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The Moon is Waxing Crescent (12% of Full)


Re: Dewey Point SnowCamp MLK Weekend

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avatar Dewey Point SnowCamp MLK Weekend
January 17, 2017 06:18PM
My annual snow camping trip to Dewey Point on MLK day was approaching and I was excited to actually get there this year for the first time since 2011. In the snowless years, we were constantly having to organize summer type backpacking trips…Old Big Oak Flat Road, Half Dome with the cables down, Yosemite Point and the Diving Board were all great trips, but I was anxious to actually see some snow!

As the day approached a problem arose…perhaps too much snow. Roads were closed, rocks were falling off of cliffs, and the folks who were excited about Badger Pass Ski Area finally opening for the season were now not so sure that the NPS folks would have the manpower to get the road to Badger Pass ready.

We drove up Friday afternoon, leaving the Bay Area about noon, and we got to the Valley just as the sun was going done. I had to make the short detour to Tunnel View to check out the million-dollar view and the seemingly millions of dollars’ worth of nice cameras there to record it…always impressive to see so much nice glass. We got out and took a couple of quick snaps with our phones and point-and-shoots

Black and White doesn't show the burnt orange of all of the dead pines killed by the bark beetlescrying

I was inclined to stay there until the sun was off of the tops of El Cap and Clouds Rest for what I thought would be a better picture, but was overruled, and it was getting cold, so we continued on to Half Curry Dome Village and checked in. This car in the lot gave us the impression of what the week had been like on the Valley.

And the Pizza was much better than the first time I had tried it after Aramark took over…a pleasant surprise.

The next morning, we were a bit on the slow side getting going, and the other car in our party stopped for an hour to check out the frazil ice at Yosemite Falls, so we were a bit later getting on the trail than I had hoped, which was probably a good thing, as the trail breaking on the ridge trail was already done by some earlier party.

Conditions were amazing…snow everywhere

Views to the west all the way to Mt Diablo

And shortly thereafter Clark came into view to the east

We stopped for lunch about halfway out, and a good looking group of 4 came along…it was Kevind! We had a nice chat…great to meet him and hopefully we will see each other on the trail sometime in the future.

Crossing the little creek just before the rise to Dewey gave an indication of the amount of snow…4 feet at least

We had decided at the parking lot to leave our tents behind and build snow shelters, which we did at the high point just to the west of Dewey. Here are the boys creating blocks for their shelters

We had great views of Dewey, and across the Valley to Rainbow Falls and El Cap

The moon on the breast of the new fallen snow gave the luster of mid-day to snowcaves below

Sunday morning there were folks out at Dewey for the first light

The cinnamon rolls were tasty,

followed by breakfast burritos…the recipe taught to me by Chick-on, JKW and Basilbop.

After clearing out our snow structures we tested their structural integrity…some passed the test

And some did not

We headed back via the meadow route…gorgeous

And were quickly back at Summit Meadow.

Lots of folks were out, great to see so many people enjoying the park. And nice to finally see the white stuff on the ground, with more on the way!
Re: Dewey Point SnowCamp MLK Weekend
January 17, 2017 09:22PM
Wonderful to see the fresh snow!

So glad you met KevinD!

And yah... Been there done that with making real igloos and quintzchees .. And though quiet and warm.. A nice tent for me now! Hehehe...

That last pic of bathroom at summit meadow...

Years ago, it seemed more the usual that we had to climb down from the road level that was at or higher than the roof!! Had so many good snow years... Don't even want to say anything right now about current conditions. Just happy to see snow again!

We missed you and thought of Yosemite... But we had a great time in Sequoia, and it's a good thing we had done some recon on recent past trips and were flexible on our plans, because the road into the park was closed at the visitor center.. we were told until maybe 2 pm... so we changed things up... and it all worked beautifully! Hopefully trip report soon!
Re: Dewey Point SnowCamp MLK Weekend
January 18, 2017 12:05AM
Thanks for the great trip report. Loved the pictures.
Re: Dewey Point SnowCamp MLK Weekend
January 18, 2017 12:07AM
Thanks for the photos and TR, I love the b/w one. Going out there the first full week of February, Dewey is on the list of possible destinations.
avatar Re: Dewey Point SnowCamp MLK Weekend
January 18, 2017 07:52AM
Cool beans! (and burrrrreeeee toe!)

Tanks fur sharon


No Deer Doodles?

Chick-on is looking at you!
Re: Dewey Point SnowCamp MLK Weekend
January 18, 2017 09:15AM
Jealous, I am!

Nice trip. I hope to duplicate it one Winter when there's more time.
avatar Re: Dewey Point SnowCamp MLK Weekend
January 18, 2017 10:47AM
Looks like an awesome time. Thanks for the report.
Re: Dewey Point SnowCamp MLK Weekend
January 18, 2017 06:55PM
Great TR, thanks for posting.

We visited any may have even overlapped with your crew briefly. We left BP at about 9 AM Sunday 1/15 and reached DP about 11, via (new) GPR and Dewey Ridge Trail. I saw an encampment on the high point west of DP proper, and almost went up. But I felt uncomfortable intruding (even if it had been you) but I'm pretty sure it wasn't because they had tents.

We went out through Dewey Meadow, then across (new) GPR down to old GPR and back to BP. It was a great introduction to winter exploration in Yosemite - and there was snow!

I'm glad we got out to DP before noon. Afterwards, it was really crowded (by wilderness standards). Glad you had a good trip.
Re: Dewey Point SnowCamp MLK Weekend
January 19, 2017 01:43PM
Great trip report! Those shelters do look cozy and the breakfast looks yummy! Especially those cinnamon rolls!
You guys sleep warm out there? First night was chilly for us and felt pretty low but the second night out was much nicer albeit the random gusts.

Here's a picture to add! (fell face first into the snow trying to get up to take this photo haha)

Hope to see you all on the trail again!

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/19/2017 02:04PM by KevinD.
avatar Re: Dewey Point SnowCamp MLK Weekend
January 20, 2017 06:49PM
Thanks for posting. Great to see conditions. I thought the black and white shot may be hiding dead trees, when I first saw it. Do you have a color shot from Tunnel View?
I'm very curious what the view from Tunnel View looks like now.
Re: Dewey Point SnowCamp MLK Weekend
January 20, 2017 07:46PM
Would be surprised if anyones camera survived Tunnel View this past weekend lol. So much black ice in the lot!

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/20/2017 07:48PM by KevinD.
avatar Re: Dewey Point SnowCamp MLK Weekend
January 21, 2017 11:34AM
Thanks for posting. Great to see conditions. I thought the black and white shot may be hiding dead trees, when I first saw it. Do you have a color shot from Tunnel View?
I'm very curious what the view from Tunnel View looks like now.

Yes indeed, the B&W was hiding the dead trees. Here is the color version..
Re: Dewey Point SnowCamp MLK Weekend
January 21, 2017 03:30PM
Last I saw that view without snow... I thought "40% dead?".. dunno what the real number is, but it looked bad.. and worse in other views as u drive from valley to Wawona.
Re: Dewey Point SnowCamp MLK Weekend
January 21, 2017 05:17PM
Yes - that was very troubling. I'd estimate upwards of 70% dead in areas along 41 in the Oakhurst area.
avatar Re: Dewey Point SnowCamp MLK Weekend
January 24, 2017 09:17PM
Any chance on sharing that breakfast burrito recipe? smiling smiley

Also thanks so much for the TR and photos! Glad to hear the Pizza Deck wasn't ruined by Aramark.
Re: Dewey Point SnowCamp MLK Weekend
January 25, 2017 12:09PM
Our recipe is pretty simple:

Mountain House Breakfast Skillet (freeze dried pouch)
Ketchup or picante sauce
Bacon slice (we use no-refrigeration-needed-before-opening pre-cooked hormel bacon) (heated in skillet)
All wrapped up in hot toasted-in-butter on an actual skillet tortilla.

Trick is which tortilla, which sauce.

We seem to prefer:

Heinz ketchup (for the ketchup folks)
Raley's picante
Organic flour tortillas with expeller pressed canola oil.
Real salted butter


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/25/2017 12:10PM by JustKeepWalking.
avatar Re: Dewey Point SnowCamp MLK Weekend
January 25, 2017 04:51PM
Our recipe is pretty simple:

Mountain House Breakfast Skillet (freeze dried pouch)
Ketchup or picante sauce
Bacon slice (we use no-refrigeration-needed-before-opening pre-cooked hormel bacon) (heated in skillet)
All wrapped up in hot toasted-in-butter on an actual skillet tortilla.

Trick is which tortilla, which sauce.

We seem to prefer:

Heinz ketchup (for the ketchup folks)
Raley's picante
Organic flour tortillas with expeller pressed canola oil.
Real salted butter


That's the recope that I learned from the group. We added to it a bit...heat up the bacon first and use the leftover bacon grease for cooking the tortillas. We had grated cheddar cheese and Mary Janes organic freeze dried organic beans and rice. Tasty!
Re: Dewey Point SnowCamp MLK Weekend
January 25, 2017 04:55PM
Oh, we definitely use the bacon grease we can.. but the precooked stuff doesn't give up much.. sigh. But the butter makes up for it! smiling smiley

Sigh... cheese and beans!! Yummm!!! But I'm not sure we want to spend hat much time on it. In fact, instead of burritos, we've moved to a combo of MH Biscuits and Gravy and Breakfast Skillet. Faster and easier to clean.

Slow breakfast mornings seem to be bacon and pancakes! Hehehe..
avatar Re: Dewey Point SnowCamp MLK Weekend
January 25, 2017 10:19PM
Especially the Mary Jane.

Old Dude
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