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Re: TrailQuest Accomplished!

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TrailQuest Accomplished!
November 19, 2016 03:09PM
Just a few hours ago JKW officially finished her Yosemite TrailQuest! *


Okay.... actually, there's one small section of trail left that The Pink One, OD, and she plan on finishing together: the extremely strenuous and dangerous Wawona Meadow Loop of Death. Stay tuned for the TR!

I know I've had a lot of fun trying to keep up with the Advance Party, and I've been fortunate that they've allowed me to chip away at my own TQ along the way.

* Although... even as I'm typing this I'm hearing that the judges may be claiming that there are still unhiked trail segments remaining...?!?
Re: TrailQuest Accomplished!
November 19, 2016 04:26PM
avatar Re: TrailQuest Accomplished!
November 19, 2016 09:02PM
Awesome! So happy that I could be a (very small) part of the TQ!
avatar Re: TrailQuest Accomplished!
November 20, 2016 04:21AM
Holy cow! Congrats! I'm excited to read/see about what happens next! Especially that tricky Wawona Meadow Loop--I hear it's a doozy.
Re: TrailQuest Accomplished!
November 20, 2016 11:43AM
Could be time for an "off trail quest".

Re: TrailQuest Accomplished!
November 20, 2016 12:32PM
Could be time for an "off trail quest".

There's talk of TrailQuest eXtreme (TQX), which covers anything that may once have been a trail, road, railroad, route, including anything that even just looks like it is or may have been one of those, with or without supporting documentation.

So yes, basically an "off-trail quest" :-)
Re: TrailQuest Accomplished!
November 20, 2016 03:38PM
Godspeed, brave soldiers.
avatar Re: TrailQuest Accomplished!
November 20, 2016 05:04PM
Hike every trail...check
Boat lakes...check
Boat every lake...working on it
Boat every trail...next?
Re: TrailQuest Accomplished!
November 21, 2016 04:29PM
Hike every trail...check
Boat lakes...check
Boat every lake...working on it
Boat every trail...next?

Find all markers in winter. Scary face
avatar Re: TrailQuest Accomplished!
November 21, 2016 08:20PM
Could be time for an "off trail quest".


This is kinda funny... on account there were many times in the past... where I personally asked
"you guys want to do the trail?" "no?" "sweet... let's go this way!"

Case in point:

It's been a blast revisiting and at times visiting for the first time the trails in the park.
So diverse. So much to explore.

Can't thank JKW and Stick N Fedders enuff...

It's been a blast

Chick-on is looking at you!
avatar Re: TrailQuest Accomplished!
November 21, 2016 07:48AM
Amazing! Congratulations!
Re: TrailQuest Accomplished!
November 21, 2016 11:07AM
Very cool. Since you've allowed us to follow the whole adventure, we feel part of the celebration.

I think I'll have a glass of bubbly just for you!

Check our our website: http://www.backpackthesierra.com/
Or just read a good mystery novel set in the Sierra; https://www.amazon.com/Danger-Falling-Rocks-Paul-Wagner/dp/0984884963
avatar Re: TrailQuest Accomplished!
November 21, 2016 01:16PM

Well deserved Payday!

Chick-on is looking at you!
avatar Re: TrailQuest Accomplished!
November 21, 2016 02:15PM
Quite an accomplishment! Glad I was able to tag along for a few clicks.

Re: TrailQuest Accomplished!
December 01, 2016 12:52PM
Where was this photo taken? The one directly above.
I want to go there!

Thanks for all the trip reports!
Congrats on a great accomplishment.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/01/2016 12:53PM by lschaaf.
Re: TrailQuest Accomplished!
December 01, 2016 02:29PM
The north side of Red Peak Pass, which I definitely recommend!
avatar Re: TrailQuest Accomplished!
November 21, 2016 01:18PM
A little over a year... and with all this to do (ok, I ended up adding more but .. )



Chick-on is looking at you!
Re: TrailQuest Accomplished!
November 21, 2016 08:09PM
Congrats and kudos! Awesome achievement. You guys rock and are a true inspiration to the others.
avatar Re: TrailQuest Accomplished!
November 21, 2016 08:36PM
We got into taking all the sign pictures. I'm bit bummed we didn't start sooner...
But still ended up with over 500.... in less than a year...

Here's a fave:


Chick-on is looking at you!

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/24/2018 01:35PM by chick-on.
avatar Re: TrailQuest Accomplished!
November 22, 2016 07:48AM
One more...

From August. This moment really stuck in my head.
JKW heading to high point to enjoy the view.

Just Keep Explorin

Chick-on is looking at you!
Re: TrailQuest Accomplished!
November 22, 2016 10:07AM
Maybe the TrailQuesters could favor us with some info....

Favorite stretch of trail
Most difficult/dangerous hike
Best view
Best spot for a sunrise/sunset

That sort of thing...
avatar Re: TrailQuest Accomplished!
November 22, 2016 11:33AM
Congratulations to you, what an accomplishment!
Re: "We recently found pictures of me at Vernal Falls bridge when I was really young" -
might be a good idea to show that to chick-on, so you get credit for any potential TrailQuest segment that might involve! grinning smiley
avatar Re: TrailQuest Accomplished!
November 22, 2016 12:25PM


Just so happens...

tongue sticking out smiley

Chick-on is looking at you!
avatar Re: TrailQuest Accomplished!
November 29, 2016 11:29AM
Maybe the TrailQuesters could favor us with some info....

Favorite stretch of trail
Most difficult/dangerous hike
Best view
Best spot for a sunrise/sunset

That sort of thing...

Haven't forgotten

Just haven't taken the time to write anything down (obviously)
Many others could have chimed in.

My answer is something like this:

Well... honestly...

It's so hard to pick. Things people may think are mundane I personally find fascinating.
And many times it depends on the weather, the company, the time of year...
So some crazy brush-whack like Bald Mountain ends up being a joy.
Where many would completely poo poo.
And a trail like Clouds Rest is like, ok, time to bail into Tenaya Canyon and explore...


Favorite Trail : nearly impossible. Lately loved the "Payday Hill" climb out of Stubblefield/Kerrick...
and loved the climb out of Pate Valley towards Table Lake...
and outside park from Fernandez to Post
and so many more... see. very hard... and something like Rodgers Canyon ends up being a
just ok... whereas I remembered it in much better light the other few times there

Difficult : It's a trail... how difficult can it be... hehehe (this one is easy) It's the unmaintained ones...
and you have to stay on the trail and the trail is a nightmare.... so ...
Porc CG to Yose Crk CG Old Tioga Road

Dangerous : I guess if you had to say a trail is dangerous... I guess it would be Red Peak Pass
when there is a snowfield... other than that... it you hit it the wrong time ... any creek crossing

Best view : Volunteer Peak (I love Northern Yosemite)

Sunrise / sunset : hmm... anywhere in the backcountry...

smiling smiley

Chick-on is looking at you!
avatar Re: TrailQuest Accomplished!
November 30, 2016 09:59AM
Ok, it really sux that now photosynth is going to be whacked...

But... for the time being...

From Aug trips... here is Volunteer:


Hopefully JKW no upset with this... it's pretty darn kewl

Chick-on is looking at you!
Re: TrailQuest Accomplished!
November 22, 2016 10:08AM
This is a bit belated... been running around preparing for Thanksgiving, visiting family started arriving yesterday.. all kinds of busy... so that we can all head back for our annual Yosemite Thanksgiving. It's Basilbop's and my only tradition over the course of 28+ years. So, just haven't had a lot of time to sit and write....

But I do now... and I'm afraid I'm tongue-tied.

Been working with computers my whole life, been involved with chatrooms, forums and whatnot since they were born. Never got into any of them. Not active on Facebook, not very much into virtual social networks... but this forum... it's grown on me...and is the only one I'm active on... because I feel there are real people out there and I've been lucky enough to actually meet a number of you!

I want to give a huge thanks to all of you who have made this a wonderful place to share and learn about my favorite place. I've been going to Yosemite since I was three months old. We recently found pictures of me at Vernal Falls bridge when I was really young. I've been going since before I have memories of going. It's a part of me...

I would not have even thought about the Trail Quest without Chick-on, mrcondron. And in finishing all the trails I've neglected over the years.. my love for Yosemite has grown. So, I want to make sure to convey my deepest thanks to those two!

To Basilbop, huge thanks for all his support over the years and especially this past year as I've worked hard to catch up on the TQ. I'm so lucky he fell in love with Yosemite and the Sierra. He got me into hiking in the first place and I've never regretted it. I'm so lucky we share a love for backpacking, Yosemite and the Sierra. I do not have the words to express my thanks appropriately.

To all of you who have written words of thanks for trip reports, encouragement, humor, shared your own stories... THANK YOU! You make this forum work.

Bearproof - gotta say - you may say "a very small part" of TQ, but honestly, you have been with us every step of the way! We are always reliving the fun we have had with you, thinking about you on your own quest (congrats again on the county high points!) and we wish you could be with us! Huge hugs, and can't wait to see you again!

JRin Georgia - I'm so glad we were finally able to hike with you this year! It was an awesome trip with a good bit of TQ accomplished! Will always treasure the memories - and hope to have more in the future with you!

Parklover, Abetterpictchfork, Balzacomm, AnotherDave, Ohnivy-Drak, JasonS, SergiyP, thank you!!! Balzacomm - hope that bubbly was good! You all were with us on the trip, too! We talk about the forum and think about you all when we are out there.

Eeek - without you this forum would not exist, so huge thanks!!

One more shout-out to Chick-on... folks, this man really cares about Yosemite. Wants to keep it was wild and protected as possible. His humor and encouragement kept me going when the days were long and hard and steep and hot! I cannot thank him enough for encouraging and enabling me to finish this quest! Bowing to his greatness
Re: TrailQuest Accomplished!
November 23, 2016 04:33PM
Congrats on finishing the Trail Quest! Now I have to get off of my butt and finish mine. Good to have some encouragement from others.
Re: TrailQuest Accomplished!
November 23, 2016 06:53PM
Congrats on finishing the Trail Quest! Now I have to get off of my butt and finish mine. Good to have some encouragement from others.

Thank you and here is me wishing you luck in finishing!!! I found I really enjoyed marking off the trails on my PDF map!

Would love to follow your progress!
Re: TrailQuest Accomplished!
December 01, 2016 12:43PM
JKW, you are simply incredible. Major kudos and congrats, not just for completing your quest. But in the timeframe that it was done. For some individuals (namely me), it's not reachable in an entire lifetime.

smileys with beer

So what are the goals for next year?
avatar Re: TrailQuest Accomplished!
December 20, 2016 07:10AM
We need to get Z Stick N Fedders his TQ... help as much there...



(I am having a lot of fun looking at maps and planning/scheming/dreaming)
(it will be fun revisiting some stuff have done... and learning more about SEKI)

Have fun whatever your passion

Chick-on is looking at you!
Re: TrailQuest Accomplished!
November 25, 2016 12:25PM
avatar Re: TrailQuest Accomplished!
November 25, 2016 06:29PM
What list of trails was used for this quest?
avatar Re: TrailQuest Accomplished!
November 25, 2016 09:37PM
The "Trail Quest" uses the map given when you enter the park. I use a map that is 15 years old and JKW is using a newer map. The differences are minor. The "Trail Quest Extreme" uses all maps from the earliest of the 1800's through today using mainly USGS topos. I do not engage in the TQE as I have a brain. There is also "Touch All Lakes", "Boat All Lakes", and "Bag All Peaks". "Snowshoe or Ski All Trails" has not been formally initiated. After the "Wawona Meadow Loop of Death" is hiked, finishing the "Trail Quest" for me and JKW, I will bask in the knowledge that Chick-on has not skied from the quarry near May Lake to Tuolumne Grove along 120 and probably never will. Of course he has more off trail miles logged than anyone on the planet.

Old Dude
Re: TrailQuest Accomplished!
November 26, 2016 01:53AM
Actually, the map I use has been modified by chickon and isn't just the trails on the current map. There are additions from past maps and some extra goodies for my Trail Quest. (Not TQX).

Chickon, mrcondron and I are hoping to complete the Wawona Meadow Loop of Death together, thus finishing TQ.

Years before we had heard of TQ, basilbop managed to hike the Loop of Death on a dark and stormy night with his sister.... which means he will not be able to finish at the same time as Chickon and mrcondron.. sigh...

I've made progress towards Trail Quest eXtreme over the past few years, but this goal is ever-changing as we find new bits of really old trail, railbeds, logging roads, you-name-it. But I think exploring is the real goal here, and I've accepted that "challenge" too!
avatar Re: TrailQuest Accomplished!
November 26, 2016 01:24PM
Loop of Death

That sounds pleasant.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 11/27/2016 10:57AM by eeek.
Re: TrailQuest Accomplished!
November 26, 2016 05:18PM
Loop of Deat

That sounds pleasant.

Sigh... phone not easiest for posts...gonna fix...

Couldn't find. Sigh.. tired, but good tired...

Hope you all had a great Thanksgiving!

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 11/26/2016 05:21PM by JustKeepWalking.
avatar Re: TrailQuest Accomplished!
November 27, 2016 08:00AM
I could while away the hours,
conferrin' with the flowers
Consultin' with the rain.
And my head I'd be scratchin' while
my thoughts were busy hatchin'
how much I should be packin'
to be a taklin' the 120 in the snow

if I only had a brain

tongue sticking out smiley

Have fun
The journey is the destination

Chick-on is looking at you!
Re: TrailQuest Accomplished!
November 27, 2016 10:40AM
I hope there's no flying monkeys in Yosemite.
They scare me.
avatar Re: TrailQuest Accomplished!
November 27, 2016 07:40AM
What list of trails was used for this quest?

I posted it here:

not a list, per sey... but a map... that was an ongoing "left to do" ...
to show what JKW started with at start of 2016 left to do...

Since then the map has added more stuff which we (ok I) deemed worthy
of hiking ... i.e. if a intersection has a trail sign (metal) or post... and it's a trail..
then I add it... or if you can normally bike the trail / road ...
Seems right to me... but I guess I am a purist...
As for the valley trails ... imo ... you should at least hike Mirror Lake and valley loop
(can't recall if same) but... then again... why wouldn't you want to hike all
the trails in the valley too?
Just saying...

tongue sticking out smiley

This is the latest TQ(X) map... though I think Hetchy Dam down to Tuolumne should
also be included... and/or to mountain tunnel and gauge... but that's me

Of course once Mariposa Grove opens next year... we'll have a bit more to do..
but I welcome it... though am gonna start working on SEKI... haven't done enough there.

Have fun (that's what it's about anyway!)

Chick-on is looking at you!
Re: TrailQuest Accomplished!
November 29, 2016 05:48PM
Wow guys. So cool and so inspiring.

Having just moved to Denver, I might have to give this a go in RMNP.

Congrats! smileys with beer
Re: TrailQuest Accomplished!
December 15, 2016 08:43PM
I am not eloquent enough to say succinctly the impact of this - of you, of your endeavors and sharing and encouragement of others and respect for the wilderness. So instead...

avatar Re: TrailQuest Accomplished!
December 20, 2016 07:07AM

Super special congrats to Z Old Dood. It's been a long time coming. Definitely was fun the last couple of
months getting permits (no tights required). A bit of luck with weather and The Tioga still open.
And, of course, your perseverance/persistence/my insistence smiling smiley .. Congrats my friend!

Clouds Rest Bypass day:

(bypass trail and z top... woo hoo!)

Lembert and a few trails around there:

And Z final section Wawona Meadow Loop!

Awesome Job! You Inspire. Don't stop.

Chick-on is looking at you!
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