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Re: SEKI Redwood Canyon TR

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SEKI Redwood Canyon TR
October 02, 2017 07:52AM
I just got back from a quick little overnight doing the Redwood Canyon Loop at SEKI. The main goal of the trip was to celebrate a 40th birthday with friends and family. To that end, there were 6 kids in our group ranging from 7-14. For four of them, this was their first taste of backpacking, and they loved it! Most of them wanted to stay longer. It was really nice to see a group of kids walk somewhere without having a screen in their faces.
Since we had a short time for the trip and many little legs, we kept it to an easy 6-7 mile trip. Weather was beautiful, never got much above 75 or below 40.

This was my first trip through the giant sequoias other than Mariposa, Nelder, or Grant groves. This area far exceeded all of those areas for me simply based on the lack of crowds and the feeling of solitude. I know there are larger trees, but when you are standing near the base of a tree that is wider than some houses and so tall you can't see the top, overall size doesn't matter so much. I had a difficult time taking photographs because there were so many trees the photos don't show the enormity of everything.

I spent most of my time just looking up

and around.

The biggest hazard for me was not tripping on the fallen branches or rolling an ankle on the sequoia cones which littered the trail while staring up at all the trees. I just took my time wandering either alone or with my wife stopping to look and take in the scenery. Going into this trip, I was afraid that I would get bored hiking through a forest and not seeing the grand Sierra vistas I love so much. I was dead wrong, there was a difference sense of awe I experienced. This definitely won't be our last trip to these magnificent trees.

Re: SEKI Redwood Canyon TR
October 02, 2017 10:12AM
That first picture is spooky.

In a good way.
avatar Re: SEKI Redwood Canyon TR
October 02, 2017 06:36PM
Nice! It is difficult to really capture the enormity of those trees, and you did a good job of it. Thanks!

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