Bee, SteveC & I returned from the WhitneyPortalStoreMessageBoard group hike on Sunday morning.
We left Lone Pine early, and arrived at the Whoa Nellie Deli at 9ish so that Bee could get a slice of pizza.
It was way early for slices, so Bee sweet-talked them into making us an entire pizza.
We had to wait 20 minutes, but made up for that by eating on the go.
So we landed at the Tioga gate with the Old Dude Pass, & pizza between Steve & Bee on the front console.
Rangerette at the booth spotted it & breathed out Pizzaaaaaaa!!!???
We asked her if she would like a slice & she grabbed a newspaper & held it reverently forward.
And allowed us to pass through.
So, does hot pizza at 10ish in the morning at 8800 feet constitute federal employee bribery or an illegal gratuity?
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 10/20/2009 11:46PM by Bee.