So i started june 17th at glacier point to mount star area up to merced junction then to clouds rest back to star mount area and back to glacier point. total 5nights 6days. backpack way to heavy 65lbs!! most from the food though.
ok so join me on my journey here we go!!
This was on our way from the valley to glacier point
almost to glacier point but had to stop to see the snow
ok im off
ok i should tell everyone i was up all day then drove from san diego at midnight and got to yosemite ranger station around 7am with no sleep. then got our permit and hit the trail after eating buffet at curry village (not that great for the price either)
our friend before star mount king camp
finally camp one but I LOST MY SLEEPING PAD on the way so if any one finds it let me know.
nevada falls on day 2 heading to valley just before lost valley (camp2)
Almost steped on this big guy on way to camp 2
Ok lets set up here
Night timeat camp 2 wow its beautiful
woke up to the moon , funny i never saw the moon at night but there it is
I believe this is bunnel falls, tons of mesquitos i have about 18 bites on my back..itch itch
ok i have the worst balance so you go ahead first
footbridge heading to echo valley
wow this valley is the best
let the beatings continue..ouch my pack is too heavy
another friend..hey i smell food could you spare a piece for a poor old friend like me
tons of water flooded parts of trail
luch at merced junction
passed by nasty lake ..almost to camp 3
found a great so happy i thought id go sking
so happy yes so happy
camp 3
our view from my camp site 3
on our way to clouds rest finally some more snow
another damn log crossing which i almost broke my damn ankle getting off
ok so you go first
on our way up to clouds rest
ok cant find trail to clouds rest and should of turned around, cousin fell in snow hole and just not safe
lunch near top of clouds rest, well 700 steps away but im not going up any further
camp 4 near clouds rest trail
gosh im hungry..i love top ramen
ok well as im finishing my trip i noticed picasa had problems loading the rest ..although theres some funny pictures this will have to do
thanks again to all especially CHICK ON!!