I am looking for a new hike and wanted to get advice on solo backpack in area I haven't done. Route pic is below in picture but starting near Soda Springs following river to Glen Aulin to Waterwheel to White Wolf (halfway point) then returning via different route stoping at Grant lakes, Ten Lakes, near Tuolumne peak on way back coming back to Glen Aulin HSC to Soda Springs where I started. About 60 miles total and elevation gain seems reasonable. I have done previous solos like North Rim to Mt Watkins (thanks to advice here!), Pohono, Tuolomne to valley via Vogelsang, Cathedral, Rancheria, Tenaya to Sunrise, etc and normally do only 6-8 miles/day with heavy pack on.
Wanted to ask advice if should modify route back to see more (e.g. see May Lake) or any thoughts on how many days to spread this over. And best time (July, Aug good?). Thanks all. Excited to go and again thanks all. Unique community and amazing amount of wisdom on this forum.
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/08/2016 08:18AM by Tedbay.