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Re: TR: Long Weekend Paddling, Hiking, & Fishing

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TR: Long Weekend Paddling, Hiking, & Fishing
June 11, 2018 10:34AM
Yesterday, I returned from a wonderful 3-day trip with my septuagenarian father and uncle to a beautiful hidden gem in the Sierra they have been visiting every year for the past 47 years. I have been fortunate to have been able to go with them for the past 20 or so years.

We started the day with a full canoe and kyak ready to paddle across the first of 2 lakes

We reached the end of the first lake, and began the portage to the second one

I took time to admire the wildflowers as we labored with getting way too much gear to the second lake (as being the youngest, I was tasked with carrying the bulk of the gear. My dad justified it as pay back for all the years he spent carrying my extra gear as a kid on our trips)

We continued along the second lake, passing what I think may be the largest tree on the smallest island in the Sierra

After setting up camp and doing a bit of fishing, I decided to hike up to a prominant erratic on the rim above the lake with my uncle.

The hike was a bushwhack-fest, doing our best to navigate through the maze of brush and rocks,

Eventually, we made it and were treated with fine views.

The next day, a low pressure system moved through, and we had lots of clouds, wind, and cold weather. Luckily, the rain stayed well to the north. We were treated to more dramatic scenery, and relaxed watching the clouds move by.

video: https://youtu.be/m_NFLa5dJWA

Unfortunately, fishing was poor along the river,

but the sunset made up for it.

Overall, it was a very fine way to spend a long weekend with 2 of the men who ignited my passion for the Sierra.
Re: TR: Long Weekend Paddling, Hiking, & Fishing
June 11, 2018 10:43AM
Nice post, thanks. I hope I'll still be adventuring in the Sierra in my 70's and beyond...
Re: TR: Long Weekend Paddling, Hiking, & Fishing
June 11, 2018 03:17PM
Thanks for sharing! That definitely is the biggest tree/smallest island I've seen! Looked quite clear and sunny before the low-pressure came in, how were the temperatures?
Re: TR: Long Weekend Paddling, Hiking, & Fishing
June 11, 2018 04:22PM
Friday was pretty nice, maybe a high of mid-60's. Saturday the winds really picked up and the temperature dropped to the mid to low 50's for the highs, and low 30's at night. Sunday it warmed up quite a bit and was pretty calm. Pretty perfect weather minus the winds.
Re: TR: Long Weekend Paddling, Hiking, & Fishing
June 15, 2018 03:47PM
I may have mislead some by referring to the reservoirs as lakes. I was at Bear River Reservoir (lower and upper) off of highway 88.
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