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Tenaya Lake, Yosemite National Park

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Re: Panorama Trail Weather Update?

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Panorama Trail Weather Update?
May 21, 2017 06:48PM
I saw the post from the beginning of May about the Panorama Trail having a little snow and a lot of flowing water due to melting snow along the trail. Has anyone hiked it recently to share an update? We go in two weeks, and the warnings posted on May 10 have me fearing for my life...LOL
avatar Re: Panorama Trail Weather Update?
May 22, 2017 06:27AM
This guy should have something...

fyiw... there are no ski trail markers on the pohono except
out to Taft... and out to Dewey from the road..
other than that you need to be able to follow trail under snow
there are not many blazes on the pohono trail

currently these signs are at the trailhead:

Depends what your goal is and where you are starting from...

Chick-on is looking at you!
Re: Panorama Trail Weather Update?
May 22, 2017 02:00PM
Are those signs posted on the Panorama Trail or the Pohono Trail?
avatar Re: Panorama Trail Weather Update?
May 22, 2017 03:23PM

Those signs were at Ostrander and Dewey Pt THs.
I think they had same at Taft. I didn't look.
Only saw tape across 4 Mile Trail from GP.

Chick-on is looking at you!
avatar Re: Panorama Trail Weather Update?
May 24, 2017 06:39AM

I dunno why... I kept reading you wanted POHONO


Panorama Trail will be fine... don't worry...

Maybe a little bit of water in a few spots... nothing to worry about...

Chick-on is looking at you!
Re: Panorama Trail Weather Update?
May 24, 2017 07:50PM
Hooray! You completely made my day!!!! Thank you!!!
Re: Panorama Trail Weather Update?
May 23, 2017 04:00PM
I am very curious about this as well. I plan on hiking down from GP to the Mist Trail on June 2nd / 3rd. Would be nice to know if there's a chance of snow causing navigation issues.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/23/2017 04:01PM by mts4602.
avatar Re: Panorama Trail Weather Update?
May 24, 2017 06:40AM
There won't be anything w/r to snow to worry about...

Chick-on is looking at you!
Re: Panorama Trail Weather Update?
May 24, 2017 07:35AM
Awesome thank you! Looking forward to it.
Re: Panorama Trail Weather Update?
May 27, 2017 12:23PM
I hiked the Panorama Trail right after Christmas during the drought years when the snow wasn't low enough to be within 1000 feet of it. The main problems were downed trees and ice on the trail about a half mile from the top of Nevada Falls. There is an area near the falls that drops off steeply into the Merced, and water running off from snow melt higher up pools near the top where the trail comes through and does a few switchbacks. If it freezes at night, that area becomes icy and you need to be careful there. The rest of the trail should be easy.
Re: Panorama Trail Weather Update?
May 30, 2017 10:30AM
Did the Panorama on 5/28 and there are no issues with the trail. A few spots were water is running on the trail but it is not a problem.

4 mile trail is now open as well with no trail obstructions.
Re: Panorama Trail Weather Update?
May 30, 2017 02:16PM
Also recently hiked panorama trail. We didn't find snow. While there were several stream crossings, none of them forced us to get our shoes wet. Only until Panorama Trail ended and we were walking towards nevada falls was there a part where it was a little more challenging to stay out of the stream crossing (you can see that here: https://youtu.be/6MbqtSVgZeE?t=1m56s. They make it look much more dramatic)

The John Muir Trail between Clark Point and Nevada Falls has its own impromptu waterfall. That was fun and beautiful. No way to get around it without getting your feet & the rest of you wet. You dry off quickly, and much better than walking down the stairs.

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 05/30/2017 02:22PM by mikeyj777.
avatar Re: Panorama Trail Weather Update?
May 31, 2017 11:33AM
Here was Illilouette on Thursday

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/05/2017 11:21AM by yosemitejim.
avatar Re: Panorama Trail Weather Update?
June 02, 2017 07:42AM
Oh, wow! Really glad I have a rain cover for my photo gear! Now thinking about some gaiters...smiling smiley
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