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Deer in Yosemite

The Moon is Waxing Gibbous (73% of Full)


The Gangs of Yosemite

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avatar The Gangs of Yosemite
April 23, 2015 09:48AM
Be aware. They are out there.

If you see them flashing gang signs... or they have bling on their packs...

You wood be well advised to steer clear...

Chick-on is looking at you!
avatar Re: The Gangs of Yosemite
April 23, 2015 09:58AM
Def. run away if you see this one:

Chick-on is looking at you!
avatar Re: The Gangs of Yosemite
April 23, 2015 10:06AM
Had fun watching the Osprey at Kibbie...

smiling smiley

Chick-on is looking at you!
Re: The Gangs of Yosemite
April 23, 2015 03:11PM
Def. run away if you see this one:

Which one of us are you referring to?

I'm (mostly) harmless! Angel

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 04/23/2015 03:23PM by JustKeepWalking.
Re: The Gangs of Yosemite
April 25, 2015 04:01PM
He's saying your number 1.
avatar Re: The Gangs of Yosemite
April 23, 2015 10:34AM
I have seen that gang. Don't recall the hand signals but they are the king and queen of some pretty cool trail bling!
Re: The Gangs of Yosemite
April 23, 2015 04:18PM
Count the fingers...

And what is that stuff hanging on the back of my pack...?
Re: The Gangs of Yosemite
April 23, 2015 04:28PM
It's not clear I was holding up three fingers..but I was!
avatar Re: The Gangs of Yosemite
April 23, 2015 04:30PM
Aha the 58 gang? Gang of 58? Or should it just be the "Monumentals"?
Re: The Gangs of Yosemite
April 23, 2015 05:49PM
And what is that stuff hanging on the back of my pack...?

Um, yah. Sorry about that, dearest... Kinda let Chick-on have a little fun at your expense... You were suspicious at one point, and I kept expecting him to get caught, but... He was masterful at decorating your pack, getting photographic evidence, and then, amazingly, cleaning up all trace without you realizing! Um... Good thing you got him with 58, otherwise I'd be doubting your eptness...

Oh, and sorry I lied when you asked me point blank if Chick-on was up to something...
avatar Re: The Gangs of Yosemite
April 23, 2015 05:41PM
And the wildlife is unable to protect itself!

Re: The Gangs of Yosemite
April 28, 2015 03:06PM
that sun hat...those sun grubbies...the sun shirt...I own them all! That's some damn fine stylin', IMO.
avatar Re: The Gangs of Yosemite
April 28, 2015 03:11PM
That's not stylin...

Not in the least...

THIS is stylin:

<insert ur own capshun ear>

Chick-on is looking at you!
Re: The Gangs of Yosemite
April 28, 2015 03:13PM
Awesome! Loved it!!!
avatar Re: The Gangs of Yosemite
May 04, 2015 04:56PM
The ringleader with her bling on:

"Hey let's try this way" Grinning Devil

And the bling (and some other items) .... hehehe ... go bling... bling...

She came out smiling thru it awl...
smiling smiley

The real mastermind is prolly this guy tho:

Chick-on is looking at you!
Re: The Gangs of Yosemite
May 05, 2015 03:49PM
Heck of a trip! Our trip report will be out later this week, hopefully!

But jeez... All along I thought you were being kind and helpful since I was having trouble with my water bottle, since my pack was stuffed with the big bearcan and tent and all... But no... Just a great cover for your nefarious schemes!

I totally believed I lost my shoe in the brush on the way to the first campsite! You are such a little stinker!

At least you 'fessed up on the shoe...I had no idea I got "decorated" until you posted these pics!! Well played!
Re: The Gangs of Yosemite
May 09, 2015 06:07AM
Hi long time no post been kayaking the coast...great pix as always... I gotta get back on your picsa web subscribed list....
avatar Re: The Gangs of Yosemite
May 12, 2015 07:08AM
Hi long time no post been kayaking the coast...great pix as always... I gotta get back on your picsa web subscribed list....

Yellow der Grandpa James.

Free perscription... dough I'd recommend z blops picasa... mine ... I need to upgrade or sumtin... seems google compressing
da heck outta my faux toes on account nearly outta space n I guess they want some of my hard ernd monie.

Z Old Stick N Fedders Pix are ear:

Still waitin fur last TR for dat guy... and now da birdie is too behind

One from one he be missing:

(The Monumentals Gang on right) (boatable lake on left)

Have fun
Chick-on is looking at you!

Chick-on is looking at you!

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/12/2015 07:09AM by chick-on.
Re: The Gangs of Yosemite
May 12, 2015 08:14PM
It's the gift that keeps on giving... like it's x-mas every weekend!

avatar Re: The Gangs of Yosemite
May 13, 2015 01:22PM
Dangitall... darn Monumentals struck agin!

Chick-on is looking at you!
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