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Re: Dewey Point Snowshoe Advice?

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Dewey Point Snowshoe Advice?
February 25, 2018 11:21AM
Hi have so far done all my backpacking throughout Yosemite May-October but in want to start adding the winter experience. As I am recovering from a broken toe from running was thinking about quick trip from bay area, stay overnight at the relatively new hotel just outside the 120 entrance, drive up the road and do a day snow shoe to Dewey point and back. Have never done the snow shoes so not sure if i should rent/buy so thanks for any advice on best ones to get for me and my wife. Also wanted to check if there is actually snow up there on the Pohono trail! Thanks for any thoughts/advice.
Re: Dewey Point Snowshoe Advice?
February 25, 2018 12:40PM

So far there isn't enough snow to open Badg.. I mean the Yosemite Ski and snowboard area sad smiley

Regarding the snowshoes, it can be tiring to walk with the first few times but I ended up loving it! You can rent MSR evos/denalis at REI to try em out. I personally ended up with the MSR Revo ascents. Any of their snowshoes with the televators are worthwhile. They basically are a small heel lifter that makes it easier to walk up hill with. The MSR Evo has them too but my partner ended up liking the revo ascents better. Another set of shoes that seemed well love are the Lightening Ascents which are the lightest of the MSRs. Was going to get them but in the end, I felt the plastic deck of the Revo ascents matched my clumsiness better than the fabric like material of the lightening ascent.
Re: Dewey Point Snowshoe Advice?
February 25, 2018 03:15PM
Kevin, thanks so much for the advice - much appreciated! I was afraid the snow would be light or non-existent. Such a change from last year but thanks for letting me know!

Re: Dewey Point Snowshoe Advice?
February 25, 2018 03:22PM
Not sure if Kevin was trying to say this, but (1) IF the Nordic ski place at Badger (run by the Yosemite Mountaineering School, in contrast to the downhill skill part run by Aramark) is open, then you can rent snowshoes there. But (2) there's been so little snow this year it might not be open - Aramark announced last week that it's not opening the downhill ski site this year. So even if there's enough snow, you're probably better off renting snowshoes at REI the day before you go.
Re: Dewey Point Snowshoe Advice?
March 03, 2018 05:30AM
Thanks again guys! was going to postpone this until next year but with all the snow happening now I am excited to give this one a go. Appreciate all the great advice on this forum!
Re: Dewey Point Snowshoe Advice?
March 03, 2018 10:16AM
If the snow the webcams are showing holds for a few days, go for it - totally worth it, and not too difficult a hike. And if you can do it on a weekday, even better - fewer people.
avatar Re: Dewey Point Snowshoe Advice?
March 07, 2018 04:55PM
I just checked the whateveritscallednow ski area website and saw this message:

Nordic Center Opening!
The Nordic Center at Yosemite Ski & Snowboard Area will be open with limited services starting March 9, 2018 from 8:30 am – 4 pm. The Nordic Center will be open Friday-Sunday through April 1, 2018 as conditions permit. Cross-country skis, boots, poles and snowshoes will all be available for rent. At this time, the Glacier Point Road will be groomed up to the Ostrander Point Trailhead.

This is good news...I have an annual overnight trip to Dewey planned for the end of the month and we were wondering what we might have to do as an alternative.

So, based on the recent snowfall, it appears that the road is open to the ski area and parking will be allowed there. That parking lot is the best jump off spot for a trip to Dewey (it can also be done from Tunnel View via the Pohono Trail). It is a relatively easy cruise, about 4 miles to Dewey. There is a decision point about a half a mile in...you can take the ridge route (a bit shorter but immediately steep uphill for a bit), or you can stay on the groomed Glacier Point Road for another half mile or so and take the meadow route. The routes come back together closer to Dewey Point. You might do one of the routes there and the other back.

I have done this many times, and love it every time. Enjoy!
Re: Dewey Point Snowshoe Advice?
March 07, 2018 08:07PM
I won’t be making Dewey this winter... but I’m glad they opened the road! Any of you who go.. have fun out there but be smart!!

Nice to hear from you, Bearproof!! Hugs!!
Re: Dewey Point Snowshoe Advice?
March 07, 2018 11:34PM
So, based on the recent snowfall, it appears that the road is open to the ski area and parking will be allowed there.

That's great to know, thanks for the info. I just spoke to the ranger yesterday and until then, the official word was that the road is closed and one can't even park there.
To be precise, I was checking with the ranger about the current overnight options from that area.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/07/2018 11:42PM by nwhkr.
Re: Dewey Point Snowshoe Advice?
March 08, 2018 07:05PM

Join us at Panther Gap in Sequoia! We might go for Dewey at the end of the month too if conditions allow for it
Re: Dewey Point Snowshoe Advice?
March 08, 2018 11:45PM

Join us at Panther Gap in Sequoia! We might go for Dewey at the end of the month too if conditions allow for it

Hoping to be in Yosemite on the weekend of 24th at Sentinel Dome, conditions permitting. I have a group campsite at Wildcat in Point Reyes for the full moon night at the end of the month. Dewey point would be an amazing spot for your full moon pics.
avatar Re: Dewey Point Snowshoe Advice?
March 13, 2018 07:58AM
Condishuns were fee nom in al last Saturday...
(though it was pooring rain by about 2pm at Inspiration Point)

Ran into this guy ...

(or just dooz the hike with him) smiling smiley


5.5 miles-ish one way to Dewey from Tunnel View... and over 3000 ft up.
(anything but a trivial dayhike snowshoe)
just throwing it out there

Along with pretty much none of Pohono from Tunnel View to Taft is marked winter trail...

Have fun

and thanks for posting

Chick-on is looking at you!

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/14/2018 06:51AM by chick-on.
Re: Dewey Point Snowshoe Advice?
March 13, 2018 06:13PM
Condishuns were fee nom in al last Saturday...
9 miles-ish one way to Dewey from Tunnel View... and over 3000 ft up.

Nice! Thanks for the heads-up. Sounds like you didn't prefer the easier way in winking smiley
avatar Re: Dewey Point Snowshoe Advice?
March 14, 2018 07:07AM
a - sorry I screwed up the mileage
b - sorry I screwed up the mileage on account hiked from Badger to Wawona Tunnel
c - sorry I screwed up the mileage

It's more like 5.5 miles I guess from Wawona Tunnel.
Still a difficult snowshoe dayhike... very difficult depending on conditions.

We ran into no tracks from Dewey to Stanford...
Then a litany of "um... where are they going?" "um... what are they doing?"
"um... wth... is this my cousin doing this?" "um... wow... no one was
on the trail here" "hmm" and other fun stuff.
And, of course the peeps who think they don't need snowshoes.
(we ran into a few heading back from Dewey)

Anywho. We just dayhiked. Then explored Merced and other fun stuff.
If you add it up... we have nearly hiked from Merced Grove to Bagby this
winter... smiling smiley (I guess we could do Briceburg to Railroad Flat CG... but
yeah... why? ) Kinda kewl

Thanks to JKW for the dropoff at Badger smiling smiley
it's all downhill then (except for the 800 up)

on related Mileage note...
interesting they name Old Inspiration... (omitting Stanford and Crocker)

Chick-on is looking at you!
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