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Yosemite Valley

The Moon is Waning Crescent (4% of Full)



Re: Laurel Quickie

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Laurel Quickie
May 13, 2015 07:13PM
The forecast was for snow, and the Tioga Road was closed. After a very summer-like winter, it seemed we were now receiving a winter-like spring.

While the early plans were for a day hike in the Bay Area, we somehow ended up heading towards Yosemite for a day hike.

After waiting for the Hetch Hetchy entrance gate to open, we were soon on the trail, heading up the Beehive switchbacks.

Even at the top of the switchbacks there's still a lot of climbing to do.

Near the "Frog Ponds" we decided to head directly to Laurel Lake, since no trail heads there directly from the Hetch Hetchy direction.

Frog Creek was crossable, either on log or via a waist-deep wade. The water was not at all cold.

Eventually we reached the lake's shore. After an impromptu puncture repair--fortunately noticed near shore--the fleet was underway.

We slowly crossed to the other side and were eating lunch when we heard "whoop!"s from E and A, who had spent the night near Lake Vernon.

After an unsuccessful search for an alternate landing site--the lake's level was high enough to be flooding what would otherwise be beaches--we returned to our launch site and chatted with E and A as we dried and packed the boats.

We decided to return via the "longer" route while they chose a more direct path, so we parted ways. During our descent to Miguel Meadows we could see Lake Eleanor.

We had to re-cross Frog Creek--this time, there were no logs, so it was wading all the way.

Many colorful and fragrant flowers greeted us as we entered the area burnt out by the Rim Fire.

We took a short detour to Gravel Pit Lake--a former sand quarry for the raising of the Hetch Hetchy dam, and now home to numerous large frogs.

We took a marshy shortcut of types to the former location of the Miguel Meadows barn.

Not much remained of the ranger station--although the structure had been cleared of all the items that had burned in the cabin.

On the way back, we took a detour to "Condon", a high point north of the dam. Along the way we saw a remnant from the dam's construction.

The views from the high point were impressive--not unlike those from various high Yosemite overlooks, excepting the reservoir, of course.

After a scramble to return to the former-road-now-trail, JKW and Chickon Boo raced back to the car as the sun sat on Hetch Hetchy valley.

JKW won the race.

More Pictures
avatar Re: Laurel Quickie
May 13, 2015 08:03PM
A few of mine:

Yacht Club in Action:

2nd Crossing of Frog:

The blops atops Condon:

Good fun


Yosemite is Better
smiling smiley

Chick-on is looking at you!

Chick-on is looking at you!
Re: Laurel Quickie
May 13, 2015 08:49PM
  • Gash in boat - got like a three inch tear in my boat bottom. I felt wet almost immediately. Dried and patched. Waited 10 minutes for patch to set. 20 minute delay maybe? Turned out just fine. But I'll be more careful with pine cones buried in sand next time!
  • lunch on lake - so fun eating on the lake! We would drift and sometimes get close enough to pass food back and forth. FWIW, Wendy's regular chicken nuggets for me, spicy for the guys...
  • great seeing friends - meeting up with E & A was great! They planted the idea in our heads. We had planned on overnight with them, but when weather looked ugly, we'd cancelled. But they went up late Saturday, and Basilbop suggested Yosemite instead of the 30-mile local hike we cooked up. Of course, Yosemite won!
  • visited area for first time - everything from when we broke off XC for Laurel was new to me and Basilbop. The area had never jumped out as a must see. But we had such a good time, and conditions were so perfect... It's become an instant favorite. It's not the big vista or high elevation type of thing. But it was delightful and peaceful and lovely in an almost pastoral way, yes touched by man, but now reverting. With the flowers and water.. Just gorgeous.
  • loved Frog Creek crossings - I had been missing our almost annual ritual walk to waterwheel falls, with flooded Dingley and Delaney and Tuolumne crossings and a flooded Glen Aulin trail section. I LOVE walking in cold water! Frog was cool but not bitingly so. It was near perfect! Refreshing, more what I call warm water! Satisfied my deep water crossing longings. Would not want to try when it is in full rage, which I've only read and heard about!
  • wasn't a race - Chick-on wanted to play some going down the switchers... But he was faster in the tricky bits, I caught up on the smoother bits of trail and I was feeling good so i kept scooting when the trail leveled out. He went back to a walk. Never was a race. But I *did* win!
  • almost 22 miles. - Well, we didn't get our 30, but the almost 22 we got had a lot of XC (though gentle) and lots of boating! Could not believe we racked up the miles like that, it felt easy. But we had at least four devices tracking. Long story.
  • back and forth bling - Basilbop had blinged and cleaned Chickon on this trip. See Gangs of Yosemite. I was so sure Chickon would figure it out, but apparently didn't. But I let on that something had happened during dinner on the way home.. And it started him wondering... Then I asked if he was sure I wasn't making up the suggestion hat something happened.. The not knowing what was true and what might have happened did apparently occupy his bird brain for some time until Basilbop posted the pic. Messing with his head was almost better than the actual bling shot itself! Gues it's time for us to be prepared for payback!

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 05/13/2015 08:55PM by JustKeepWalking.
avatar Re: Laurel Quickie
May 14, 2015 02:47PM
FWIW, Wendy's regular chicken nuggets for me, spicy for the guys...

Are you saying chick-on is a cannibal?! Hen with 3 chicks confused smiley
avatar Re: Laurel Quickie
May 14, 2015 03:18PM
FWIW, Wendy's regular chicken nuggets for me, spicy for the guys...

Are you saying chick-on is a cannibal?! Hen with 3 chicks confused smiley

Feed ME!

Obviously eye taste delicious... mmm... Butter Chick-on

tongue sticking out smiley

Chick-on is looking at you!
Re: Laurel Quickie
May 14, 2015 07:08AM
I have a question about the deep water crossing... I'm assuming it was slow-moving enough to be safe. But wouldn't it be better to strip first, towel off on the other side, and put dry clothes back on? Walking in wet pants, yuck. And dangerous if cold.
avatar Re: Laurel Quickie
May 14, 2015 07:22AM
It was very safe to cross. It would not be so in a normal spring runoff.
Personally I crossed the first crossing higher upstream on our way to Laurel on a log...
at this one... we all just walked across in our shoes and all on...
Nylon pants dry very quickly... and walking in wet shoes all day isn't too bad.
But yeah, if it was ice cold... I would at least take my shoes and put on a new
pair of socks on other side. I personally cannot handle VERY cold water.
Some people definitely take off their pants on these crossings... I prefer
to keep my pants on due to shrinkage. smiling smiley

Chick-on is looking at you!
avatar Re: Laurel Quickie
May 14, 2015 07:59AM
Here is the first crossing...

and ... here is a test for Bearpoof...


eventually will get a quail shot for Just Keep Runnin

Chick-on is looking at you!
avatar Re: Laurel Quickie
May 14, 2015 10:13AM
Here is the first crossing...

and ... here is a test for Bearpoof...


eventyually will get a quail shot for Just Keep Runnin

State bird of Wisconsin.
avatar Re: Laurel Quickie
May 14, 2015 11:11AM
and ... here is a test for Bearpoof...


State bird of Wisconsin.

Really? I thought this Chick-on is looking at you! was Wisconsin's state bird. wink
avatar Re: Laurel Quickie
May 14, 2015 01:05PM

Really? I thought this Chick-on is looking at you! was Wisconsin's state bird. wink

Seems that pink bird migrated west. I think Wisconsin may have disowned it.
avatar Re: Laurel Quickie
May 14, 2015 02:46PM
Really? I thought this Chick-on is looking at you! was Wisconsin's state bird. wink

Didn't they give California the bird?
Re: Laurel Quickie
May 14, 2015 03:19PM
The Wisconsin state bird is a mosquito! I have a T-shirt that says so....winking smiley
avatar Re: Laurel Quickie
May 14, 2015 03:35PM
mtn man
The Wisconsin state bird is a mosquito! I have a T-shirt that says so....winking smiley

People just donut no that...

Kinda like Chick-on is looking at you! is the other white meat.
tongue sticking out smiley

Needs a advertizin campaign to spread da word

Chick-on is looking at you!
Re: Laurel Quickie
May 14, 2015 09:48PM
mtn man
The Wisconsin state bird is a mosquito! I have a T-shirt that says so....winking smiley

People just donut no that...

Kinda like Chick-on is looking at you! is the other white meat.
tongue sticking out smiley

Needs a advertizin campaign to spread da word

See, it's official:

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