After a week of little effort on my part, Craigslist CA is mostly Yosemite campsite free! I did help a few worried people out who were seeking to trade sites, gave them info and directed them to the campsite picture website. I plan on making a quick scan of Craigslist part of my morning routine. Who knows, maybe we will have a better chance of getting a site in the future!
On a different note, if anyone sees when the North Pines sites are released, the ones that are being held back, please let me know. I want at least a weekend so my boys can spend one last time there for a while. June 17th weekend is my plan. Military transfer so we will be gone for a minimum of 4 years. They are flying out here so we can travel X-country together, they moved out early to get into a good school district, and boy do I miss them! Hitting Yellowstone, Grand Tetons and lots of other places.
My email is (now removed for the asshat who signed me up for a gay website 20 mins after I posted it) for the heads up!
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/24/2011 10:20PM by Wickett.