I spent the weekend at Fourth of July Lake, in the Mokelumne Wilderness south of Carson Pass. I've camped here twice before, but only snow camping. It's much more crowded in summer (for both previous trips I had the lake to myself)...on the other hand, it was nice to be able to swim in the lake, and the area is quite pretty anyway.
Mosquitoes: a few came out in the evening, not enough to bother with DEET...their numbers are clearly on a downward slope.
Logistics: Camping is by "designated site only" when there isn't "one or more feet of snow". First-come-first-serve, so arriving at the Carson Pass Information Station by 8 is a good idea. And on a Saturday morning...there were only 2 sites left at Fourth of July. Officially. Unofficially, there seemed to be a few undesignated sites being used. Still, everyone was reasonable and things seemed to basically work.
Weather: Things were cloudy Saturday morning as a dry front passed through and removed monsoonal moisture, leaving mid-afternoon onward sunny and nice. Sunday started beautiful, though high clouds from the remnants of former Hurricane Dolores could be seen to the south. It was nice most of the hike out, becoming partly cloudy near the end.
This is not a long hike...which meant I had time to go wine tasting on the way back in Lodi.
Water: Frog Lake is WAY down. The flow from the spring between Frog and Winnemucca is decent. Some flow out of WInnemucca's outlet, and in the seasonal freshets between there and Round Top, and from Round Top itself. The rains seem to have helped the seasonal flows with exposed basins.
Pics...there were some nice flowers between Frog and Winnemucca:
Lake Winnemucca:
Round Top Lake:
Caples "Lake", from Fourth of July Peak:
View into Fourth of July Lake:
Morning view of Fourth of July Lake:
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/20/2015 09:04PM by ttilley.