I think it is a safe bet to assume the system will change after they get some experience with it.
It's been my contention that they'll figure out there will be on average more people doing this Mon-Thu (on average) than on the permit days and will eventually end up doing this 7 days a week.
The numbers I heard were that they were averaging just under 400 hikers/day doing HD on Mon-Thu. The alleged 400 permits per weekend day are going to include lots of no-shows. Ergo, the weekday crowds are likely to average more than the quota-limited weekend/holiday crowds. The spur of the moment hikers attempting HD are just going to have to push it to weekdays. I'm just left wondering if anyone who came up with this scheme used any common-sense logic.
I still can't figure out why they picked 400. The serious overcrowding problems seem to start when they average about 600 a day. I thought 500 would have been more reasonable.