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Half Dome from the Four Mile Trail to Glacier Point, Yosemite National Park

The Moon is Waxing Crescent (12% of Full)



Re: Trip Report: Yosemite High Route (August & September, 2019)

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Trip Report: Yosemite High Route (August & September, 2019)
January 28, 2020 07:47AM
Hey everyone, I wanted to share a trip report from a trip I did this past summer. I hiked the Yosemite High Route in two parts in August and September. You can find the TR here: https://www.iain-macdonald.com/yosemite-high-route-trip-report Enjoy!
Re: Trip Report: Yosemite High Route (August & September, 2019)
January 29, 2020 12:30PM

Excellent report and beyond amazing pictures from an epic tour of the Yosemite high country. Thank you for taking the time to do such a detailed write up... enjoyed reading while following along on the topo map!
avatar Re: Trip Report: Yosemite High Route (August & September, 2019)
January 30, 2020 08:40AM
Ok. Cool. Yosemite is Better

This was my issue with publishing a route:

"There were about 20 entries this year, all citing the YHR, including 5 or so thru hikes, a pretty big increase in visitation for this minor peak."

Why I quit putting detailed things on the internet. And stopped posting trip reports.
And why I was a bit irked for what I deem a money grab.
Personally I've only ever seen people in that area when I was climbing Mt. Clark one year.
I'll probably get blasted for this. But I love this place more than pretty much anything.
So I hope that good comes out of it I guess and more people love it and take care of it
and, of course, I don't find loads of fire rings next time thru.

(and yes, I've done all this and a insane amount more in case you're wondering)

Happy Trails

Chick-on is looking at you!
avatar Re: Trip Report: Yosemite High Route (August & September, 2019)
January 30, 2020 08:49AM
Damn. Was up Quartzite in 2009 Oct. Time flies.

Anyway, yeah, I'm a "get off my lawn" old guy now. (I'm not THAT old tho really)

Luckily Yosemite has about 20 other "High Routes"

Chick-on is looking at you!
Re: Trip Report: Yosemite High Route (August & September, 2019)
January 30, 2020 10:33AM
Luckily Yosemite has about 20 other "High Routes"

Only 20? The nice thing about Yosemite (and SEKI, and everything in between... or pretty much anything between the two Kennedy Meadows) is that almost any line you draw on a map that goes by any number of places that look like they would be interesting is 1) a do-able "high route" and 2) will most likely be interesting. Bonus: no guidebook required (but a copy of High Sierra Peaks and Passes can sometimes be useful...)
Re: Trip Report: Yosemite High Route (August & September, 2019)
January 31, 2020 02:40PM
I enjoyed the trip report and the photos. I've been near many of those place- the ones near the trail. It's nice to see pictures of the areas I'm unlikely to reach.
Oh- Chick-on- I promise, no fire rings.
Re: Trip Report: Yosemite High Route (August & September, 2019)
July 30, 2021 06:45PM
thank you bro this is very interesting
Re: Trip Report: Yosemite High Route (August & September, 2019)
March 28, 2023 11:28AM
Thanks for sharing your trip report with us! Sounds like you had an epic adventure hiking the Yosemite High Route. The link does not work, unfortunately.
I'm not much of a hiker myself, but I can appreciate a good travel story when I see one. It's always refreshing to hear about people stepping out of their comfort zones and taking on new challenges.
Who knows, maybe one day I'll have enough cash to splurge on some business class flights and take on the Yosemite High Route myself! Until then, I'll just live vicariously through your awesome trip report.

Edited 3 time(s). Last edit at 04/03/2023 01:25AM by Celinkadev.
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