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Ostrander Backpack, Glacier Point Visit

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avatar Ostrander Backpack, Glacier Point Visit
June 15, 2015 06:03PM
Another dry June, another nice visit to the Ostrander area. I camped at Wawona Friday night, getting there in time to have dinner at the Wawona Hotel:

The Wilderness Permits are issued at Hill's Studio next to the Wawona Hotel, starting at 8:30 AM, giving me time to walk around the Pioneer Village area.

There's a collection of old wagons:

A covered bridge over the South Fork Merced:

And a collection of historic buildings from around the park relocated to this one spot:

Then I got my permit and was on my way.

The views of the Clark Range from near Ostrander were nice as always, but they look more like mid-summer than June.

The lake was its normal picturesque self. I camped at Ostrander, finding a campsite away from the crowds up above the lake. The swimming was quite nice, a couple years ago I noted a shallow thermocline while swimming in Ostrander in June, this time there's no such issue.

The clouds built up through the afternoon with an upper-air wind that was initially from the NNE - fairly worrisome. However, mid-afternoon the upper air wind shifted to the WSW blowing the clouds eastward and away.

Sunday, after returning to my car I went to Glacier Point for some cloudless views. First, the Merced Valley from Washburn Point:

The waterfalls on the Merced look like May's rains have left them in good shape. Yosemite Falls, as seen from Glacier Point, appears to be diminishing.

And finally, Tenaya Creek Valley, Half Dome, and Mt. Watkins from Glacier Point:

Re: Ostrander Backpack, Glacier Point Visit
June 15, 2015 09:48PM
Was that this past weekend? Glorious weather, wasn't it?!

Thanks for posting! I love the Wawona Hotel. Something about its charm. Food historically quite good, too, in park.

Also, interesting to walk through the pioneer museum.. Ever read any Hank Johnston books? I liked reading at Wawona... The setting helped enhance my visualizations of the events....
avatar Re: Ostrander Backpack, Glacier Point Visit
June 16, 2015 07:19PM
Yes, last weekend (6/13-14). That was very nice weather. Sadly, I suspect the reason I didn't encounter a shallow thermocline swimming in Ostrander is because its so dry there was no remnant snow on Horse RIdge.

I haven't read Johnston's books, but I get what you mean about being in a place contributing to the meaning from a book set there. Craig Childs and the Grand Canyon...Paul Bowles' "The Spider's House" made a lot of sense to me after visiting Morocco.
avatar Re: Ostrander Backpack, Glacier Point Visit
June 16, 2015 06:35AM
Tanks fur Sharon Tom

Wawona is a somewhat hidden gem imo.

Eye wuz wit z old guy n JRfromGeorgia and his daughter last weekend...

Really nice amount right now

smiling smiley

Chick-on is looking at you!

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/16/2015 06:35AM by chick-on.
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