Re: Rafting July 14, 2011 03:37PM | Registered: 14 years ago Posts: 1,748 |
Re: Rafting July 15, 2011 08:20AM | Registered: 15 years ago Posts: 671 |
I'll add that the last bus at the end of the 3 mile course leaves at 6pm.
If you have your own raft, you have a couple options. 1.Car shuttle. 2.Get out at Swinging Bridge, deflate and walk to the shuttle stop on the north side of the river. 3.Or rent life jackets, which are your tickets on the bus. You'll have to deflate your raft, but they have a place for them under the seats in the luggage storage area. Buying your own raft may seem expensive, but each person costs $26. So if 4 of you want to raft, that's over $100. You can get a decent 5 man raft for not much more than that. Then you have it for future visits. I got a 5 person (800lb capacity) Sevylor raft for about $150 5 years ago and have used it several times (wish I could visit more in rafting season, but it never works out that way) Although it says 5 man, it comfortably carries 3 adults in reality. Raft two or three times in your visit and it pays for itself.
Anyone happen to know the distance from the launch point to Swinging Bridge?
July 15, 2011 08:36AM | Moderator Registered: 15 years ago Posts: 1,876 |
mtn man
Anyone happen to know the distance from the launch point to Swinging Bridge?
Via the road it's just under a mile from Stoneman Bridge to Swinging Bridge. But add the curvature of the river and you are probably adding about another 1/2 of a mile. Usually takes about 1 1/2 hours to float.
Re: Rafting July 15, 2011 09:00AM | Registered: 15 years ago Posts: 671 |
mtn man
Anyone happen to know the distance from the launch point to Swinging Bridge?
Via the road it's just under a mile from Stoneman Bridge to Swinging Bridge. But add the curvature of the river and you are probably adding about another 1/2 of a mile. Usually takes about 1 1/2 hours to float.
A quick check on TOPO! shows the river distance from Stoneman Bridge to Swinging Bridge as 2.1 miles.
(Southside Road distance between those points is 1.7 miles. It's 1.0 mile from Stoneman Bridge to Sentinel Bridge.)
Re: Rafting July 18, 2011 09:29AM | Registered: 13 years ago Posts: 19 |
I'll add that the last bus at the end of the 3 mile course leaves at 6pm.
If you have your own raft, you have a couple options. 1.Car shuttle. 2.Get out at Swinging Bridge, deflate and walk to the shuttle stop on the north side of the river. 3.Or rent life jackets, which are your tickets on the bus.
FYI - Last year we floated down the river on our own tubes (many times) and we were able to ride the shuttle back for free - no questions asked. We had to deflate our tubes and put them under the bus. We stay in Housekeeping so getting dropped off at Curry works perfectly for us.
Re: Rafting July 23, 2011 09:23PM | Registered: 14 years ago Posts: 1,748 |
I guess it depends on the bus driver. When we were deflating our raft (with our life jackets in hand as our tickets to ride) another couple came up and asked us if we were just going to get on the bus. They also had their own raft. I explained that the jacket was the ticket to ride. I told them that if they walked up the road just a short distance, they could cross Swinging Bridge and catch the regular bus. Just then the girl who was loading rafts came over to them with two life jackets. She said,Quote
I'll add that the last bus at the end of the 3 mile course leaves at 6pm.
If you have your own raft, you have a couple options. 1.Car shuttle. 2.Get out at Swinging Bridge, deflate and walk to the shuttle stop on the north side of the river. 3.Or rent life jackets, which are your tickets on the bus.
FYI - Last year we floated down the river on our own tubes (many times) and we were able to ride the shuttle back for free - no questions asked. We had to deflate our tubes and put them under the bus. We stay in Housekeeping so getting dropped off at Curry works perfectly for us.
"If you will return these for me, I will let you take them as your ticket for the bus."
As we boarded the bus, the driver watched every single person and clicked a clicker for each person/life jacket.
This was my experience, I guess you guys got lucky. Personally, for the 2 bucks it cost to get the jacket, I wouldn't risk not getting a ride back. Oh, and you don't need to stand in the long raft line to get jackets, just go to the bike register to the left and pay for your jackets without waiting in the long line.
July 15, 2011 07:21AM | Registered: 15 years ago Posts: 7,421 |
Re: Rafting July 15, 2011 08:14AM | Registered: 15 years ago Posts: 671 |
Hmm.... I've actually never contemplated boating the river.
I presume with my own boat I can get jump in and out wherever I want...
Prob. jump in at Clarks and float down to Cathedral Beach... 5 miles o floating...
I also presume I don't really need a life jacket... although you do.
Get in before 10am and I got it to myself... hmm....
July 15, 2011 08:39AM | Registered: 15 years ago Posts: 7,421 |
Re: Rafting July 15, 2011 08:50AM | Registered: 15 years ago Posts: 671 |
Bummer... wanted to floaty down to El Cap area... and hang out there...
Buzz kill
tanks for the info
July 15, 2011 11:20AM | Registered: 15 years ago Posts: 4,173 |
mtn man
Bummer... wanted to floaty down to El Cap area... and hang out there...
Buzz kill
tanks for the info
Years ago (20 or so) you could go all the way to the old El Cap. picnic ground and get out there. Took about 3 hours. Great float ride! And you used to be able to put your raft in at the Lower Pines and North Pines campgrounds.
Re: Rafting July 15, 2011 11:26AM | Registered: 14 years ago Posts: 1,748 |
July 15, 2011 11:31AM | Registered: 15 years ago Posts: 4,173 |
get out of the river at the Yellow Pines campground. And earlier, even farther down at Cathedral Beach.
Yellow Pines?? Is that a defunct site?
July 15, 2011 12:35PM | Moderator Registered: 15 years ago Posts: 1,876 |
get out of the river at the Yellow Pines campground. And earlier, even farther down at Cathedral Beach.
Yellow Pines?? Is that a defunct site?
No. It's still an active group campground. But it's usually reserved by groups closely connected to Yosemite. Volunteers working for the Yosemite Conservancy often camp there. I've seen it used year around, including in the middle of winter.
July 15, 2011 01:05PM | Registered: 15 years ago Posts: 7,421 |
July 15, 2011 02:10PM | Moderator Registered: 15 years ago Posts: 1,876 |
This one has it on it:
July 18, 2011 02:34PM | Registered: 15 years ago Posts: 4,173 |
July 15, 2011 01:15PM | Registered: 15 years ago Posts: 4,173 |
July 15, 2011 01:20PM | Registered: 15 years ago Posts: 4,173 |
Is it the campground labelled "Muir Tree" seen below just below and left of the center of the scanned image (from an old entrance station handout map)?
July 15, 2011 01:37PM | Admin Registered: 15 years ago Posts: 17,119 |
Is it the campground labelled "Muir Tree" seen below just below and left of the center of the scanned image (from an old entrance station handout map)?
I just want to note how "streamline" the Four Mile Trail was depicted back then. Not one single switchback at all on the trail!
Re: Rafting July 15, 2011 01:46PM | Registered: 15 years ago Posts: 671 |
get out of the river at the Yellow Pines campground. And earlier, even farther down at Cathedral Beach.
Yellow Pines?? Is that a defunct site?
No. It's still an active group campground. But it's usually reserved by groups closely connected to Yosemite. Volunteers working for the Yosemite Conservancy often camp there. I've seen it used year around, including in the middle of winter.
Is it the campground labelled "Muir Tree" seen below just below and left of the center of the scanned image (from an old entrance station handout map)?
Re: Rafting July 18, 2011 11:25AM | Registered: 14 years ago Posts: 864 |
Re: Rafting July 15, 2011 01:58PM | Registered: 15 years ago Posts: 671 |
mtn man
Bummer... wanted to floaty down to El Cap area... and hang out there...
Buzz kill
tanks for the info
Years ago (20 or so) you could go all the way to the old El Cap. picnic ground and get out there. Took about 3 hours. Great float ride! And you used to be able to put your raft in at the Lower Pines and North Pines campgrounds.
Why did the Park Service shorten the route along the Merced?
I recall even back in the 1990's one could legally float down past Sentinel Beach and get out of the river at the Yellow Pines campground. And earlier, even farther down at Cathedral Beach.
July 15, 2011 02:03PM | Admin Registered: 15 years ago Posts: 17,119 |
Re: Rafting July 15, 2011 02:14PM | Registered: 15 years ago Posts: 671 |
mtn man
For many years now they have used Sentinel picnic area.
Something to remember if one is planning a picnic.
July 15, 2011 02:33PM | Admin Registered: 15 years ago Posts: 17,119 |
mtn man
Good point. Yes that picnic area during raftng season is very busy with buses and large trucks picking up the rafts. For a quieter area in the Valley one might want to go to Cathedral or El Cap. picninc areas. Or just find a place to park and find your own spot along the Merced (don't forget the anti- mosquito stuff).
Re: Rafting July 15, 2011 04:29PM | Registered: 15 years ago Posts: 671 |
mtn man
mtn man
Bummer... wanted to floaty down to El Cap area... and hang out there...
Buzz kill
tanks for the info
Years ago (20 or so) you could go all the way to the old El Cap. picnic ground and get out there. Took about 3 hours. Great float ride! And you used to be able to put your raft in at the Lower Pines and North Pines campgrounds.
Why did the Park Service shorten the route along the Merced?
I recall even back in the 1990's one could legally float down past Sentinel Beach and get out of the river at the Yellow Pines campground. And earlier, even farther down at Cathedral Beach.
The El Capitan picnic area was relocated off the Merced in 1992. The Muir Tree campground was closed around 1983.
When they took out the El Capitan picnic area (the old one) which was right along the Merced (they relocated it to the north side of Northside Drive), the rafting concession had to find another place to take out their rafts. I think they used Cathedral picnic area first, but I could be wrong. For many years now they have used Sentinel picnic area. Definitely a shorter float ride than it used to be.
July 15, 2011 08:52AM | Moderator Registered: 15 years ago Posts: 1,876 |
Bummer... wanted to floaty down to El Cap area... and hang out there...
Buzz kill
tanks for the info
July 15, 2011 11:28AM | Registered: 15 years ago Posts: 4,173 |
Rafting is also permitted on the South Fork of the Merced River in the Wawona area.
Re: Rafting July 18, 2011 09:23AM | Registered: 13 years ago Posts: 285 |
Re: Rafting July 16, 2011 09:39PM | Registered: 13 years ago Posts: 145 |
Re: Rafting July 24, 2011 06:19PM | Registered: 13 years ago Posts: 66 |
Re: Rafting July 24, 2011 10:57PM | Registered: 14 years ago Posts: 1,748 |
Basically they say the levels are a month behind. So in Sept, expect August conditions.Quote
Red Lipstick
I bring my own raft...I usually do this in September. There are some very shallow parts, by this time of the year, so we pull the raft through, a few feet. I wonder if this year, the water level will be a bit higher in Sept..