campground was way over-crowded, other people adding themselves to my campsite, but they needed a place to sleep and the whole campground was like this (a Friday night) so it was fine -- the more the merrier. Ended up with 6 other people in just the one campsite! A couple of JMT thru-hikers, a PCT thru-hiker, a half-crazed guy who had been on the trail for about 6 weeks and didn't know where he was going next, etc. Hung out at the grill, had some beers, then back to the campsite for dinner.

At this point I was having a very different Yosemite "backpacking" experience, with the proximity of the store, the "regular" campground full of RVs and car-campers, an actual bathroom with flush toilets, etc. Decided to complete this different experience by sitting in on the ranger presentation in the campground amphitheater that evening, I don't know why – it was a pleasant gathering, lots of families with little kids bundled in blankets, kept my attention for a little while before I wandered back up to the campsite where we all sat around a fire and talked until late.

Next day I left about half my stuff in the bear box and dayhiked to Dog Lake and then up Lembert Dome. Came down the south face of Lembert rather than the trail, much steeper but shorter. Came out on Tioga Rd literally across from the road to the TM Lodge. Retrieved my stuff from the bear box and had lunch at the campground, then hung out at the grill talking to people and drinking a couple of beers until Old Dood arrived to pick me up. A lazy last couple of days.

Unicorn Creek, approaching Elizabeth Lake:

Sunset sky over the backpacker's campground that evening:

Dog Lake. No dogs allowed confused smiley

From trail to Dog Lake, across TM to Unicorn and Cathedral Peaks:

The western end of Dog Lake has nice views of Dana and Gibbs:

Lembert Dome summit:

TM from Lembert:

And finally:

BIG pine cone:

LITTLE pine cone:

- Billy Joel
Re: JR's TR 7/19-26 Part 4: TM, Elizabeth Lake, Dog Lake, Lembert Dome
August 19, 2014 10:32AM
Looks like you are sporting the La Sportiva Wildcats! Those and the Ultra Raptors have been my favorites the last couple of years... on the JMT, everyone was wearing La Sportivas in my group until E joined with his Altras (which I am going to try next, though I am loath to give up the stick of the La Sportivas).

The TM campground experience is different than backpacking, yes, but it's also fabulous! So glad you got to experience that as well as the backcountry! BTW, I would have had a soft-serve at the grill to top it off! Quite yummy, I think! smiling smiley Anyway, sounds like you had a lovely extended trip bopping about Yosemite! As Chick-On has probably told you, there's still a lot more to see and experience! Oh, and no altitude issues this time, it seems? Hope so!

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 08/19/2014 05:16PM by JustKeepWalking.
avatar Re: JR's TR 7/19-26 Part 4: TM, Elizabeth Lake, Dog Lake, Lembert Dome
August 19, 2014 03:01PM
Yes, Wildcats. I have some other trailrunners that I like but are Gore-tex, and I thought I might be fording some streams so wanted shoes that would drain and dry better. They were very comfy and light.

I intended to a soft get ice cream at the grill but the line was ridonkulous so I just went into the store and got a pre-packaged from their little ice cream cooler. And was tempted to get a burger when waiting for Mike to get me, but I knew we would stop for a burger on the way back to his place (we did) so I just made one of my leftover meals.

Altitude not really an issue this time for me, thanks for remembering. Last year first day was long mileage and not enough water and camped at about 8500', this year didn't hike as hard the first day and drank more water (though still not enough) and camped at 7500'. I did get a little headache-y and my appetite was diminished but not gone, so I felt like I was maybe 50% OK. And next day fine. So this was helpful to show me just where my tolerance is. Funny thing, my very original itinerary for this year was to start WW>Pate, specifically so that I would be sleeping low and taking a couple of days to get to higher altitudes. That didn't happen, but it all worked out.
Re: JR's TR 7/19-26 Part 4: TM, Elizabeth Lake, Dog Lake, Lembert Dome
August 19, 2014 05:25PM
Very glad to hear that the altitude didn't cause near the problems as the last trip. And glad to hear you tried to minimize the impact! Too bad about the deliveries!

I remember my first time flying to Colorado Springs from sea level in California. A day or two into my trip, we drive up to the top of Pike's Peak (just before the Pike's Peak Hill Climb car race day - leads to another story for gear heads). I should say *I* drove. And parked at the shop at the top. And walked into the shop, and almost immediately walked back out to sit in the car, I was about to keel over! Basilbop had to drive me down. This was long before I was used to hiking at altitude on a regular basis. First time staying in Tuolumne Meadows campground as a teen.. first time up Whitney... other times.. I have a LOT of sympathy for folks getting hit with altitude sickness and respect it and keep an eye out for it...
Re: JR's TR 7/19-26 Part 4: TM, Elizabeth Lake, Dog Lake, Lembert Dome
August 19, 2014 03:48PM
Stunningly beautiful photos, just like your trip last year.
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