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Part of party arriving late to TM CG

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Part of party arriving late to TM CG
June 01, 2021 10:35PM
I have a reservation for several nights at TM later this summer - 2 cars, 6 people. Looks like part of my party will only be able to arrive two days late. I understand from the NPS site that the second vehicle will be able to get into the park by providing a copy of my reservation and my driver's license: "Groups with lodging or camping reservations, wilderness permits, and Half Dome permits may arrive in more than one vehicle. An occupant in each vehicle must provide a copy or photo of the photo ID belonging to the person who made the reservation (as well as a copy of the reservation) to be permitted to enter."

1. Is that true even if they arrive after the initial reservation date?
2. What do they do when they get to the campground? I will likely be able to tell give them our site no. ahead of time, but I assume they still need to get a parking tag for the campground.
3. If we want to go up in two cars on the first day, and then swap out one of the cars for a third car in the middle of the reservation period, will that third car be allowed in the park under the current COVID rules? Or will the second car that arrived with me on the first day have "exhausted" my second car permission? Alternatively, could the driver of the third car take the park entrance permit from the second car and use that to get in, and then get a new parking tag at the campground? (As I recall, the CG tag includes the license plate number, whereas the the park entrance tag doesn't.)

Thanks for any insights.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/01/2021 10:55PM by Not quite The Geezer, but getting there.
avatar Re: Part of party arriving late to TM CG
June 02, 2021 04:49PM
I think you can simplify this by thinking about the entrance gate and the campground parking separately.
Tell the gate you have 3 cars arriving during the reservation, one of which is not on the first day. Make sure all three have DL & reservation print out.
We had a similar situation on Lodging last summer, and the gate was fine.

You might have an issue with the third vehicle parking at the campsite, or might have to pay for the extra vehicle, but you can deal with that easily.
Re: Part of party arriving late to TM CG
June 06, 2021 10:33AM
This is pretty straightforward as Coolburn mentioned. Every car would need to show the Reservation and your photo id. I have mostly used slightly redacted DL as the photo id.

The 2 cars limit is applicable at the campground. In terms of arrival and departure etc, there are no restrictions if the other car has two items. The can come before or after your arrival or even after your departure
Re: Part of party arriving late to TM CG
June 06, 2021 10:16PM
Thanks to both of you for the responses.
avatar Re: Part of party arriving late to TM CG
June 18, 2021 10:48AM
I have mostly used slightly redacted DL as the photo id.

I have likewise confirmed with "Mylene" that redaction is OK. Specifically I mentioned: photo, DL#, DOB, address. But the address might help if it matches the one on the permit.
Re: Part of party arriving late to TM CG
June 19, 2021 11:18PM
Thanks to all for the input.
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