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I'm back!! Radiation report!!

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avatar I'm back!! Radiation report!!
August 03, 2011 03:52AM
Well we had a GREAT time while at Yosemite. From June 8th - June 23rd we went up Yosemite Falls and camped up there for a few days, stayed at Wawona 6 days and then off to LYV and then on to Half Dome at sunrise the first full day the cables were up.(23rd). My teenage sons (3 ea.) had the time of their life. First time for them and seventh time for me, first time to visit other than winter time. Way too crowded in the valley for me!! Myself being a Welding Inspector, I had just received a new dosimeter for the 2nd quarter of the year (unexposed). I clipped it to my camera bag and had it checked through at airport security not expose to their scanners and then once to the park I wore it on my backpack everywhere I traveled. When not hiking it was clipped at our campsite. I have just received my Dosimetry Report and not to my surprise, it had been exposed to a years exposure limit for a person of general public. (100 mrem/year max.) Mine was exposed to 118 mrem in 16 days!! This was just exposure from the elements of the outdoors. ( Dust, pollen etc.) Filtered water through carbon may not have been too bad, but who knows?? I know something is going to kill us but it is the risk we take!! I thank everyone who passed on info for the planning of our trip of a lifetime for my boys. It was THE BEST!! It is really sad to hear of the fatalities that continue to happen in this great place because of lack of knowledge and skills in the great outdoors. My prayers go out for these families and friends of these people. Once again, THANKS TO ALL for your knowledge and help. Keep up the good job!Bowing to his greatness
avatar Re: I'm back!! Radiation report!!
August 03, 2011 07:30AM
I thought you were already green when you started.. ???

Glad you had a good time.

I think I'm in serious trouble... seems like I've been in the snow for the entire year so far
minus maybe 3 trips... My fur is still a brilliant effervescent pink... although some may
be due to that I'm now getting some on regular basis. wink

If you don't know what I'm talking bout:

Chick-on is looking at you!
avatar Re: I'm back!! Radiation report!!
August 03, 2011 02:47PM
I think I recall reading that there is all kinds of natural occurring radioactive materials around us. Not just the Radon released from granite, but also ceramics, stones, glass, fertilizer, etc. The key thing I always walk away from is the way it is written, "measurable radioactive sources". From this I infer that the levels are not easily measurable in a repeatable fashion.

Do we have a Nuclelar versed person in the house to explain the 16 days can give this gentleman 100+ mRem of biological risk? Is the snow packed with more radiation that normal due to Fukushima perhaps?

I dunno.

How can we connect all this with Chick-On's love life is yet another topic to be explored...
avatar Re: I'm back!! Radiation report!!
August 03, 2011 07:50AM
Myself being a Welding Inspector, I had just received a new dosimeter for the 2nd quarter of the year (unexposed). I clipped it to my camera bag and had it checked through at airport security not expose to their scanners and then once to the park I wore it on my backpack everywhere I traveled. When not hiking it was clipped at our campsite. I have just received my Dosimetry Report and not to my surprise, it had been exposed to a years exposure limit for a person of general public. (100 mrem/year max.) Mine was exposed to 118 mrem in 16 days!! This was just exposure from the elements of the outdoors. ( Dust, pollen etc.) Filtered water through carbon may not have been too bad, but who knows??

No control (reference/comparison)?

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 08/03/2011 07:51AM by szalkowski.
avatar Re: I'm back!! Radiation report!!
August 03, 2011 09:07AM
My control(master control/and or series control) was sent for monitoring radiation exposure during shipment which then was stored in a radioactive free area at my office. The control reading had a minimal reporting service of 1 mrem. The radiation quality was photon medium energy 40 keV to 200 keV. My dosimeters contain a filter pack with aluminum, copper/aluminum, and plastic filters with an open window. Dose equivalents applies to whole body exposure and eye dose equivalent and shallow dose equivalent to the external exposure of the skin. A plane flight cross-country may cause 5-10 mrem. This was only a test!! Even as I am exposed to radiation in my field of work, PMI( Positive material identification) guns & welding x-rays being performed, I have never had readings this high in a 3 month period, let alone 16 days! Go figure??
Re: I'm back!! Radiation report!!
August 03, 2011 09:54AM
Isn't that one of the properties of granite, being a Radon source? Seems that I've read it can even be an issue with granite counter tops. I wonder if there have been any studies on exposure levels of full time Yosemite residents.
avatar Re: I'm back!! Radiation report!!
August 03, 2011 10:41AM
Radon is an issue in every artesian well that bores into granite bedrock.
Re: I'm back!! Radiation report!!
August 03, 2011 03:48PM
Myself being a Welding Inspector, I had just received a new dosimeter for the 2nd quarter of the year (unexposed). I clipped it to my camera bag and had it checked through at airport security not expose to their scanners and then once to the park I wore it on my backpack everywhere I traveled. When not hiking it was clipped at our campsite. I have just received my Dosimetry Report and not to my surprise, it had been exposed to a years exposure limit for a person of general public. (100 mrem/year max.) Mine was exposed to 118 mrem in 16 days!! This was just exposure from the elements of the outdoors. ( Dust, pollen etc.):

According to the Radiation Information Network the average person in the United States receives about 360 mrem every year whole body equivalent dose. This is mostly from natural sources of radiation, such as radon.

I don't want to lecture you but I can't believe that you took your dosimeter on vacation. One of the positions that I held when I worked in a university research lab was that I was the Safety and Compliance Officer for my department. If someone removed their dosimeter from their workplace they would be sent to Human Resources, be reprimanded and sent to retake a Radiation Safety course. Depending on the job, one might even be put on probation. Of course, I hope that you are aware that you messed up your report and those records are compiled through out the year and if your exposure is too high then you will not be allowed to work for a period of time.
avatar Re: I'm back!! Radiation report!!
August 04, 2011 02:35AM
SHAME ON ME!!no, stop, enough!

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 08/04/2011 02:45AM by beardbuster.
avatar Re: I'm back!! Radiation report!!
August 04, 2011 04:28AM

Since I am "THE BOSS" , I think I will put myself on probation say " next year" and go for another 3 weeks vacation, but to Yellowstone and The Grand Tetons!

I think the "BOSS" is full of it.
avatar Re: I'm back!! Radiation report!!
August 04, 2011 05:48AM
Stirred your little pot didn't I !! Edited my post not to provoke your anger!! I am the "Boss". Like it or not. Still going to go to Yellowstone and The Grand Tetons. You need to get out more and try to enjoy life more. You worry too much about the little stuff. RELAX!! Go camping or something. ANYTHING!! Get off of this boob tube more!! Have a blessed day eeek.Backpacker
Re: I'm back!! Radiation report!!
August 04, 2011 09:18AM
Stirred your little pot didn't I !! Edited my post not to provoke your anger!! I am the "Boss". Like it or not. Still going to go to Yellowstone and The Grand Tetons. You need to get out more and try to enjoy life more. You worry too much about the little stuff. RELAX!! Go camping or something. ANYTHING!! Get off of this boob tube more!! Have a blessed day eeek.Backpacker

You don't work for me so why should I be angry with you or worried about you? I was just pointing out that you were misusing your dosimeter. From your response to eeek and me, maybe you should be the one to RELAX. LOL And don't worry about eeek and me getting out more since from what he posts he gets out a lot and I have been to Yosemite every 3-4 weeks since December. Enough meaningless comment on this subject.

Have a great time in Yellowstone and the Tetons. We never seem to go there enough since they are on our list of top 10 favorite parks. We only got to spend 10 nights in that area last year and are itching to go again. Too many parks, not enough time.
avatar Re: I'm back!! Radiation report!!
August 04, 2011 03:41PM
Stirred your little pot didn't I !!

No, at best you are nothing more than comic relief.
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