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Re: How to lose 20 dollars Hang Gliding Yosemite Valley

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avatar How to lose 20 dollars Hang Gliding Yosemite Valley
June 28, 2010 08:06AM
64 votes were received.
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Did you know it is legal to Hang Glide in Yose Valley?

How cool is that?

Really cool videos once my amateur one is done.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/28/2010 08:10AM by bill-e-g.
avatar Re: How to lose 20 dollars Hang Gliding Yosemite Valley
June 28, 2010 08:27AM
I don't care if you look at the video. But if you open this thread... please vote.
Very interested in the results.

More info:

(btw. Theeee Old Dude won this bet)
Re: How to lose 20 dollars Hang Gliding Yosemite Valley
June 28, 2010 09:37AM
When we were there last year, I saw a few cars with these long "things" on top, covered in canvas. At first I thought they were canoes or kayaks of some sort (or maybe very large tents), but no, they were hang gliders. I didn't know it was legal until then.
Re: How to lose 20 dollars Hang Gliding Yosemite Valley
June 28, 2010 05:08PM
But aren't they only allowed to fly on Saturday or the weekend? When I worked in the valley (many years ago) they flew every day.
avatar Re: How to lose 20 dollars Hang Gliding Yosemite Valley
June 28, 2010 05:17PM
Yes, It is weekend mornings only.

Old Dude
Re: How to lose 20 dollars Hang Gliding Yosemite Valley
June 28, 2010 06:16PM

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/28/2010 06:17PM by hotrod4x5.
Re: How to lose 20 dollars Hang Gliding Yosemite Valley
June 29, 2010 08:00AM
Those "long things" on top of cars are all over in the Owens Valley now. With the 100* temps, come the hang gliders seeking incredible lift...
Re: How to lose 20 dollars Hang Gliding Yosemite Valley
June 29, 2010 10:58PM
Just got back from Tuolumne and saw what I thought was a strange boat or part of one being pulled on a trailer. Perhaps this is what I saw. I would have thought this would be illegal... glad to see it's not. Very cool.
avatar Re: How to lose 20 dollars Hang Gliding Yosemite Valley
June 30, 2010 12:27AM
Just got back from Tuolumne and saw what I thought was a strange boat or part of one being pulled on a trailer. Perhaps this is what I saw.

If it had what appeared to be a vertical fin on the top, it would have been a sailplane trailer. (Saw several of them on US395 last weekend.)
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