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Tenaya Lake, Yosemite National Park

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Re: Yosemite or Bust!

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Yosemite or Bust!
August 13, 2016 02:06PM
I am coming to Yosemite Monday!!!

Very excited to be back. Although I won't have time to do really big things I have a question about Panorama Trail which I have never done!

I know it isn't all "downhill". Is there a water source between Glacier Point and Nevada Falls? (Also, anyone willing to drink unfiltered water between the two points---I forgot my filter in Alaska). I'll be with my family and we are splitting up there who is going to drive down to the Valley and who wants to hike. We have previously done the 4-Mile Trail this way and at least a few of us are ready to tackle Panorama.

Any suggestions?

Can't wait for Curry Pizza Deck!
(We are staying in Curry Village)
Re: Yosemite or Bust!
August 13, 2016 03:34PM
Water at Illilouette Creek.
Re: Yosemite or Bust!
August 13, 2016 07:23PM
I know there are all kinds of opinions but is Illilouette Creek drinkable without filtering?
avatar Re: Yosemite or Bust!
August 14, 2016 01:20PM
I know there are all kinds of opinions but is Illilouette Creek drinkable without filtering?

Lots of people camping up stream. I'd treat it before drinking.
Re: Yosemite or Bust!
August 13, 2016 09:03PM
I did this hike a few weeks ago. Drove up to Glacier Point, left valley at 9, arrived at 10. Group split. A few of us hiked down through Panorama to Mist trail, others drove back to valley. I think it took us about ~5 hours to hike down, and we didn't go that fast. We took some nice breaks.

No filtered water source beyond Glacier Point. Next water source is Vernal fall bridge. I did not drink water from Illioutte. Plenty of water, good flow, at least a few weeks ago. Over the years, mainly in my youth, I would drink water from the Merced and was lucky not to get sick. But it's always a gamble. Re: this hike, it's a relatively easy hike, as most of it is downhill, so just carry your water. You won't need that much. You can cool off at the water junctions. Taking a bandana and soaking it and wearing it around my neck works well for me. Also the store in Curry Village sells Iodine tablets. Buy some and carry it in case you absolutely need it.

Enjoy the pizza!
Re: Yosemite or Bust!
August 14, 2016 12:32PM
Half Dome Village Pizza Deck. tongue sticking out smiley

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 08/14/2016 12:33PM by Ohnivy-Drak.
Re: Yosemite or Bust!
August 14, 2016 01:37PM
Half Dome Village Pizza Deck. tongue sticking out smiley

LOL. I don't care what they call it. In fact I think they should sell the naming rights and get a bunch of money for it. I would sell the naming rights to my house if someone would be willing to pay. For example everyone I know calls the big building in Chicago the Sears Tower. So I'm calling it Curry Pizza Deck!
Re: Yosemite or Bust!
August 14, 2016 04:37PM
Half Dome Village Pizza Deck. tongue sticking out smiley

LOL. I don't care what they call it. In fact I think they should sell the naming rights and get a bunch of money for it. I would sell the naming rights to my house if someone would be willing to pay. For example everyone I know calls the big building in Chicago the Sears Tower. So I'm calling it Curry Pizza Deck!

Honestly, I had no idea that the Sears Tower was renamed.
Re: Yosemite or Bust!
August 15, 2016 03:54AM
It's now spelled "Willis Tower", but it's pronounced "Sears Tower". Just liked it's spelled "Half Dome Village" but pronounced "Curry Village", and spelled "Yosemite Ski and Snowshoe Area" but pronounced "Badger Pass Ski Area", and "Big Trees Hotel" is pronounced "Wawona Hotel". English is a funny language that way.
Re: Yosemite or Bust!
August 15, 2016 02:19PM
I know it isn't all "downhill".

Since today is Monday, this might be a bit late to be of any use to you but, except for the not-insignificant gain after you cross Illouette Creek (about 700' elevation gain IIRC), it is pretty much all downhill. The one other consideration is what to do when you get to the top of Nevada Falls. It's shorter to cross over the Merced here and continue down the Mist Trail but, FWIW, I'd much rather do the Mist Trail uphill. The switchbacks near Nevada are a bit rough (at least on my knees) and once you get past the top of Vernal Fall, the steps there can get pretty slippery (and crowded). Going down the JMT (with possible detours to top of Nevada and top of Vernal (the latter a more significant detour) is a little longer and I know some folks find the switchbacking endless but, at least for me, it's easier on the knees (and, at least anytime I've done it, far less crowded).

Re: Yosemite or Bust!
August 16, 2016 11:28PM
Thanks all for the replies! Back in Fresno now.

The pizza was awesome!

And the hike was okay also! Thanks for the note on the 700 foot gain. We knew that was there but had not quantified it yet. My 70 year old dad is in great shape and did fine keeping up with me and his grandson. There was plenty of water to cool off in but we ended up carrying all the water we needed. We also did the Mist Trail just to keep the view of the falls. I don't mind the crowds and I don't get to see them enough. Off this hike Yosemite Falls is almost bone dry except for a great pool at the base of the Lower Yosemite Falls that has a bunch of fish and is great for swimming after a short boulder hop up from the tourist viewing area. We also saw a bobcat between Illilouette and Nevada Falls that was a treat to spot.
Re: Yosemite or Bust!
August 16, 2016 11:44PM
This is REAL pizza!!! Love it! (also a warmup to make sure I remembered how to post pictures!)

Save Curry Pizza Deck! And my family had fun loudly correcting the tour bus drivers at every stop with the correct names such as Ahwahnee Hotel and Curry Village!

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 08/16/2016 11:47PM by chicagocwright.
Re: Yosemite or Bust!
August 16, 2016 11:56PM
My dad, son and I embarked on the Panoramic Trail from Glacier Point while the rest of our family drove down to check in at Curry Village. The hike took us just over 5 hours but we stopped to soak in views and soak in unnamed waters several times. The hike was not as hard as I expected---just 8 miles but the heat didn't bother us Alaskans as much as I was concerned about. Got views of Half Dome that I had never seen before and also spotted a bobcat which was exciting. This morning on the way out we also boulder hopped from the tourist area to the base of Lower Yosemite and swam in the pool there below the trickle of the waterfall.

My son is the lower right of this pic:
Re: Yosemite or Bust!
August 17, 2016 08:55AM
Looks like Half Dome Village Deck serves up Red Baron's. Rolling on floor laugh
Re: Yosemite or Bust!
August 18, 2016 08:27PM
Great photos! thanks for sharing, and how lucky to see a bobcat.
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