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Yosemite Valley

The Moon is Waxing Gibbous (55% of Full)


Re: Questions from a first timer

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Questions from a first timer
July 30, 2010 08:37PM
Hey guys, this is my first time planning a trip to Yosemite, and I'm glad that I found this website. I hope that you guys can guide me a bit so my friends and I can have a fun and safe time.

- First off, is there a compilation somewhere of basic information that I should know about planning a 3 day trip, like what to bring, small tips to make the trip more comfortable.

- This was kind of a last minute summer trip with my friends, we're going in two weeks on the weekend of the 14th. The short-sightedness unfortunately means that there were no more available reserved camping spots, meaning we'll be fighting for the 1st come 1st serve spots. The site we're looking at is Camp 4 because we all rock climb; does anyone have any idea how full it would be, how early we should arrive, things we should know about the campsite, etc. If Camp 4 is a bad choice or is full, what's the next best choice?

I will probably have more details as we flesh out the details, but any help you can provide is appreciated. Thanks guys!
avatar Re: Questions from a first timer
July 30, 2010 08:46PM
Well - Camp 4 is $5 per person, per night. Each camper is supposed to check in individually although I'd think if you ask nicely they might be able to get you close to each other or on the same site. I think the weekend will be harder though. There will be a lot of last minute visitors trying to secure a spot at Camp 4.
avatar Re: Questions from a first timer
July 31, 2010 05:02AM
Hey guys, this is my first time planning a trip to Yosemite, and I'm glad that I found this website. I hope that you guys can guide me a bit so my friends and I can have a fun and safe time.

- First off, is there a compilation somewhere of basic information that I should know about planning a 3 day trip, like what to bring, small tips to make the trip more comfortable.

Of course, the NPS Yosemite website is valuable. Otherwise, it depends on what you are trying to accomplish or want to do. I will let others comment on Camp 4. You may want to make contingency plans to stay outside the Valley campgrounds (though still in the park). You and your group will certainly need a vehicle as a starter.

The cure for a fallacious argument is a better argument, not the suppression of ideas.
-- Carl Sagan
avatar Re: Questions from a first timer
July 31, 2010 06:27AM
You can get a wealth of advice from this forum; there are a lot of people here that really know Yosemite well.

But you might try YosemiteFun.com; the webmaster conveys a wide variety of Yosemite information in a fun and practical way.
avatar Re: Questions from a first timer
August 04, 2010 04:18PM
I had no idear that the backcountry was closed in November.

Chick-on is looking at you!
Re: Questions from a first timer
August 04, 2010 10:48PM
I had no idear that the backcountry was closed in November.
Who said that?
avatar Re: Questions from a first timer
August 05, 2010 01:04AM
I had no idear that the backcountry was closed in November.
Who said that?

No, Who's on first.
avatar Re: Questions from a first timer
August 05, 2010 06:43AM
Wutt's on Second?

(eye know who's on third.... just not telling)

Chick-on is looking at you!
avatar Re: Questions from a first timer
August 05, 2010 07:09AM
In repose to the originail ponderation:
"Meester eeek. Yur webby site it ok. It provides much enjoyments, and, eye doles
out loads of on da spotty information and tips (nut my fault no one listen)"
"Keeps up da good works, and makes more attempts to limits da Marmut Virusis"

Signed, Da Choo Choo Ca Coo Chick-on is looking at you!

Chick-on is looking at you!
avatar Re: Questions from a first timer
August 05, 2010 01:41PM
(nut my fault no one listen)

There's a lot of listening. But most of the listeners don't talk.
Re: Questions from a first timer
July 31, 2010 08:10AM
http://yosemitehikes.com is a good reference guide for selecting which trails to hike.
Re: Questions from a first timer
July 31, 2010 08:27PM
You ask for tips to make the trip more comfortable, what do you mean? What kind of tips are you looking for? Do you need suggestions on hikes? Tourist stuff? Places to eat?

What I tell most first timers is to book a trip on the Valley Floor Tour. It is given in an open air tram and is a good introduction to the valley, you'll see all the valley's major sites and get a wealth of information from the tour guide. Another thing not to be missed, IMO, is a live performance by Lee Stetson. I've seen him at least 3 times and he always gives a great performance. He does a one man show telling, from a first person point of view, the stories of John Muir in Yosemite. He literally becomes John Muir.

Some must see hikes include the Mist Trail, the base of Yosemite Falls and Bridalveil Fall and to the top of Upper Yosemite Falls. From the Glacier Point road do the easy hike to the top of Sentinal Dome. If you can, do it at sunset to watch the alpenglow on Half Dome.

Bring your bikes if you have them, there are a few miles of trails that circle around the eastern end of the valley.

Best place to eat, IMO is the Loft Pizza in the Village. I am a pizza lover, so maybe I am biased, but they serve a mean pizza and have good beers on tap. For breakfast, if you are really hungry, you can try the buffet in Curry Village. The cafeteria at the Yosemite Lodge is pretty good with a wide variety of choices. The Mountain Room at the Lodge is fancier food than I normally eat and I probably will never go there again. I just wanted a good steak dinner and IIRC, I had to get some pansy a$$ thing with some funny sauce smothered all over it. The Ahwahnee is not to be missed, if just to walk around and see it. If you want to dine there, then breakfast is a good choice, as there is no dress code and the price, while moderately high, is not too expensive.

For drinks after hours there is the Mountain Room Bar at the Lodge and the bar at the Ahwahnee. I've only been to the one at the Lodge, it is decent, typically priced bar. I've heard good things about the bar at the Ahwahnee, and also that they have a fair selection of food. I was told to try the chili.

HTH. Have fun!

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/31/2010 08:29PM by hotrod4x5.
Re: Questions from a first timer
August 04, 2010 07:42AM
When you come back, let us know how your trip was and what you did. smiling smiley
Re: Questions from a first timer
August 07, 2010 01:01AM
wow, thanks guys for all the suggestions and the random tangent hahaha. I think I have the main activities planned out, it's mostly going to involve hikes and bouldering.

The most pressing concern I now have is the availability of space at Camp 4. We plan to leave from Davis at around 2:30am to drive to Yosemite and get in line for a spot. We're hoping to stay for the coming 13th, 14th, and 15th, so from your collective experiences, how likely are we to get a spot? We have 6-7 people and we'd like to get the same camp but it's fine we split into 2 groups, the main concern is are there going to be spots at all.

The next question is if they do run out of spots, is that too late to check the other 1st come 1st serve spots for camping slots? As in, if Camp 4 fills, what would a good plan B be for finding a place to crash for the night. It doesn't necessary have to be IN Yosemite valley, as long as it doesn't require a 2 hour drive to get down there.

Third, if the conclusion is that Camp 4 is unnaturally crowded this weekend, what's a safer bet where we'd most likely get a spot? I have a few friends driving from Irvine, near LA, the day before and it'd be terrible to have them make the drive only to not be able to camp at all and spend the weekend in a city.

When asking for tips, I was just wondering if there's...tricks of the trade if you will. We're all kind of green to camping so little things that veterans may think is common knowledge, we might miss. Things such as how necessary is insect repellent during this time of year, do we need netting within the tents, what are some unusually good foods for long hikes or camping, etc. What's been written is great, any knowledge is helpful.

Thanks for the responses guys :]
Re: Questions from a first timer
August 07, 2010 06:31AM

The most pressing concern I now have is the availability of space at Camp 4. We plan to leave from Davis at around 2:30am to drive to Yosemite and get in line for a spot. We're hoping to stay for the coming 13th, 14th, and 15th, so from your collective experiences, how likely are we to get a spot? We have 6-7 people and we'd like to get the same camp but it's fine we split into 2 groups, the main concern is are there going to be spots at all.

The next question is if they do run out of spots, is that too late to check the other 1st come 1st serve spots for camping slots? As in, if Camp 4 fills, what would a good plan B be for finding a place to crash for the night. It doesn't necessary have to be IN Yosemite valley, as long as it doesn't require a 2 hour drive to get down there.

Third, if the conclusion is that Camp 4 is unnaturally crowded this weekend, what's a safer bet where we'd most likely get a spot? I have a few friends driving from Irvine, near LA, the day before and it'd be terrible to have them make the drive only to not be able to camp at all and spend the weekend in a city.

You will want the insect repellent at some point. They are still out there. Tioga Pass was pretty good, but higher I was being attacked.

Camp 4 is an hour drive from the next two FC/FS campgrounds (Bridalveil on Glacier Pt Rd or the grounds on Tioga Rd). Factor in sporadic roadwork on the roads (both directions, there is a lot of work going on in the burn area along the 120 heading up to Crane Flat).

camp 4 is 5/per person and walk in - you will be packed into a site with five other people, if you can get a single site for your group you will be fortunate.

Beyond camp 4, your best bet is likely campgrounds in the Crane Flat end of Tioga Rd. That will add drive time to any Valley sightseeing, tho. Other places to crash will be a longer (1.5 - 2 hour) drive. If you can't get to any campground in the morning before 10-11 am you won't find a site. Friday morning would be best.

That is a free park entry weekend. You will have a ton of competition for spots.
Re: Questions from a first timer
August 07, 2010 12:10PM
Camp 4 and the valley is a zoo. If you have never been then you gotta see it but I think you guys would have a lot more fun in the Toulumne meadows / Tioga pass areas. There is lots and lots of granite up there to climb on, especially around Tenaya Lake. Much better chance getting a campsite. You can line up for 1 in TM around 9am or probably get one at Porcupine flat /or Yosemite creek if you are there by 11am. Play in the high country and check out Yosemite Valley just as a day trip from your much quieter camp off Tioga rd.

Do bring your deet but the skeeters should be subsiding by now.
avatar Re: Questions from a first timer
August 10, 2010 06:38PM
or probably get one at Porcupine flat /or Yosemite creek if you are there by 11am.

Yosemite Creek hot at least one empty site Saturday night. Several more opened up after the bear ruckus.
avatar Re: Questions from a first timer
August 10, 2010 07:20PM
Yosemite Creek hot at least one empty site Saturday night. Several more opened up after the bear ruckus.

We thought that you promised not to use that bear outfit again.
(Suitably Yours)
The Marmots
avatar Re: Questions from a first timer
August 10, 2010 05:14PM
You will want the insect repellent at some point. They are still out there. Tioga Pass was pretty good, but higher I was being attacked.

I saw very few mosquitoes during the last four days (miss me) and only near dusk. Never used anything.
Re: Questions from a first timer
August 10, 2010 05:49PM
I had no issues from Tuolumne Meadows down into the Grand Canyon of the Tuolumne. Over 10,000 feet was another story....
avatar Re: Questions from a first timer
August 10, 2010 06:02PM
I had no issues from Tuolumne Meadows down into the Grand Canyon of the Tuolumne. Over 10,000 feet was another story....

You think it would be just the opposite. What draws mosquitos to 10,000'?
avatar Re: Questions from a first timer
August 10, 2010 06:06PM
The only thing I can figure is blood. Some years back a bunch of us went up Hoffman. At the peak the mosquitoes were intolerable. The question still remains though and that is what the hell were they doing that high especially when there is no water source of any kind up there?

Old Dude
avatar Re: Questions from a first timer
August 10, 2010 06:07PM
The only thing I can figure is blood. Some years back a bunch of us went up Hoffman. At the peak the mosquitoes were intolerable. The question still remains though and that is what the hell were they doing that high especially when there is no water source of any kind up there?

Waiting for us? How do they know?
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