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Re: Snowshoeing from Badger Pass to Glacier Point

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Snowshoeing from Badger Pass to Glacier Point
December 13, 2015 11:19PM
Hi everyone,

I am planning a trip for Christmas long weekend to snowshoe (no ski) from Badger Pass to Glacier Point. It would be two nights camping. I live in LA. Considering the driving time, I feel like 21 mile for 3 days is probably not practical. Has anyone done this trip? What is your experience?

avatar Re: Snowshoeing from Badger Pass to Glacier Point
December 14, 2015 08:01AM
Figure maybe a mile an hour on snowshoes... and go from there imo...
It's a groomed trail...

Depends what kinda shape your in... and experience and such...
over Thanksgiving we dooz about 29 miles in 2 1/2 days... breaking trail for
most of trip in 6" to 2 feet of snow... so... it's doable... just depends what
your desire is...

Personally not a HUGE fan of snowshoeing GP road. No views really
until Clark Range View...

If concerned with time and such... maybe just shoot for Dewey?

Chick-on is looking at you!
avatar Re: Snowshoeing from Badger Pass to Glacier Point
December 14, 2015 08:21AM
As Chick-On noted it's groomed (though watch the forecast, it's not groomed daily, you could "break trail" depending upon timing). I've done one-night trips to Taft Point and Sentinel Dome. Haven't gone all the way out to Glacier Point, but when I do that I'll plan a two-night trip.

I don't think I'd plan this in late December as a camping trip, though - there's not much daylight to work with. The trips I did were in March, I believe, much more daylight to work with.

Watch the forecasts, OpenSnow seems to think the weather may turn a bit more active towards the end of the extended period (which would be around your timeframe).
Re: Snowshoeing from Badger Pass to Glacier Point
December 14, 2015 10:25PM
Great Info. Thanks everyone.

I have done Dewey once and totally agree that the view was stunning.
avatar Re: Snowshoeing from Badger Pass to Glacier Point
December 14, 2015 12:34PM
Like the Bird says...Dewey is a good one. Highly recommended.

If you want to head out the Glacier Point Road, I would recommend stopping at Sentinel Dome...same if not better views and you avoid a bit of mileage and the 600 foot drop down to Glacier Point.
Re: Snowshoeing from Badger Pass to Glacier Point
December 23, 2015 08:55AM
Hi guys,

I just called the Ranger Station and learned that in winter I am not required to carry bear canister. This is a good news to me but also a little surprise as I thought bear canister is always needed.

When you guys go there do you carry bear canister?

Thanks again and happy holiday.

avatar Re: Snowshoeing from Badger Pass to Glacier Point
December 23, 2015 09:19AM
From the park's Superintendent's Compendium, which compiles the park's regulations:

2015 Yosemite Superintendent's Compendium, Page 18
An exception to the above requirements is granted for winter use in designated areas within Yosemite
Wilderness. Overnight visitors using skis or snowshoes in the following areas are not required to store
food in bear resistant food canisters: 1) above 7200 feet in elevation or 2)
• above 6800 feet and within a ½ mile of a marked ski trail. Overnight visitors are required to hang their
food to protect it from wildlife. The winter use exception is in effect from December 15 of each year until
March 30 the following year unless otherwise designated by the Superintendent.

I carry my canister anyway, I have one of the Bearikade's so it's pretty light, and I avoid having to hang/unhang food.

Note that the exception does not apply to Little Yosemite Valley (not on your itinerary), and that the bear lockers at Little Yosemite can be snowed/iced in - I once saw bear-strewn food there in March, picked up what I could.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/23/2015 09:20AM by ttilley.
avatar Re: Snowshoeing from Badger Pass to Glacier Point
December 23, 2015 09:25AM
Same as Tom. Usually I will just take the canister... I want my food right next to me...
within arms reach typically... so I can get to it from the tent or sleepy bag (if bivying)...
The last couple of years took all the time due to utter lack of snow.

This year will prolly leave it behind on a few trips since there is a good amount of snow.

Chick-on is looking at you!
Re: Snowshoeing from Badger Pass to Glacier Point
December 23, 2015 07:17PM
This year will prolly leave it behind on a few trips since there is a good amount of snow.

That said, last weekend, the three of us each had a canister! Basilbop with the 16" custom, me with the weekender, you with scout! And yet each night, they seemed rather full! We were definitely not trying for efficient packing! But very convenient.

Btw, I will not hang food. I carry the Bearikade and don't fuss (much) about it.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/23/2015 07:17PM by JustKeepWalking.
Re: Snowshoeing from Badger Pass to Glacier Point
January 29, 2016 01:36PM
Nice report Yang! Can't wait to get there! thanks
Re: Snowshoeing from Badger Pass to Glacier Point
December 23, 2015 08:06PM
ttilley, chick-on and JustKeepWalking thanks again for the good information. I have Bearikade also and will take it.

It seems a lot of snow these days. I cannot wait for Friday.
Re: Snowshoeing from Badger Pass to Glacier Point
December 23, 2015 08:32PM
I am wistful. In Colorado now. Wish I was going back out this weekend to see a snowy Yosemite... Have missed it very much... Please enjoy and be safe!
Re: Snowshoeing from Badger Pass to Glacier Point
December 27, 2015 06:58PM
So Yang, had a good time there?

Would you mind sharing your itinerary? I am going early February and still planning the route.

Re: Snowshoeing from Badger Pass to Glacier Point
January 10, 2016 12:08PM
Hi jvieiram and everyone,

I just got some time to report back my trip. Sorry for the delay. My wife and I made to Glacier Point! We had a lot of fun there. I have to admit that snowshoeing 10 miles a day is not that easy. Our itinerary was:

Day 1, started at about 2PM from badger to the Bridalveil creek campground about 3 miles. If I do it again, I would just camp somewhere not far from the main road. The campground seemed to have additional half mile from the road. Weather forecast was 4F at night. But two of my thermometer showed -17F! One of them is called iButton that is used in food industry and temp range is -40 to +80. So I feel -17 should be right. Anyway, it was very cold!

Day 2, started at about 10:40am. Reach to Glacier Point at about 4pm. Camp at the Glacier Point parking lot. Low was 20F something. It was enjoyable.

Day 3, started at about 9:30am. Got to Badger Pass at about 4:20pm.

avatar Re: Snowshoeing from Badger Pass to Glacier Point
January 10, 2016 05:30PM
Nice pictures, thanks! Glad the weather held and you could make it out to the point.
Re: Snowshoeing from Badger Pass to Glacier Point
January 10, 2016 05:59PM
Thanks for posting about your trip!

Yup, snowshoeing is more effort than hiking!!! But fun!!! Good for u guys for getting it done! And for making it through that cold night!!!!

*Love* your tent color!!!

Sunset pics great!
avatar Re: Snowshoeing from Badger Pass to Glacier Point
January 11, 2016 07:57AM
Thanks for coming back and saying what you did!

It was REALLY nice when you went... just after storm and glorious snow!
(I am assuming you went 25-27) ...

This is wife on the 27th... we prolly missed you on GP road...
we were off road til Washburn

Chick-on is looking at you!

Chick-on is looking at you!
avatar Re: Snowshoeing from Badger Pass to Glacier Point
January 11, 2016 02:23PM
Wow, that is a beautiful shot of your tent! Thanks for the report. I will also be heading out in the beginning of February. This makes me all tingly inside!
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