While you spend literally ALL DAY on Craigslist and then championing your triumphs (5 REMOVED!!!) on this blog, you've taken down my posting several times to offer my permits for face value. http://sfbay.craigslist.org/sfc/tix/2423510070.html
It's actually pathetic, you spend all your time on a computer (NOT outdoors) trying to enforce the Half Dome permit policy, instead of realizing that it is an awful policy, put together by a poorly run organization. Not only do they not understand the value of these extremely limited permits for one of the best hikes in the world ($1.50!!!), but they also cant come up with a half decent way to reserve them, refund them, or disallow re-sell.
Why don't you spend your time working on ideas or putting together a proposal for the national parks service to regulate the traffic on the cables so that scalping isn't a viable option? Oh yeah, it's because you're simple-minded wieners who can only think to fight the effect of a problem, and not the cause. Here are some obvious ways they could prevent scalping if they really cared:
1. Require a name to be provided, whose IDs must be shown to Ranger at cables, for all reserved permits. Allow each ID hiker to have one non-ID guest present with them if you want some flexibility for kids or friends.
2. Allow refunds. (I would return my tickets if I could get my money back directly from the NPS).
I am actually more disgusted that you clowns spend your days helping this terrible process survive than I am at people re-selling permits. At least the people re-selling permits have something real to gain from their efforts. You all are trying to gain some feeble sense of power and self worth - really guys, you are NOT fighting the good fight. Get over yourselves. You are just a bunch of geeks temporarily helping some non-Craigslist/non-eBay site get traffic.
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/06/2011 07:44PM by eeek.