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Re: Tuolumne to Hetch H -- When?

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Tuolumne to Hetch H -- When?
March 12, 2015 10:08PM
Hey everyone,

Been busy hiking other places lately, but I plan to do the full Grand Canyon of the Tuolumne hike this summer from Tuolumne Meadows to Hetch Hetchy. We will take two cars, so we can use one as a shuttle to get back. My question is this: What month do you think is the earliest I can plan to do this backpack and definitely expect to get all the way through? I've heard that some areas are flooded in the early summer about halfway through the hike. I don't want to do dangerous stream crossings, walking through flooded areas, or have any problems with the waterfalls overflowing to a dangerous crossing level at Hetch Hetchy. Any suggestions?

Re: Tuolumne to Hetch H -- When?
March 12, 2015 10:11PM
lol I just went over to the General board and saw that somebody had resurrected my topic from 5 years ago discussing the same issues. What a funny coincidence. Yes, I have been planning this hike for a long time.
avatar Re: Tuolumne to Hetch H -- When?
March 16, 2015 06:41AM
I am going to assume that by HH you mean O'Shaughnessy Dam..
This year, honestly, once the road opens... which I am not certain I really
even need to cheat and to look at Hiker Chickey395's answer this year...
you should be fine. The only issue would be maybe Piute... and I am
thinking some people will have gone thru there by then and give
you that answer too.
Mattie outlet... honestly... I wouldn't gauge anything so much on that...
well... other than it means that Piute you will probably need some logs
to cross... but the wade across Mattie outlet is really no big deal..
just take your shoes off... and plop thru.
The snow situation is just really bad... and just so dry out there...
that once the road opens ... GCT should be a go without much
my opinion of course... but I / we have been out nearly every weekend
this year... and it's really been scary warm and dry and just not winter.
In the past I have said winter was no big deal in Yosemite ... that
we hike in same clothes as summer... but this year it's been beyond
that... lounging in mid-day without gloves on... not having to change
clothes inside sleeping bag... just really too warm for winter.

Chick-on is looking at you!
Re: Tuolumne to Hetch H -- When?
March 16, 2015 04:00PM
Ditto Chick-On's statements!

With the snow we are seeing now, I think I will find the flooded trail in Glen Aulin will be sadly disappointing this year! (But I leave my shoes on! )

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/16/2015 04:02PM by JustKeepWalking.
avatar Re: Tuolumne to Hetch H -- When?
March 22, 2015 11:29PM
What month do you think is the earliest

If Piute's OK, I'd think you can go now. But it'd be a long shuttle via Sonora Pass. smiling smiley
Re: Tuolumne to Hetch H -- When?
April 04, 2015 04:06PM
That's right, chick-on, I was referring to coming out at the dam parking area. That last section of the hike has the waterfalls which swept some hikers to their death a few years back. So I want to make sure that the very end is safe to get across and I wouldn't get stuck backtracking for endless miles.

I think we will do this backpack in mid-June if all agree it will be clear by that time. I hope Waterwheel Falls will still be churning at that time.

In the meantime, we are doing a short trip for a couple day hikes in early May. Already have a room booked. I'm hoping to get a brand new hike or two to add to my four Yosemite Valley hiking reports. Was thinking perhaps Hidden Falls (although that hike is kind of short for a full report) or maybe the Liberty Cap summit. Or perhaps even the Diving Board if I could find a route which truly has no exposure or risk to it.
avatar Re: Tuolumne to Hetch H -- When?
April 04, 2015 06:30PM
That last section of the hike has the waterfalls which swept some hikers to their death a few years back. So I want to make sure that the very end is safe to get across and I wouldn't get stuck backtracking for endless miles.

Here's the latest Falls Creek flow.

Here's the flow around June 29, 2011.
avatar Re: Tuolumne to Hetch H -- When?
April 07, 2015 07:55AM
That's right, chick-on, I was referring to coming out at the dam parking area. That last section of the hike has the waterfalls which swept some hikers to their death a few years back. So I want to make sure that the very end is safe to get across and I wouldn't get stuck backtracking for endless miles.

I think we will do this backpack in mid-June if all agree it will be clear by that time. I hope Waterwheel Falls will still be churning at that time.

In the meantime, we are doing a short trip for a couple day hikes in early May. Already have a room booked. I'm hoping to get a brand new hike or two to add to my four Yosemite Valley hiking reports. Was thinking perhaps Hidden Falls (although that hike is kind of short for a full report) or maybe the Liberty Cap summit. Or perhaps even the Diving Board if I could find a route which truly has no exposure or risk to it.

You could have done the entire trek last weekend... had Tioga Road been open.
I would not worry about Falls Creek and Wapama this year, period.
Unless we get a series of storms like the one we just had... It dumped about a
foot of snow...
The Piute was crossable this past weekend using the logs which I am certain I
showed in the past (there will probably be a TR which shows them again
in use from last Friday) ...
If you search on this forum there is an easy way up the Diving Board (and
basilbop just posted a TR ... )

I would actually go as soon as Tioga opens... so the waterfalls will be the
nicest... and have fun.
Be aware that the trek from Pate to Loch Tablae/Pleasant Valley and up
to Rancheria Mountain... is "harder" than the trek up to White Wolf...

Have fun

Chick-on is looking at you!
avatar Re: Tuolumne to Hetch H -- When?
April 07, 2015 08:44AM
Unless we get a series of storms like the one we just had... It dumped about a
foot of snow...

Unfortunately, the Bay Area NWS Forecast Discussion doesn't sound promising regarding more storms like this one.

Bay Area NWS
Re: Tuolumne to Hetch H -- When?
April 07, 2015 09:21PM
Hey chick-on, just found the report you were referencing. So I take it there is zero exposure if the LYV to Lost Lake route is followed correctly? I had gotten caught up looking at the Diving Board route options discussion one year ago on here which showed the routes out of the Emerald Pool area. That route appears well documented. Not sure if it is doable though at this time of year.
Re: Tuolumne to Hetch H -- When?
April 05, 2015 07:48AM
Thank you, Sierra Miguel. So looking at those charts, on a normal year like 2011, the flow might have been too high to cross in mid-June? Whereas, in this year, it is probably safe to cross even right now? I have a hard time figuring out which level is the danger zone in looking at those charts.
avatar Re: Tuolumne to Hetch H -- When?
April 05, 2015 09:24AM
So looking at those charts, on a normal year like 2011, the flow might have been too high to cross in mid-June? Whereas, in this year, it is probably safe to cross even right now? I have a hard time figuring out which level is the danger zone in looking at those charts.

The only time I went past Wapama was the afternoon of May 28, 2012, and it was tame then, and that's about where it is now. So barring torrential downpours the day that you're there, I don't think you'll have an issue.

I seem to remember that the rangers close the trail when it gets above 650 cfs.

2011 was not a normal year.
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