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Re: Let me tell you a story, and maybe you can help me

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Let me tell you a story, and maybe you can help me
April 18, 2017 01:33PM
Hey everyone. I stumbled across your forum after days of searching for trail conditions, photos, and information in my quest to get up to glacier point. Let me tell you a story....

Let's take it back to 2005.

While on vacation with my family in San Francisco, we did a quick day trip to Yosemite, and like most people do... I fell in love. I was 17 at the time, I had started rock climbing the year before, and I couldn't wrap my head around the beauty my eyes were taking in. We didn't get to do much, but we did drive up to Glacier Point while we were there. As I was sitting there, looking at half dome and the valley in all its glory, I had this unbelievably strong feeling wash over me. As corny and Hollywood-esque as this sounds, and even though I hadn't met her yet, I just knew that this was the spot I wanted to ask the person I was meant to be with, to marry me.

Fast forward 12 years, and a lot has happened. I've been all over the world and seen so many beautiful places, but glacier point still holds true as the place that I want to ask. I've also met that woman that I want to be with, and booked the tickets to fly from Tennessee to California. Unfortunately (or fortunately - we'll see) for me, the road's still closed, and I have never done (either) hike from the valley floor.

This is where you come in.

I've seen some recent (theoretical) photos of glacier point from a beautiful reenactment of the 4 mile trail, but sections of said reenactment look too sketchy for us (ice/snow cut). So what I'm hoping is that the hike up the panorama trail is more doable. Does anyone here have a status report of the Mist/JMT/panorama linkup? We'll be there April 29th, 30th, and May 1st. Also - how heinous would it be to do and out and back in a day? We can handle the 16 miles and elevation, but its the snow and ice I'm worried about. It looks like I'll definitely need snowshoes and crampons.

Basically any and all information will really help me out. I know there are limitless beautiful places in Yosemite I can ask, but it's been a 12 year long dream for me to go to Glacier point. Please help.

avatar Re: Let me tell you a story, and maybe you can help me
April 18, 2017 02:16PM
First of all, those photos of 4 Mile Trail were not recent.
You need to look at the posted date. It will be MUCH WORSE than what those photos show.

There probably will still be snow from near Illilouette bridge up to Glacier Point
on the Panorama Trail. You will be able to look west as you hike up Mist Trail to
Nevada Fall and see the trail... and what snow still exists.
I'll post a picture tonight with how it looked on the 10th of April.
It could melt out before then... but I dunno. I doubt entirely.
I would forget about 4 Mile Trail at end of April... sorry.

More later

Chick-on is looking at you!
Re: Let me tell you a story, and maybe you can help me
April 18, 2017 02:39PM
Thanks so much for the reply. I didn't look at the date! 2014 isn't recent... you're right. I'll rule out half mile for sure then. Panorama it is. Any other info on how this trail is currently?
avatar Re: Let me tell you a story, and maybe you can help me
April 18, 2017 03:14PM
I'll post a picture tonight... but it'll be from a week ago...
I described in brievity the conditions as I saw... smiling smiley

w/t to GP Road... :

They plowed single lane to GP Parking lot...

Kinda doubt road open by your timeframe... but you can hope...


Chick-on is looking at you!
avatar Re: Let me tell you a story, and maybe you can help me
April 18, 2017 06:43PM
Took these on April 9th I believe:

View from top o Nevada

If it looks anything like this... then you be walking in snow... here's zoomies:


and geological exhibit circled:

You should be able to see the trail cut with your nekked eyeballz... and
prolly see how much snow is remaining... expect a LOT of snow at top still

Have fun

Chick-on is looking at you!

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 04/18/2017 06:44PM by chick-on.
Re: Let me tell you a story, and maybe you can help me
April 19, 2017 05:08AM
Thanks so much! Looks like I'll be bringing some snowshoes and gaiters.
avatar Re: Let me tell you a story, and maybe you can help me
April 19, 2017 10:51AM
Just to be a little clear... once you see the view like from picture 1
(top o Nevada) ... then you can see how Panorama Cliff trail looks

This here:

from the picture above... is holding a LOT of snow...

Hope you can enjoy no matter what you end up doing.

And fwiw...

I loved your story

Have fun

Chick-on is looking at you!
Re: Let me tell you a story, and maybe you can help me
April 19, 2017 11:51AM
Well thanks! I'll definitely weigh my options when we get to Nevada falls and see if it looks worth the effort. We'll most likely head out shortly after sunrise and go as far as we can.

Apparently last week a couple of hikers (novice or not.. I don't know) made it up to GP and thought that the shuttle would be running back into the village. Just the fact they didn't know the road was closed makes me think they were relatively novice, so this gives me hope. At least I know it's possible, even if it is sketchy.
avatar Re: Let me tell you a story, and maybe you can help me
April 19, 2017 12:58PM
I definitely wouldn't be using novice
to describe them...

I guess I know why they have that
sign up there now...

tongue sticking out smiley

Chick-on is looking at you!
I definitely wouldn't be using novice
to describe them...

I guess I know why they have that
sign up there now...

tongue sticking out smiley

Came across this youtube video a few years ago...similar story... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HkD2fZWCk-I.
Re: Let me tell you a story, and maybe you can help me
April 20, 2017 11:57AM
I've decided to go for it.... Go as far as we can without getting sketchy. The lady agreed to an all day epic.

I'll report back with photos. Wish me luck.
Re: Let me tell you a story, and maybe you can help me
April 20, 2017 12:08PM
Good luck! And congrats, that's aweseme!
Re: Let me tell you a story, and maybe you can help me
May 04, 2017 12:36AM
congrats and can't wait to see pictures.
Re: Let me tell you a story, and maybe you can help me
April 20, 2017 05:38PM
Best of luck. Oh My Gosh Point would be a decent back-up if you think the snow is undoable.
Re: Let me tell you a story, and maybe you can help me
May 03, 2017 04:35AM
We made it to glacier and she said yes! Photos to come!
Re: Let me tell you a story, and maybe you can help me
May 03, 2017 09:18AM
We made it to glacier and she said yes! Photos to come!

avatar Re: Let me tell you a story, and maybe you can help me
May 03, 2017 10:09AM
Yay! Congrats!
avatar Re: Let me tell you a story, and maybe you can help me
May 04, 2017 09:16PM
So awesome!
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