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Re: Emeric Lake (pics)

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avatar Emeric Lake (pics)
September 01, 2015 09:19PM
I spent last weekend hiking to Emeric Lake. I had a reserved permit for Rafferty Creek trail, and was deciding between Vogelsang Lake and Emeric...the windy-yet-not-too-cold conditions Saturday convinced me to go for the longer, but lower elevation, and therefore swimmable Emeric.

Bugs: not a problem.

Water: Obviously there are lakes...Rafferty Creek has no flowing water, and only a few stagnant pools in the middle reaches. The pond at Tuolumne Pass has fresh-looking water despite no flow in or out. The two ponds below Boothe Lake likewise have fresh-looking water despite no flow. Emeric Creek has stagnant water pools in the meadow and no flow, Fletcher Creek is flowing reasonably.

Pics: Alpenglow at Emeric Lake:

Next morning:

Boothe Lake:

Fletcher Creek:

avatar Re: Emeric Lake (pics)
September 02, 2015 12:35AM
Those are some really beautiful photos; thanks for sharing them with us.

Regarding the mountain with a sharp point on the right of the first picture: is that Vogelsang? I can't tell.
avatar Re: Emeric Lake (pics)
September 02, 2015 06:49AM
Regarding the mountain with a sharp point on the right of the first picture: is that Vogelsang? I can't tell.

Sharp pointy is not named... Vogelsang Peak is the middle nubicle in his first faux toe.

Sharp pointy one is this:

Chick-on is looking at you!
avatar Re: Emeric Lake (pics)
September 02, 2015 06:49AM
I believe that's the unnamed Peak 11120+, to the south of Vogelsang. That peak presents a sharp profile towards the west.
avatar Re: Emeric Lake (pics)
September 02, 2015 10:41AM
Thanks to both you and chick-on for the knowledge! I suppose the natural follow-up is, how on earth does a peak with such an interesting/distinct profile not yet have a name?
avatar Re: Emeric Lake (pics)
September 02, 2015 06:32PM
Notice on the map that the sharp pointy thing doesn't really rise much more than 100 feet above the low point in the ridge connecting it to Vogelsang (contour interval 40 feet). You can't see that ridge because it's blocked by lower, but closer, terrain.
avatar Re: Emeric Lake (pics)
September 03, 2015 01:18AM

I believe that's the unnamed Peak 11120+, to the south of Vogelsang. That peak presents a sharp profile towards the west.

Couldn't Peak 11120+ be considered a second summit (the southwest summit) of Vogelsang Peak?

(Of course, if they wanted to give a similar yet different name, to Peak 11120, they could always name it after SF Giants pitcher, Ryan Vogelsong. Vogelsong vs. Vogelsang. wink )

avatar Re: Emeric Lake (pics)
September 02, 2015 06:46AM
Mr. Tom,
Any chance you see a couple of turkee birds "boating" on Vogelsang Lakes?
(note "boating" used very loosely as m certain dey got blown across the lakes)
Me had to be home Saturday... crying .. but did git Elizabeth, Nelson, and Reymann in...
with some nice company along the way...
smiling smiley

Have fun

Chick-on is looking at you!
avatar Re: Emeric Lake (pics)
September 02, 2015 06:54AM
I didn't see anyone boating on Emeric, or on Boothe when I hiked by, though it was windy Saturday. There was one other party camping at Emeric, showed up around 5 or so, they seemed more into fishing though.

I forgot to mention...the lake was swimmable but a little chilly - the wind was stirring up colder water from the bottom. When I got there the wind was blowing from the west-southwest, away from the west shore, and it seemed warm. Then, by the time I was ready to swim the wind was from the south-southwest, towards the western shore, and the water had clearly cooled down.
avatar Re: Emeric Lake (pics)
September 02, 2015 07:25AM
Z Blops dooz... Boothe, Fletcher, Voglsang, Townsley, Evelyn... and to rub it in... Hanging Basket...

They prolly didn't have "another 10 miles" left in them to do Emeric and Babcock... tongue sticking out smiley

But I'm not bitter. (or butter for that matter)

Tanks Tom
Have fun Out der

Chick-on is looking at you!

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 09/02/2015 07:27AM by chick-on.
Re: Emeric Lake (pics)
September 02, 2015 11:28AM
Hmmm might consider going down to Emeric instead of vogelsang. Thanks for sharing!

How could was it? I'll be down there mid sept
avatar Re: Emeric Lake (pics)
September 02, 2015 01:19PM
The temperature was fine, probably warmer than expected Saturday night due to the clouds that had come in. Emeric is at 9,300 ft. or so. It was windy Saturday during the day and evening, the winds died down overnight, Sunday was just a typical nice Sierra day.

The view from Vogelsang Peak is awesome, if that's something you were expecting to do at Vogelsang.
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