Wow. Those pics are great, but sad. How was camping in the burned out areas?
The first camping spot beyond LYV is at the "Moraine Dome" "campground" ... which is
shown in the first picture (that's Moraine dome there)
Right now the trail from LYV to Echo Valley is dayhike only... You'd be coo coo in the
head to camp in those trees now... or anytime in the foreseeable future...
If it opens for camping anywhere... you'd want to make darn sure a widowmaker is
nowhere nearby...
The next spot that is nice to camp at... is luckily not burned .. although I guess THE
Bunnell Cascade area you could maybe plop down (in Lost Valley) ... but most of
Lost Valley is just burned to a crisp... and I wouldn't camp in there either w/o
going up the NE slope and making sure tree wouldn't fall on me...
so... next spot.. is at the two bridges... in the next valley upstream.. and that
is not burned (well... the hillside got toasted... but that's moot)
Beyond all that there is no burn.. and Echo Valley, which I was told has been
toasted completely a couple of times in the past (I guess last time was about
25 years ago) ... had no damage.
Hope that answers your query..
Here's Echo Valley... as good as ever:

Have fun

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 11/18/2014 06:46AM by chick-on.