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Pothole Dome (Tuolumne Meadows, Yosemite National Park)

The Moon is Waxing Gibbous (56% of Full)


Re: Zero Days

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Zero Days
June 06, 2016 08:00PM
The Park Service had warned that Yosemite would be very crowded Memorial Day Weekend, so we chose to follow the not-quite-a-path much less traveled.

The spring grasses were still bright green and wildflowers were near peak bloom.

The forecast had called for a chance of thunderstorms all weekend.

We had to settle for smaller waterfalls than those that the Yosemite Valley crowds were enjoying.

The water was high enough to be flooding normally-dry areas.

Those who didn't head for the mountains may instead have headed for a beach.

The day was quite warm, and everyone welcomed a bit of shade.

Far from the Valley, we were still surrounded by wonderful granite, everywhere.

JKW stayed at camp to recover from a back injury while the rest of us (the two birds and soon-to-be-elsewhere AndrewF) hit another beach and did some boating.

After crossing the small pond, we headed upstream a bit to check out more cascades.


We were not disappointed...

...even if the route was a bit... interesting.


The grandeur--and crowds--of the Valley seemed a million miles away.

Even though we were treated to a rainbow...

...the threat of showers never materialized, and we found ourselves wishing for an occasional cloud to block the warm sun, even late into evening.

The next day after an excellent meal of breakfast burritos and bacon we were once more boating across the pond, and JKW was once more getting some R and R.

We stopped for more pictures of more waterfalls.

We reached a point where the excellent open granite we had been enjoying transitioned to forest.

Our fearless guide lead us straight into, then through, a thicket of all kinds of dense understory.


We made slow progress through the jungle portion of our trek.


Fortunately, we fared better than others who had preceded us.

Eventually the forest opened up, and there were more sections of open granite.

The terrain had numerous small route finding challenges, but the scenery made it worth it.

The morning had been warm and a bit humid, and being near the cool air near the water provided some relief.

We eventually stopped for lunch, and after a time check, abandoned our original ambitious route plan, deciding instead to return the way we came--generally.

We checked out some places we had bypassed on the way up, and bypassed some we had walked by.

The dark clouds forming behind us confirmed that we had made the right decision in retreating.

A new guide found a brush-free route around the jungle of death, but also found a new jungle.

The World's Best Guide clenching defeat from the jaws of victory: Really?

But once more we emerged onto open granite...

Even if we almost got cliffed out.


Once onto more walkable terrain we strolled back to camp.

The dark clouds had managed to avoid us all day.

As with the previous evening, this evening was quite mild, and a comfortable breeze kept most of the mosquitoes from being too annoying.

The next day, after an excellent breakfast of pancakes and bacon, we did another day hike while JKW rested some more at camp.

We were treated to more granite and waterfalls, both big...

...and small.

Once more clouds were forming, and once more we reached a turn-around point.

We rested a bit at a nice overlook before heading back. AndrewF had to hike out to the trailhead that afternoon.

That's not to say we took the most direct way back, doing some flat water boating on a flat segment of the stream.

Unfortunately the flat water didn't take us all the way back to camp.

We said goodbye to AndrewF... but we know he'll be back for some more Sierra granite.

The next morning, after a decent breakfast, we too had to hike out to the trailhead.

We took a slightly different route back.

It was overall a good route, with a few more questionable bits.


We all too soon left the last bits of nice granite behind....

...as our path transitioned to mildly...

...and then more heavily burnt-out forest.

We reached the car having seen zero other hikers for the entire weekend.

More Pictures
Re: Zero Days
June 06, 2016 08:18PM
Wow no other hikers at all on memorial day weekend. You must have picked a remote area! The waterfalls, though not as big as the valley ones, still look gorgeous! Thanks for sharing!

Re: Zero Days
June 06, 2016 08:24PM
I can't say much other than THANK YOU to the guys for accommodating my situation. I'd injured my back at home before the Lake Eleanor trip, and since that trip and the subsequent ones were all "important" for sentimental reasons, I have been pushing it a bit... but I haven't been able to do a lot of distance.

I think I hit a new low-mileage this past weekend, which would normally be a big trip for our anniversary, but... well.. You'll probably read about it soon enough...

Anyway, Memorial Day weekend was awesome for me. I needed the rest and truly enjoyed my time in camp. It was gorgeous, no penalty at all! Can't think of a better place to recover! Too bad I kinda re-torqued my back muscle hitting a rock with my clunky camp crocs, but oh well. I could have done something similarly stupid at home, too! Suffice to say, given my condition, the guys stepped up and took a lot of my weight and helped me to enjoy the weekend with them!

Bowing to his greatness

And I'm NOT going to say Good Bye to AndrewF...just au revoir!

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/06/2016 08:26PM by JustKeepWalking.
avatar Re: Zero Days
June 07, 2016 07:34AM







All looked easy from here:

Thanks for a great trip!!!!

Til we meet again Andrew... Enjoy!!!

And thanks for all the other great trips we had Andrew.
Wish you only the best.

Hope to see you soon
Chick-on is looking at you!

Chick-on is looking at you!
avatar Re: Zero Days
June 07, 2016 07:36AM
One more...

Chick-on is looking at you!

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/07/2016 07:37AM by chick-on.
avatar Re: Zero Days
June 07, 2016 08:47AM
Very nice, thank you for sharing! A few questions:

-What type of critter is that which met an unfortunate demise? eye popping smiley

-What the heck is that goop in the bowl in the 2nd last photo?! confused smiley

-What is the weird-looking upside down green thing supposed to be in the 3rd last photo? A piece of broccoli, or ?? eye rolling smiley
Re: Zero Days
June 07, 2016 09:43AM
Very nice, thank you for sharing! A few questions:

-What type of critter is that which met an unfortunate demise? eye popping smiley

We think it was a coyote. Our theory is it starved to death trying to escape the jungle we were thrashing through.

-What the heck is that goop in the bowl in the 2nd last photo?! confused smiley

Crème brulee (Backpacker's Pantry). Actually not bad at all.

-What is the weird-looking upside down green thing supposed to be in the 3rd last photo? A piece of broccoli, or ?? eye rolling smiley

The Stanford Tree (so, technically a coastal redwood, not broccoli...). For Bearproof.
avatar Re: Zero Days
June 07, 2016 10:06AM
Very nice, thank you for sharing! A few questions:

-What type of critter is that which met an unfortunate demise? eye popping smiley

We think it was a coyote. Our theory is it starved to death trying to escape the jungle we were thrashing through.

-What the heck is that goop in the bowl in the 2nd last photo?! confused smiley

Crème brulee (Backpacker's Pantry). Actually not bad at all.

-What is the weird-looking upside down green thing supposed to be in the 3rd last photo? A piece of broccoli, or ?? eye rolling smiley

The Stanford Tree (so, technically a coastal redwood, not broccoli...). For Bearproof.

OK, thanks for the info, I'll take your word on the Crème Brule. Many years ago on a backpacking trip to Ostrander Lake where it was cold and drizzly going in, someone in our party brought along some brown rice miso paste, and once we set up at camp, they whipped up some cups of soup for us with it. I thought at that moment (cold and a bit damp) that was the best-tasting thing I'd ever had, but truth be told, they could have probably dipped a stick in some hot water a few times and that would have tasted good to me as well! smiling smiley I bought some of the miso paste when I got back and tried to replicate the experience in my home a few weeks later, but suffice to say the bloom was off the rose, and it did not taste nearly as good to me. I hope that's not the case with the Crème Brule.
Also, RIP poor coyote. sad smiley
avatar Re: Zero Days
June 07, 2016 10:52AM
This creme brule would be good at home, however not as good as the real thing. Something about the baking and the caramel.

Old Dude
avatar Re: Zero Days
June 08, 2016 03:32PM
This creme brule would be good at home, however not as good as the real thing. Something about the baking and the caramel.

The Mountain Room Restaurant at the Yosemite Lodge usually has a quite tasty version of creme brulee on its desert menu if one has a hankering for it while visiting Yosemite.

Leave No Trace
avatar Re: Zero Days
June 08, 2016 04:14PM
Yeah, but do they deliver?

Old Dude
Re: Zero Days
June 08, 2016 04:28PM
...and would any location in Yosemite be in their delivery zone smiling smiley
avatar Re: Zero Days
June 08, 2016 04:48PM
If they allowed drones in the park, delivery wouldn't be such a big issue. wink

Leave No Trace
avatar Re: Zero Days
June 08, 2016 04:51PM

Old Dude
avatar Re: Zero Days
June 08, 2016 05:35PM
If they allowed drones in the park, delivery wouldn't be such a big issue. wink

It would be after the bears caught on.
avatar Re: Zero Days
June 07, 2016 02:22PM
The Creme Brulee... is a favorite now. JKW started with the Mocha Chocolate Moose Pie...
The other suckers in the group barely got a sniff.... she was continually "cleaning the sides" ...
(you get one or two spoonfuls... and you pass it along) (somehow her spoon went in about 20 times)
So now everyone on this trip was "cleaning the sides" ... if you got "Creme Brulee'd" then
you got no dessert after the meal...
It is deeeelish... and is yummy any time of the day or night... home or away...

tongue sticking out smiley
Feed ME!

Chick-on is looking at you!
avatar Re: Zero Days
June 07, 2016 07:55PM
Ok, thanks, you've all got me intrigued enough to perhaps try that Crème Brulee, just to see what all the excitement is about! smiling smiley
Mrs. JK Walking tipped me off on the Tom-Tom turkey sticks last year at Whole Foods, and I like those a lot, but actually finding the things in stock at the store is a challenge, they seem to be perpetually out of stock every time I look for them.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/08/2016 07:39AM by PineCone.
Re: Zero Days
June 07, 2016 08:09PM
Aren't those TomToms hard to find? When they do get them in my local WF, I stock up. Luckily, they last a while.

And though the texture of the crème brûlée is phenomenal, it's more of a fluffy cheesecake consistency than my home-made over-the-top rich-and-creamy ones. Different, yes. Good, definitely.

Frankly, though the consistency of the mocha mousse pie isn't as nice maybe as the crème brûlée, I prefer the mocha mousse flavor by a smidge.

I won't fuss if either is put in front of me.
avatar Re: Zero Days
June 07, 2016 09:02PM
You never fuss.

Old Dude
avatar Re: Zero Days
June 08, 2016 07:22AM
You never fuss.

Um... um...


Chick-on is looking at you!
Re: Zero Days
June 08, 2016 04:33PM
You never fuss.

Um... um...


Dancing GIrl
avatar Re: Zero Days
June 07, 2016 02:39PM
Read your post again:

Brown Rice Miso Paste

No matter what order I put those words... um... yeah...

Good luck

tongue sticking out smiley

Seriously though... I gotta eat some raven ... was happy eating Pasta Roni and other
stuff... and then blops got me trying Mountain House.. and yeah.. they have REALLY
improved their dishes... lots of great options...
I kinda wiggled my way in... and now we share dinners. I think it's fun.
I think they do too. (as long as z old stick n fedders duzn't get Warshburned)
(that goes sumtin like)
Old Guy : this tastes like cafeteria food ... it's ok .. gobble gobble... slurp
Stick N Fedders : really?
JKW : crying
Chick-on : wow!

When the third meal goes around ..
Satiated Old Dood : yeah, I'm full ... where's the Creme Brulee ?

Chick-on is looking at you!

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/07/2016 02:40PM by chick-on.
avatar Re: Zero Days
June 07, 2016 02:54PM
Mortgage payment, Mountain House Meal, Mortgage Payment, Mountain House Meal,..........

Old Dude
avatar Re: Zero Days
June 07, 2016 03:20PM
Mortgage payment, Mountain House Meal, Mortgage Payment, Mountain House Meal,..........

I'm gonna go with you haven't looked at prices on Amazon ...

Let's see... Spaghetti... $6 for 2.5 serving pouch.

All the kinds go on sale. Yeah, sure, you can eat cheaper if you want...

This is a quote from Andrew from the trip over Memorial Day:
I had fun with you guys as always. Thanks so much for sharing the food with me. It makes me realize that my standard backpacking food sucks. smiling smiley

As I said... I ate crow on this one.

Chick-on is looking at you!
avatar Re: Zero Days
June 07, 2016 03:47PM
I know. Just making light. The really good meals have been vetted and do make mealtime yummy. Although ramen with a can of vienna sausage thrown in is delish.

Old Dude
Re: Zero Days
June 07, 2016 07:06PM
I know. Just making light. The really good meals have been vetted and do make mealtime yummy. Although ramen with a can of vienna sausage thrown in is delish.

Basilbop and I used to frequent the High Sierra Camps as actual camp guests. The full treatment. He suckered me into backpacking that way... Anyway...

There was a period of time when they carried Vienna Sausages in each camp's little "store". When the others were going for chocolate bars, M&Ms and the like, I would knock down a can of Vienna Sausages. Salt and grease! Was there protein in there? Who cared? TASTY!!!

Then they switched to "chicken" Vienna sausages. Not as tasty. And we started backpacking for real and never went back. And I haven't had a can of Vienna sausages since...
avatar Re: Zero Days
June 08, 2016 05:37PM
Although ramen with a can of vienna sausage thrown in is delish.

I have been know to do ramen with a can of chicked, some sage and maybe a few freeze-dried peas. Makes a nice break from Mountain House.
avatar Re: Zero Days
June 08, 2016 12:12AM
-What the heck is that goop in the bowl in the 2nd last photo?!

Looked like a steaming bowl of Chick-on droppings to me! Grinning Devil
avatar Re: Zero Days
June 08, 2016 07:19AM
-What the heck is that goop in the bowl in the 2nd last photo?!

Looked like a steaming bowl of Chick-on droppings to me! Grinning Devil

If you don't like mine...

You can always Bare Grills it...

(this trip was first time saw one of these babies out there... )
(but hey, no problem Bear Grylls "finds" one and kills it and eats it)
(so you should too)

Chick-on is looking at you!
avatar Re: Zero Days
June 08, 2016 05:42PM
(but hey, no problem Bear Grylls "finds" one and kills it and eats it)
(so you should too)

I've also seen him take a bit out of the middle of a live snake. Already considered him an idiot but that just lowered my opinion even more. Sigh.
Re: Zero Days
June 09, 2016 10:14AM
We have yet to see Bear Grylls eat a pie at Curry.
Re: Zero Days
June 07, 2016 11:55AM
I'll be heading out to some of those spectacular granite places week of July 4th. Can't wait. This will be the first year with "normal" water and I'll have to remember that it's not possible to cross the creek with impunity as has become the habit recently.

Drove through YV last weekend - it was crowded but nothing like (I heard) Memorial Day weekend, thankfully. I don't recall seeing the Merced so full, wide and fast in a long time. It was great.

Seems like the Creek(s) were flowing well also. Although just a historically average snowpack, I wonder if the high temps have resulted in a higher-than-normal flow (which will quickly slow to a lower-than-normal flow in some weeks).

Thanks for the TR. Can't wait to get there (from the west side this trip).

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/07/2016 11:56AM by ags.
avatar Re: Zero Days
June 07, 2016 02:17PM
Enjoy. I think someone told me snowpack was 25% of normal for this time of year.
So... it will go down quickly. It's probably high flow about now. At least that
is my guess... I don't see it getting much higher.
For the record... all my routes are shrub free. More or less.

Chick-on is looking at you!
Re: Zero Days
June 07, 2016 05:02PM
Seems like the Creek(s) were flowing well also. Although just a historically average snowpack, I wonder if the high temps have resulted in a higher-than-normal flow (which will quickly slow to a lower-than-normal flow in some weeks).

The flow is a little more than 'average' but not dramatically so. Peak was around May 14, at least for the Merced River. Don't know of any gauges for any of the creeks.
USGS Pohono Bridge Discharge - 5/01 to Present
avatar Re: Zero Days
June 07, 2016 07:47PM
Awesome, as always! Sorry I missed it!

AndrewF...be good!
avatar Re: Zero Days
June 11, 2016 04:23PM
Where was your base camp located?
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